ForumsThe TavernWhat grinds your gears?

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Everyone has something that sets them off. What gets your blood boiling? For me it's when soda cans are dented upwards at the top and you can't open them.

  • 35 Replies
13,344 posts

Every time Adele comes out with a new song and people think it's quality music. Folks, let me tell you now, just because an unattractive woman can pretend to have soul by singing in a cheap imitation soul voice doesn't mean she actually has soul. If you want soul, listen to Aretha Franklin or James Brown, not some random white English woman with a Peter Griffin chin.

6,800 posts

If I were a cynic, I'd say that people only like Adele because her gross imperfections stand a convienent counter to what most society says is beauty, and thus they can support her as it makes them feel better about themselves and hides the fact that not only do they believe and support societies idea of beauty, they actively seek it themselves.

I hate blowhards who are so overly assured in their own correctness that they blindly point fingers and call names while conviently ignoring the fact that theres just as many fingers pointing back at them. Or, most of the people in the WEPR.

9,808 posts

Oh snap Ernie! Tell it like it is haha

When people act like they know me more than myself..that always pisses me off

1,773 posts

racist. I just cant handle myself. found myself 3 times arguing with completly strangers. once abord, not in my own country! he said something against the muslim socity, so i told him my opinion. killed 15 minutes.

oh, also kids. espeicely the Israelian kids. when i was in rhodes, i could say who is Israeli and who is not.
ill give an exmple -
i ate with 2 friends in the buffet. a young russian kid poke her dad shirt, and in silence told him something. &quotapa papa, 'rusian'..."
then he walked to the buffet and take a single cupckae and gave her.

then came a Israeli family. ill translate - "daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!! im huuuuuuungggreeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy! give me foooooooood!". then he ran, almost triped a waitress, didnt even excuse and just grabbed the many cupcakes he was able too. i wanted to Euthanized him on the spot. I actualy went to the waitress and apoligise to her foorthis kid actions. afcours his parents didnt. my friends hold me so i wont go and yell at them. i mean commone peoples! educate your kids! the dining room is not a playground!!!!
be quite! gash, i hate it. I dont sya go prussian on them, but a little respect! its a public place! you dont play tag in the lobby and you are not yelling in the street!

and for last, i just hate people who critisize gaming. Its a bounch of old people who dont understand! the fact you play on the computer and dont go out and play Hopscotch with the neighborse kids dont mean you are a Sociopath!
people dont want to kill because they play a game with violance!
sure, they 'got ideas', but a person who kill because of a game his a mental ill, who will do it for other reasons. I mean people killed because of a book! "Catcher in the Rye". so bann books too!??!?! raaaaaaaaaaggge!

3,766 posts

I hate people that get mad over stuff they cannot control.

Ok, really it is almost impossible to make me angry. There are only a few things that will set me off and you do not want to see me mad. That thing I said up there bugs me but to get my blood boiling you really have to piss me off. And I am never going to tell you people how to do that or I you would wish you hadn't.

5,952 posts

racist. I just cant handle myself. found myself 3 times arguing with completly strangers. once abord, not in my own country! he said something against the muslim socity, so i told him my opinion. killed 15 minutes.

To branch of that, I find it incredibly annoying when they make a big deal out of it. Someone interviewed Morgan freeman about black history month, and he said it was stupid and insulting. When asked why, he replied with "well is their a white history month?"
Things like that. People who make a HUGE deal out of race, sexuality or gay opinion. If you want to be treated equally, then stop making a big deal out of things. I get it, you are a little different. It doesn't affect most of us.

And when someone doesn't sharpen their pencil all the way. Then when they wright, it makes a scratchy sound *shivers*
5,952 posts

Ok, really it is almost impossible to make me angry.

Challenge excepted
I slept with your mother.
Your dad is a monkey.
Your head is in the shape of a large wiener.
You have butt-cancer
U mad yet?
How about now?
I hate people that get mad over stuff they cannot control.

I got mad over something I can't control. This makes you mad, but you are mad over something you can't control. Thus you are mad at your mother for giving birth to you, but that is also something you cannot control. So you best go play some video games, because you can control those.
1,361 posts

It's hard to make me angry... but for some reason it really gets to me, even though I know I can't control it, when women are named Terry or Teri or any variation. My name is Terry and it confuses the hell out of me to have to share the name with the ladies! =P

13,055 posts

When Conservatives make idiotic comments on TV (which is everyday) that makes me want to beat them up. >:O))))

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

*****y girls, music snobs like Christgau, Libertarians, complainers, ingrates and CoD fanboys.

1,373 posts

This is hard to determine, everything pisses me off these days. Very little things don't bother me. But what really gets my blood boiling is watching this guy by the named "Horse... I don't know how smashing your penis is considered a 'Talent', and I have absolutely no way of comprehending that this person is a role model to people!! I was about to take a hammer and throw it at the TV, but unfortunately I have no money so I can't replace it. How in the world is this considered a talent? This is not a talent, this is called having a IQ lower then 30 points. Completely stupid, and stupidity tends to make me furious so Horse (Zac Gordon) takes the cake!

Every time Adele comes out with a new song and people think it's quality music. Folks, let me tell you now, just because an unattractive woman can pretend to have soul by singing in a cheap imitation soul voice doesn't mean she actually has soul.

Ouch Ernie, that is like more then a burn... a uber burn! But non the less I agree with him, I don't like any of her songs! Most of her songs just make me want to pound my head against a wall because its always about on relationship after another. If I wanted to hear about relationships and there issues I'd read a book, I'll play the words in my head like a soundtrack.
1,824 posts

I hate it when threads are misnamed. Grinding gears are good, it means the machine is on.
No, no. That's not what I hate.
I hate stupidity. Which, yes, covers a hell of a lot of things in this modern world. But, I have five tabs open with threads that caught my eye, so this is all I will say.
My approach to stupidity;

13,344 posts

When Conservatives make idiotic comments on TV

Actually, I find that hilarious. Maybe because I'm not conservative.

Ouch Ernie, that is like more then a burn... a uber burn!

If she can set fire to the rain, she can take a severe burn now and then.

Grinding gears are good, it means the machine is on.

Not when the machine is anger. You don't want to get that machine going.
1,773 posts

Amen on that nichodemus!

1,666 posts


i think your post there was just racist in its own way, honestly.

but i am not going into detail because i am not going into a fight with you.


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