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Here is my worst one: their was this guy chasing me and so police officers were trying to shoot him, but he had a minigun and shot them first. the police were kids too. Then I was running away, and he brought out a knife. He followed me through rain drainage pipe. Then, when he was about to stab me a golden arm started wrestling him. Then I would wake up. This happened eight times in nine days.

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256 posts

I haven't had a dream for a while. The only bad one I've had was when Iwas like 7 and watched a scary episode of CSI. I don't think its scary now, but in my dream I was in the episode and I was getting hunted by a murderer. HAve had peacefull dreams for the past 2 or 3 years

9,808 posts

Worst dream I've ever had...

It was my family and I sitting in the living room of my old house watching tv (right here I will point out, this dream was a lot more clear than my other dreams...all my dreams have a sort of hazy feel about them..but not this one). As we are sitting there talking the tv goes static. We all look at the tv wondering what happened...and then a rumbling started (not like an earthquake rumbling...but like the rumbling you see in a movie or game when like a demon or terrible monster rises up) and the dream itself turned a bit red (as if someone put a red filter on a camera). Then, as that is going on, a large, powerful, booming voice (not screaming...just very calm but still powerful. Also, was not like any voice I've ever had in a didn't even feel a part of the dream..but at the same time it didn't have the feel of someone talking in the "conscious world" and it coming through in the was a completely surreal feeling) says "HE IS COMING"...and as the word "coming" is being said a very faint piercing scream comes up (disembodied as well).

Then I awoke in a cold sweat and breathing very heavily

991 posts

I appear to be on a calm lake in a canoe. There are tall, snowy mountains in the far distance, and it is slightly flurrying on the quiet water. With thick snow on the ground nearby, grass pokes out trying to survive.
As I slowly row through the water, I look down but I can't see too deep. Several bubbles rise to the surface, but nothing comes up. Everything is silent and serine. As I slowly close my eyes, I breathe in deeply.
I hear a woman's soft voice, but I can't make out the words. I open my eyes and I am no longer on the lake, but standing on top of an enormous canyon.
As I look down, I notice the dusty orange rock beneath my feet. I begin levitating off of the ground, and start floating. I spot a small puddle and as I move towards it my whole body is cooled and I feel refreshed. I look down into the puddle- but I don't have a reflection.

13,344 posts

The only recent dream I can remember at this time is one I had a few nights ago, and even that one I can only remember a vague premise of.

As I recall, I was watching (or living) the second part of Harry Potter 7. In the dream, I had not seen Harry Potter 7, so it turned out to be something completely different. If I remember correctly, Severus Snape had gone mad with power and he was destroying a bridge somewhere with giant glass bullets. Similar to the beginning of the first part of HP7, but nothing alike in the dream.

Sad to say, that's all I can remember for now. If I think of anything else, you guys will be the first to know.

154 posts

I've never really had a vivid dream, however about six months ago I had a really scary dream. I know other might find that it isn't scary, or even funny, but I just had that feeling. There is also a reccuring dream that I've had for a while which scares the hell out of me, but I only remember what it is immediately after I wake up. Anyway, my dream started In the water, in a gigantic sea sized swimming pool ( it had tiles). I had a first person view of cloudy water. I felt an extreme sense of foreboding, but I swim around and see nothing. I don't seem to need air. Suddenly, I switch to a third person view, and I turn out to be a fish. Behind me, There is a Dark Shape, which I see out of the corner of my eye, but I cannot see fully. It slowly creeps closer and closer until BAM! I wake up, scared S***less.

5,823 posts

'Nuff said.

514 posts

So ture manlyman! Anyways, my weirdest dream goes like this:

I was walking in the forest with some friends from school. For some reason there was a boardwalk in the woods... IDK why. Just random. Then we kept going up and up this hill, still on the boardwalk. Next we saw 3 Imperial Red Guards from Star Wars and we sprinted down the hill and towards a minivan. When I got to the minivan I screamed and got speared by one of the guards and then screamed and woke up.

BTW, if you don't know what an Imperial Red Guard looks like, here's a picture.

1,373 posts

I don't actually dream much, I hardly have dreams. I don't know anyone that has this, but I do. But when I do have dreams, they are rather violent or a bit to abstract. I don't have an interest in remembering my dreams, for I don't see how they can benefit me. But I do remember some of the dreams I have had. One time I had a dream very similar to the movie "Die Hard".

I was in a building, I am not sure what this building was, and I was someone of law enforcement for I was holding a gun. Then a gang had come inside the building and started shooting and killing everyone. Me, being an enforcer of law, had to stop them. Everything else in the dream is very vague to me and I don't remember anything else about it. Only certain snippets of what had happened. Not sure what a dream like that could mean though...

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