ForumsThe Tavernhacking - to become an administrator on your "parent's" computer

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132 posts

this topic I will teach u how to change your parents computer.
meaning by changing your parent's computer to yours.
if ur sick of parental controls or whatever I will tell you how to make the computer administrator "you" honest.

WARNING there is a solid 85% chance or so that u might get busted for all that I will be talking about.

kellynmcfinch is not responsible if u get busted.

I will teach you if u want.
and if u choose to do all this or not I don't care what path you choose its your life. see WARNING.

I will teach u guys some time in the future.


  • 31 Replies
3,152 posts

You should have just told us about your method from the beginning.

This thread is already running awful close to being against the rules (at least the way I interpret them.) Why push it even closer?
9,808 posts

but if u change your mind... well tell me anytime you do

This is goin to sound mean, yes, but I just get the feeling that there is just a strong amount of arrogance in this comment. I feel like you have this idea in your head that you are some kind of great hacker (despite doing something so easy)...and if you do have that idea in your mind, then I advise you get rid of it. I'd tell you why, but alas, rules 1 & 2 of the interwebs

violating your own family's stuff is not illegal because its part of your property and getting scolded and grounded is better than getting arrested.

Really? my property? So my parent's computer is now my property? So..what you are saying is...I bought the computer..but I'm just letting my parent use it?

Believe it or not.. i did all this on the laptop i'm using now.

Good for you...and I've pirated music. You don't see me going around acting like it is some complicated process that must be dealt with the upmost secrecy.
5,552 posts

Really? my property? So my parent's computer is now my property? So..what you are saying is...I bought the computer..but I'm just letting my parent use it?

The reason it's not illegal to 'hack' (or in this case, change some basic settings...) your parents computer is the same reason it's not vandalism when your cat scratches up the couch.
13,817 posts

This thread is already running awful close to being against the rules (at least the way I interpret them.) Why push it even closer?

It's interesting how he hasn't even elaborated on how this "hack" would work and we're already all over him.

Plus, if he did actually post anything inherently illegal we could actually get this blasted thread closed instead of beating a limp, unconscious horse. Instead, we spooked him.

Oh, btw if you're reading this OP, I didn't mean to disparage you.
767 posts

Yeah sure you all have good comments but
i dont get a... ok nevermind its your life you can do whatever you want with your parents computer i'm not stopping you guys. but if u change your mind... well tell me anytime you do

see ya

You sound like what pang said:
This is goin to sound mean, yes, but I just get the feeling that there is just a strong amount of arrogance in this comment. I feel like you have this idea in your head that you are some kind of great hacker (despite doing something so easy)...and if you do have that idea in your mind, then I advise you get rid of it. I'd tell you why, but alas, rules 1 & 2 of the interwebs

I don't quite agree with the mention of rule 1 and 2. I see no reason for them to apply to this moment since OP just looked up this on Google and if he did dare tell us, he would probably copy and paste it.
Furthermore, OP, why do you think you are the great hacker? I bet you don't know one computer language? Can you tell the difference between a GPU, PSU, CPU, CRT, and Ram without Google? Can you use CMD without Google's help?

I get the impression that you are young. I mean the only reason I see the point in doing that is if you want to go on the other side of the internet. But you make no impression to want that. Doing so, you are likely to be young.

Good for you...and I've pirated music. You don't see me going around acting like it is some complicated process that must be dealt with the upmost secrecy.

You really shouldn't say that. Even if most internet users have pirated before. OR are major pirates.

Tl;dr...stay away from hacks and hacking, until you have a grip on what the consequences are.
3,426 posts

And why would you want to use your parent's computer?

3,152 posts

And why would you want to use your parent's computer?

Not everyone is fortunate enough to have their own computer.

[quote]Hey guys I know how to make a million dollars!

Oh boy!

Warning: There is a solid chance you make get busted, so be careful.

With some sentence like that, this appears to be something illegal.

Just a note once again, don't do this at school. Only at home because it is very illegal. I will tell you guys later.

Interesting... It's illegal at school, so do it at home. Does doing it at home make it any less illegal?

Believe it or not, I'm a millionaire right now.

Really? You have a ton of money right now, and you would rather tell Armor Games about it then go out and spend it? HoHo! Don't make me laugh.

The discussion of illegal activity is highly frowned upon. Read the forum rules.
5,823 posts

considering that it's not hacking and your parents did pay for the computer, hacking should be in quotes not parent's

~manly man

9,808 posts

I don't quite agree with the mention of rule 1 and 2. I see no reason for them to apply to this moment

I don't like when people try to claim to be great hackers when they actually couldn't hack something to save their life. I was just letting him know that if he continues to act the way he is acting about his "hacking abilities" that I would get so annoyed to the point that I would have to get /b/ on him (darn you Ace...making me bend those rules a bit). I have a very low tolerance for (and get very annoyed by) people that pretend to be great hackers

You really shouldn't say that

I shouldn't...but eh haha

until you have a grip on what the consequences are.

Well this is obvious..because nich already gave the answer to this! Santa Claus wouldn't be happy

*Was definitely NOT being sarcastic*

Not sarcastic...just a bunch of lies.
547 posts

I guess it's changing a few setting and maybe a bit of commands.

125 posts

*I think this thread proves there are no moderators that aren't on an extremely long hiatus.

And that includes Gantic.

6,800 posts

*I think this thread proves there are no moderators that aren't on an extremely long hiatus.

And that includes Gantic.

The Mods are asleep... Post CP!
3,152 posts

*Was definitely NOT being sarcastic*

I'm glad you were. In the future, I recommend that you are sarcastic about something else, rather then something that is against the rules.
4,375 posts

****, I came here looking for the guide on how to piss off my parents and completely disregard their authority by putting forth extra effort to get around rules they set for me on something they are kind enough to let me use. If any one knows where that guide is, please link me to it, thanks.

9,808 posts

If any one knows where that guide is, please link me to it, thanks.

I'm just goin to pretend you aren't being serious....hopefully I'm right...
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