For those of you who dont know, I live in North East America. We are preparing for the hurricane at my house. Schools might be closed too. Anyone else in my position? And has anyone else heard about it? I havent seen a forum on this topic, but if there is, I sowwy.
All schools in my area are closed tomorrow....... Exept mine. Fml.
When I lived in New Mexico and it snowed, literally all the schools in the state were closed, except for mine. We just had a 2 hour delay. It sucked. So I feel your pain.
I think its as over hyped as Irene was. The media has a tendency to do that. But I don't know, time will tell.
It definitely is. They are using words like "dire" and calling it Frankenstorm. The only reason this storm is extraordinary is because it's headed for New York and they might not be ready. Here in Virginia, or Marryland. This is just a rainy day.
I want to believe it's over-hyped, but most the scientific data I've looked says it could be quite the storm. Hope everybody is safe and prepared. Doesn't hurt, just in case.
I live in the North East coast too. I'm not too worried, except about losing power. All the schools in my area are shut down.
Hell yeah. Well my school finally shut down. Yippy. Now I'll be stuck at home with no power. The sheer joy -_-
Hell yeah, its gonna be SOOOO fun. Sitting around bored as hell. Since you live on the east coast, were you in that storm that knocked out power last year? I didn't have power for a week. GEt ready to do it over agian.
Like you said pickpocket the schools are closed, this means I can take those pictures that I said I would put up.
So first, a picture of my back yard at a normal high-ish tide.
I don't know what the moon phase was during that time but it was probably almost full because that is a pretty high tide for where I live.
Now, the same picture as it was at 9:00 am EST this morning. It was also high tide when I took this picture.
There are a few points of reference in these pictures I would like you guys to notice. Obviously the orange sign is completely submerged in the storm picture, but the more useful one is that canoe on the dock is almost completely underwater. I would say about 5 feet above normal!
well, that must suck pickpocket. I live on the mainland florida (near tallahassee) and it will be rainy, but none of the FWOOOOSHHH KRAKOW BLAAAAM that will happen to you.
Well, I'm about 3 hours into the storm, and it really hasn't been all that bad. Not much rain or wind. The highest wind speed in my area was around 22 mph. Its supposed to get worse later on.
From northern New York myself. Reports say that Sandy (or the leftovers rather) are going to hit us here sometime around Tuesday/Wednesday.
I'm not too worried about it. We've had some pretty harsh weather up here (had a microburst a few months ago) and we've survived. Not to mention the ice storms and typical harsh winters. The only thing I hate about these storms? It's a huge hassle trying to have a smoke outside when it is gusting at over 50mph and raining super hard.