For those of you who dont know, I live in North East America. We are preparing for the hurricane at my house. Schools might be closed too. Anyone else in my position? And has anyone else heard about it? I havent seen a forum on this topic, but if there is, I sowwy.
its 4:00 in quakertown PA. sandy's complete riath is just about on top of me. well, no power outages yet, but there might be. idk.........hmm..........
It seemed like we were one of the few universities in the Northeast not to shut down operations until **** finally got so bad that they sent out an email telling us afternoon classes were cancelled. Also, a tree fell down near my dorm, and I are scurred as fuark. I might starve.
I remember a couple years ago when a wind storm kept my school out of power three days. Except my power only went out for an hour, so I got the best of both worlds :P
Powers out. Posting from my phone now. I'm slowly dieing on the inside.
I was on my way to come beat up Sandy and save you pickpocket...but then a water droplet fell on me and I hightailed it out of was terrifying
Try living in Massachuchettes. We're gonna get hit much harder. =(
I live in Massachusetts too. Not hit that hard where I live. I din't lose power, thank god, but I lost something MUCH MUCH worse. Internet access. From like 6 last night to now. It was horrible.
I was on my way to come beat up Sandy and save you pickpocket...but then a water droplet fell on me and I hightailed it out of was terrifying
Lol. Yesterday one of my friends told me he lost power so I went out to check it out. Bad idea. One gust of wind and I got SOAKED. I hightailed right back inside. I agree with you pang, its terrible.
I should be fine, I'm in central Ohio. Not saying I'm not hoping for a snow day. It did snow this morning. Also, I have to point this out. The soldiers that guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington, D.C. are not leaving their post. Even during the full force of the hurricane. Here's an article on that. That is just so incredible.
Just a little wind here in the Midwest. Nothing bad at all. We're expecting some rain Saturday, but it'll be as weak as a few showers by the time it reaches us.
Did you guys see CNN this morning? They had cameras in NYC. The entire city was dead. Ever see I Am Legend? I'm not kidding you, it honestly looked like that.
Wow, those soldiers sure are loyal. Even though the first pic is not from Sandy, its still impressive. Those guys sense of duty is amazing. It just can't be put into words.
NYC is just...deserted. It just shows the impact Sandy had.
I live in the south so I am unaffected by Sandy, besides the harsh winds and rain. I am just glad that nothing like this can last forever, so it is going to end at one point or another. Stay safe though if you are stuck in it.