Do any of you guys/girls feel like "oh that person has that armatar so if I choose it people will think I'm a copier."
I had a perfect example of this, when I went to visit Jeff1999 I saw a comment on his profile with Minotaur55 asking him why he was using his "armatar"
And Mino, I have no offence to you because I have never met you so please don't hate me. Jeff might see you as a role model or good friend, but just because he put the Minotaur armatar shouldn't give you the right to ask him why he put that armatar. He may like that armatar also.
I don't often see others using armatars I like, but even if I did that wouldn't affect my decision. It doesn't *belong* to them, and I don't see how it's copying (unless doing it on purpose to confuse); we have limited choices, so people are bound to use yours at some point. However I intend on keeping this one until a better seasonal/holiday one comes out.
armatars are limited and u cant say someone *stole* your armatar. just start a conversation about *that* armatar or *all* the armatars like which one is your favorite and which ones are bad to you. that could start a friendship. it could also start some interests
I got a little frustrated because I couldn't identify others as easily, but I'm used to it now.
Yeah I do the same thing, I usually just get mad when people switch their armatar too often. Cause then I get really confused.
Seeing as there are a limited amount of armatars to use, it's acceptable for two people to have the same one. Even if one person has had it for a long time that doesn't make it "theirs." Sharing caring.
Really you shouldnt care if someone has the same armatar as you. i think the creators of armor games should let people upload armatars and send them to armor games and the creators check it to see if they like it and want to put it on the website. *hint *hint*
The only person who everyone knows here and who doesn't follow this "system" is GhostofMatrix, our friendly neighborhood armatar swapper.
I think you forgot me, or are my armatar changes too rare to be considered non-system? Also, Jacen96 once called me a butterfly at heart (slightly off-topic because this thread is not about user being called their armatars).
Anyway, my belief is that an armatar cannot be owned. However, if someone who has consistently had a specific armatar switched to a different one, I would have a hard time recognizing the user at first (unless it was me).
Really you shouldnt care if someone has the same armatar as you. i think the creators of armor games should let people upload armatars and send them to armor games and the creators check it to see if they like it and want to put it on the website. *hint *hint*
Custom armatars have been suggested before, and it looks like they will be restricted to admins (who you refer to as "creators". However, I agree that you shouldn't care if your armatar is not unique.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person with any activity using this armatar still...
I think you are correct, but you are low in activity. Also, your armatar may be made available soon as a seasonal (it looks like a Thanksgiving armatar).