Do any of you guys/girls feel like "oh that person has that armatar so if I choose it people will think I'm a copier."
I had a perfect example of this, when I went to visit Jeff1999 I saw a comment on his profile with Minotaur55 asking him why he was using his "armatar"
And Mino, I have no offence to you because I have never met you so please don't hate me. Jeff might see you as a role model or good friend, but just because he put the Minotaur armatar shouldn't give you the right to ask him why he put that armatar. He may like that armatar also.
I remember pickpocket by that elf dude with a mustache, but when he changed it to the grim reaper thing, I was overly baffled about it, even though I always read names first.
....Yeah. Well, I like that one because hardly anyone uses it. The only other people I have seen, (Patrick I'm sure can find someone else) was maverick, but only for a little bit.
Should I be slightly bothered that people can't/couldn't differentiate between Strop and I, or worried that such a large pat of the population is orange/green colourblind?
Neither, you should be proud of the fact that you are important enough to belong on salvidans hand.
It is possible to get 'similar' user names, for example, any name with an l, change it with a capital I.
He did say identical.. Identical and similar are completely different. So basically it is possible to have similar usernames, but still impossible to have identical usernames, as said before.
Neither, you should be proud of the fact that you are important enough to belong on salvidans hand
Me, Jeffery's and someone else (I can't remember exactly who) have had this tiger armatar for quite a while now
Jeffery changed hers to a gray (I think...) shield
or worried that such a large pat of the population is orange/green colourblind?
*sniffle* my colourblind-ness....foils me again! Sadly though...I'm not hindered to just orange/green...every colour has another I can confuse it I have problems with all the shields -_-â¢
Strop and Cenere weren't difficult to confuse with one another when they both wore the same blank white armatar when it still existed, but there's no excuse to mix the two of them up when they're wearing clearly different armatars. I don't know what you all are complaining about; it used to be a lot harder a few years ago.
The starry shields weren't a problem, because once the different colored shield armatars came into play, everyone who had had a blank shield armatar was automatically assigned one of the colored shield armatars at random. I wasn't present at the time of this update, so there may have been some (short) time that I'm unaware of when blank armatars turned to starry shield armatars. You'll have to ask someone who remembers things a bit more clearly than I do.
What about the fact that I'm colourblind? That seems like a pretty good excuse..
This is legitimate, but I am questioning the amount of people who seem to confuse us. That would be a lot of colour blind people around.
@Ernie: We did actually have the starry armatar for a while. A month, perhaps more. It was back when it was considered a "legacy" armatar, and not a "let's reward people getting their points removed" armatar.
I would suggest making an armatar for one of the seasonal contests (like the one going on now), and then using that armatar for several years. Worked for me.
I think I started with the Snake, then the archer and the guy who reads a scroll which suits me perfectly since what I do most on AG is to build castles on CTC2PP and other stuff on Viking Vengeance. When I want to be funny I say that a witch cursed me so I use the Orc with purple hair or jezz armatar because it reminds me of Lady Gaga. xD
Considering how rarely Strop comes by, I don't think this is much of an issue anymore. I'm confused as to how someone can't tell the difference between orange and green.
and the guy who reads a scroll which suits me perfectly
Hey! We have a scroll reader in our midst! Now if anyone needs one, we know who to contact. =D