ForumsWEPRLouisiana Petitions To Secede

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Not all Americans are enthralled with obama.
According to a news article published online by World News Daily (WND), The residents of Louisiana have started a petition to peacefully secede from the U.S. and form their own government. The petition was started on November 7 of this year, the day after the election.
(Now I'm going to opine a bit.)
While it causes me great pain to see America in the sorry state it's in now, and an act(s) of secession would only intensify the situation, this may be what needs to happen. I love my country and desperately want to see it return to its former glory, but the current regime has taken conditions ranging from fair to poor and exacerbated them to such an extent that the national condition is in a rapidly worsening state of untenability for all involved. The people of Louisiana realize this and are acting accordingly.
I believe that if obama actually cares for this nation like he says he does (which personally I doubt strongly), he would take this new development as a sign that he and the rest of the regime need to reverse their actions and/or resign. If he doesn't, it is likely that this will be the first of many cases of Americans separating themselves from a government that is no longer Of, By, and For The People but rather seeks to enslave them with government dependancy and weakens the nation on the foreign and domestic fronts.

America is dying, people. Something has to be done in short order, or America will be consigned to the ash-heap of history as a great nation that forsook its own ideals and killed itself from within. And I can't stand the thought of that happening.
All of you who believe in God or prayer, please say an extra prayer for the nation tonight.

  • 110 Replies
3,551 posts

I hope the enjoy not having FEMA when the next hurricane hits. *trollface*

I'm being sarcastic btw if you couldn't tell.

9,470 posts

I can't help be reminded of that "threat" from Texas to secede. BTW one of the Republicans bidding for president was the guy to suggest this.
So I guess Louisiana can take Texas with it, all the people why would like can be granted amnesty and next time New Orleans gets wiped off the map, we won't have to offer federal help.

13,055 posts

Some people are just plain retarded!
How about the South secede from the North? That way the rednecks can live in the past and wear their cowboy (carnival) outfit everyday, gun down whoever they dislike, ditch their trucks for a horse, start slavery again or segregation, turn the KKK into a new government.
I mean come on? The democrats had to survive 8 years of Republican regime of fear and abuse from the riches, we somehow survived and so will you.
It makes me want to say, it's your turn, Mu ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Lord Obama will crush you!!! >

101 posts

[Quote]How about the South secede from the North? That way the rednecks can live in the past and wear their cowboy (carnival) outfit everyday, gun down whoever they dislike, ditch their trucks for a horse, start slavery again or segregation, turn the KKK into a new government.
I mean come on? The democrats had to survive 8 years of Republican regime of fear and abuse from the riches, we somehow survived and so will you.
It makes me want to say, it's your turn, Mu ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Lord Obama will crush you!!! >[/quote]

I think my IQ just dropped twenty points. Please, for the love of everything that is holy, tell me you are using hyperbole to get a point accross. Please.

Eh. Given how just about every region of the US has or has tried to secede from the Union, I'm not really surprised. Besides, every election cycle has the supporters of the losing party threatening to flee to Canada (which actually wound up occuring during the draft), and you have to remember this is a private citizen making the request, not the state government. I doubt Bobby Jindal would throw his 2016 hopes on the whims of a few private citizens.

13,055 posts

I think my IQ just dropped twenty points. Please, for the love of everything that is holy, tell me you are using hyperbole to get a point accross. Please.

Yes I am. xD
I find all this secession and sedition totally ridiculous and everything is blown out of proportion.
It's almost as if Conservatives sees Obama as Darth Vader.
BTW, Mickey Mouse is the boss of Star Wars so...
101 posts

You have no idea how relieved I am. :P

It's almost as if Conservatives sees Obama as Darth Vader

Well to be fair, Liberals did call **** Cheney Darth Vader, so I guess it's all relative. But I wish people would call me Darth Vader. I think the guy is actually pretty dang cool...
13,055 posts

Well to be fair, Liberals did call **** Cheney Darth Vader, so I guess it's all relative.

You can't compare both guys, almost everyone agrees that penis Cheney (notice his real name is censored but not the one I use) is a despicable man.
But I wish people would call me Darth Vader. I think the guy is actually pretty dang cool...

Sure I like him too, especially his powers. xD
Darth: "What, you disagree?" (throat crushing noise)
General soon to be dead: "argh, ah!" (drop dead on the floor)
9,470 posts

Besides, every election cycle has the supporters of the losing party threatening to flee to Canada (which actually wound up occuring during the draft), and you have to remember this is a private citizen making the request, not the state government.

That wouldn't make much sense for a liberal than it would for a conservative, given places like Canada and Australia (another place people are threatening to move to) is less in line with conservative views on how things are run than the United States is, even with Obama as president.
9,470 posts

That wouldn't make much sense for a liberal than it would for a conservative

*That would make much more sense for a liberal than it would for a conservative.
377 posts

Eh. Given how just about every region of the US has or has tried to secede from the Union, I'm not really surprised.

What? Not even Americans want to be American anymore 0.o

Anyways, this Louisian citizen is overreacting a little. For all the bad Obama has done (let there be no mistake of this) he has served America fairly well.

- Obama has re-instituted some financial reforms.
- Obama has brought the troops home from Iraq.
- Obama has made health care reform a reality.
- Obama has kept the US economy as a steady ship
- Obama has trusted Navy Seals to destroy Al Qaeda and see off Bin Laden, rather than huge armies.
- Obama is well on track to lower the US National Debt
508 posts

What? Not even Americans want to be American anymore 0.o

It's just over-reacting conservatives, like the over-reacting liberals in 2008 who threatened to leave the country of Palin were elected. I would guess most Americans are fine being Americans.

And despite what I may personally think about Obama, VonHeisenbourg's right. We elected Obama in 2008, and he's done a pretty good job of doing what he said he'd do when we elected him.
10,816 posts

You know, I don't want to make too light of this situation, but...

This is probably funny to everybody except supporters of Mitt Romney a.k.a. "white people". I particularly like the screencaps of somebody suggesting the Southern states seceding.

101 posts

(notice his real name is censored but not the one I use)

That pretty much voids any argument I can make.

Darth: "What, you disagree?" (throat crushing noise

Lol, and there goes partisanship. Work with Vader, or else! He so has my vote 2016.

That wouldn't make much sense for a liberal than it would for a conservative, given places like Canada and Australia (another place people are threatening to move to) is less in line with conservative views on how things are run than the United States is, even with Obama as president.

I never said it was a smart move for a conservative. Granted, I think somewhere around 85% of both liberals and conservatives are pretty dang stupid.

- Obama has re-instituted some financial reforms.
- Obama has brought the troops home from Iraq.
- Obama has made health care reform a reality.
- Obama has kept the US economy as a steady ship
- Obama has trusted Navy Seals to destroy Al Qaeda and see off Bin Laden, rather than huge armies.
- Obama is well on track to lower the US National Debt

-The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the filing of 1316 Mass Layoff Actions, affecting approximately 122000 workers; This quarter has had the slowest period of earnings growth since the 3Q of 2009; Many of these businesses said that the ACA (Obamacare) and attempting to make the bottom line with other regulations looming as the reason for the potential layoffs.

-Kinda. It was a NATO withdrawal, so it would have happened anyways.

-Healthcare does need to be reformed, but the ACA is the wrong way to go about it. Look how socialized medicine has turned out for Europe.

-I agree with the word "steady", as it shows there has been very little actual growth in the markets.

-Because only the Navy Seals can be trusted? And Obama really shouldn't get credit for much besides making the call. The Navy Seals and Intelligence community get credit for actually doing it, as does Bush for making the targeting of such individuals a national priority.

-ageType=politics&catid=57400369&feed_id=3&videofeed=39&nb_splitPage=0">CBO says otherwise. (CBS Article)

Just a note, but the 'Recent Petitions' tab on the website reveals similar ones for New York and Colorado. The La. Petition is also up to 8000 votes.
508 posts

-The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the filing of 1316 Mass Layoff Actions, affecting approximately 122000 workers; This quarter has had the slowest period of earnings growth since the 3Q of 2009; Many of these businesses said that the ACA (Obamacare) and attempting to make the bottom line with other regulations looming as the reason for the potential layoffs.

This was actually projected by the CBO in 2009.. For those who don't want to read the entire analysis, the 'lay-or-pay' policy, if instated with the Affordable Care Act in 2014, could cause the loss of between 224,000 and 750,000 jobs (although the study that projected the second estimate could easily have been flawed). Furthermore, the 'lay-or-pay' policy provides incentives for corporations not to provide health insurance for their workers, as it's actually cheaper not provide health insurance coverage and pay the mandatory cost (12% of total payroll for coverage versus 8% for no coverage).

-Healthcare does need to be reformed, but the ACA is the wrong way to go about it. Look how socialized medicine has turned out for Europe.

Exactly! While healthcare prices are cheaper in parts Europe, costs are still high, apparent in a reduction of the quality of care and massively increased spending on costs associated with healthcare, such as medicine. The waiting list for surgery in Europe is also much longer than ours (an average of 12 months to our average of 4 months). Not to say that socialized healthcare doesn't have it's benefits, but those are more apparent in countries that provide complete coverage, like Norway.

-I agree with the word "steady", as it shows there has been very little actual growth in the markets.

Admittedly, while Obama can encourage market growth, as the leader of a capitalist nation it's not his job to. It's the job of businesses and shareholders, which comprises about 50% of the American population (either directly or indirectly).

This is probably funny to everybody except supporters of Mitt Romney a.k.a. "white people". I particularly like the screencaps of somebody suggesting the Southern states seceding.

I'm white and I voted for Romney, and that's still pretty funny.
3,087 posts

It's almost as if Conservatives sees Obama as Darth Vader.
No, we see him as Darth Sideous/The Emperor. (btw, Darth Caedus is much more awesome)

If Louisiana does secede, they will be in for a world of hurt when the next disaster hits.

~~~Darth Caedus
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