During the day, the site acts as normal as ever, but during the darker hours I've noticed that there are surges of severe sluggishness. On multiple occasions just today it has taken me about three minutes just to go from one forum to another because of the time it's taking each page to load. Sometimes, if I'm up late enough, the server will time out completely and Chrome will be unable to find the page.
Now I know this is not an issue with my internet because other sites load just fine... what I would like to know is, is anyone else experiencing these bursts of unusual slowness between the hours of 12:00 am to 5:00 am AG time?
At first I thought it was normal but when I logged in the afternoon just a couple of days ago I thought it was loading faster. Turns out I was just usually looking at the forums late at night.
Funny thing is, I experienced a surge of it right as I clicked on this topic... took a minute or two for it to load, then it started running smoothly again. I would suspect maintenance, but it seems a little late for that... it's a little after 11 pm in the AG office...
I've also experienced this problem several times. Sometimes the forums are extremely laggy, but not always at night.
Yesterday was especially frustrating. I wanted to make some posts around 2 p.m. and I couldn't because some pages took ages to load and some of them never loaded. However, right now it works fine for me.
I don't know the specifics about this, but I too have experienced a lagg in loading forum threads and profiles. Haven't stopped to think when the lagg exactly occured, so it could very well be at night (U.S. WC time), but I'll ask around and see what I come up with...
This always had happened to me since forever I can remember, but it wasn't always at night. It was more of a random occurrence.. I think it just has to do with updates and stuff, but I don't really know.
well I never really noticed if it was at night or not but this has happened to me many a time and now that you mention it I think it might be at night for me. Could be wrong but I don't think so.
Oh yay! Glad this isn't just me. I have indeed noticed this, although I don't know if it has been limited just to the evenings, I have only noticed it takes ages for me to get anwywhere. I have resorted to opening multiple tabs and clicking wherever I want to go and then figuring out where I want to go after that on another tab. Sometimes I have even been opening a 3rd tab. Even with that I have been finding myself waiting for my first tab to load. Very strange...
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one experiencing this! I really didn't expect this to make it to page two so quickly, but it's nice to see I'm not going crazy! =D
Why I don't believe these nightly bursts of lag are random is because they're so consistent... I always experience at least a couple of them any time I'm online at night. I'll have to be more active during the day so I can make a more comparison, of course...
I should also mention that lag is the reason why it's taking me so long to submit this message. =P
i remember experiencing that back in 09 when I just joined AG. just recently its been the same, but I just came back so i don't know if its been like that for years or not.
I guess I'm usually not up late enough to notice this, but the community in particular does appear to be slower at this late hour than it's been for me during the rest of the evening. Posts are taking a good few minutes to submit and threads are taking their sweet time to load as well.
This isn't the first time I've noticed this now that I think about it; I just probably overlooked it in the past.
It's 1:17 am in my time, which means it's 4:17 AG time. For the record.