Get some animations on your profile! To get them click on my animations I have got and it will take you to a website so you can get some of your choice!
Step 2
Get some writing on your page!!!
Step 3 Make sure you put comments to enable! This is very inportant1
Step 4 Comment on the most popular game saying something like, well never mind get some ideas of my own! Make sure you copy and paste the information from my page as they might keep coming back or they will copy and paste it them selves
Love this game, Did you know each game you comment on you get 2AP same for ratings! check out my page to find out loads more cool things on how to get AP and there is some animations for you to watch as well!
If you are talking about s9b1, he is a Wood King. He easily beats lower ranked people including myself.[/quote Actually I think that you are better Ace. You seem more active and more in the forums. Rank means nothing. I put myself lower then pretty much everyone that is active in the forums. [quote] No, none of these work.
Please tell me that you are just responding to the op. Cause I just sent you a message and we talked a bit. So my method works.
sooooo when i first clicked this i thought oh wow this will be so great then i read it and was like awwwww man these wont work why do you want armor points so bad, I don't get it.
well for now it is to get back to where warrior was it was my old account it was ruined by password glitch and other than that ummmmmm i dont know
Get some animations on your profile! To get them click on my animations I have got and it will take you to a website so you can get some of your choice!
God, no. That's the quickest way to keep me from commenting on your profile.It is basicly is saying- "Oh look I have flashy crap on my wall!" It's stupid. Step 2 Get some writing on your page!!!
You know people get tired of scrolling down just comment on someone's wall. Don't put a lot on your wall; scrolling down gets old. Just put enough so people know a little bit about you. Step 3 Make sure you put comments to enable! This is very inportant1 Not only can you point out something everyone already knows you have proven that you can't type very well.
Step 4 Comment on the most popular game saying something like, well never mind get some ideas of my own! Make sure you copy and paste the information from my page as they might keep coming back or they will copy and paste it them selves E.G. Love this game, Did you know each game you comment on you get 2AP same for ratings! check out my page to find out loads more cool things on how to get AP and there is some animations for you to watch as well!
Did I just read this correctly? Are you asking us to spam? If there is something I hate its spam.
Please comment and add me as your friend!
I sorry. I'm not friending due to the fact I choose hang out with intelligent people.
If you are talking about s9b1, he is a Wood King. He easily beats lower ranked people including myself.
I don't think a person's worth should be judged based on there rank...a person who spams can acquire a pretty high rank, but then again...that person spammed
To get them click on my animations I have got and it will take you to a website so you can get some of your choice!
I remember you, you were that guy asking about the moving pictures on my profile.
Anyways there's really one effective way to get people on your profile and that's to be active in the community and on people's profiles (if necessary).