Just curious about this one, but why are there lengerie ads headlining AG? Granted I understand there are many of us who would fit the demographics to purchase from said ads. But being as it may, I could only assume the "majority" of individuals surfing this site, usually don't tend to range in the particular age of customers who might purchase such items. Unless little Billy or Susan, where rather awkwardly close to their mothers or fathers (depending on their personal dressing habits). Or perhaps they saw the movie "Elf", and where simply trying to buy the perfect gift for that "special someone". Just thought this to be a little odd that's all. Forgive me if someone has already pointed this out. Any thoughts guys?
Well the ads that you see are related to the sites you visit. That being said if you see an inappropriate ad it's not necissarily because you looked up that kind of thing. For instance there was awhile where people were seeing all sorts of innappropriate ads but they were seeing it not because hey looked up that kind of stuff, but because they were flash game ads. So it might be he case that you're seeing these ads for doing something as insignificant as looking up T-shirts and they're giving you clothing ads.
The only ads that follow me are Amazon ads on YouTube. I look up something on Amazon, and for a week the thing and related items stay in the corner below the video. But Armor Games does not track me. Strange.
I hope that AG's sponsors don't find out, but I work so hard to avoid looking at the ads on the website that I failed to notice there were any lingerie ads on AG.
Haha why complain? Click, fap, realize you're in public, slowly walk away. Yeah it's kinda annoying. Just stop looking up porn-os without clearing your history. I don't really notice anything....
I mostly see ads for RPGs with practically nude women so geeks with no life will play. They probably do that to distract people from the suckiness of the game.
I keep getting all the ads of the clothes and items I've looked up in the past couple days... It keeps showing me pictures of boots I want and can't afford