*teleports to snag's rainbow factory* well this looks fine *teleports to my home* "what a day....... wait why am i back in this broken space igloo". HERE LIES CRICKSTER OCTOBER 12TH 2012 - APRIL 4TH 2014 "I BLAME SNAG"
(It was blown up. It is now nothing but dust in outer space.) Ah, my first exper- I er mean guest. Now, would you like to step on this? *Points Crickster to big red X* Perfect, now let's see if this thing still works. *Turns it on*
No, that's just your sentient paper form. Your alicorn form is stuck in my rainbow factory. ( Where all your fears and horrors come true. In the rainbow factory, where not a single soul gets through)
(Kinda redundant, as I exploded it first, thus leaving nothing behind) Ah, a dragon has decided to visit my little factory. Well, just stand right there *Points to big X* Perfect, now let's see how this works out. *Turns on the device*
Would you mind stepping right there for me? *Points to big red X* I'm exper- I er... mean I'm letting more things visit now. Yeah, that's it. *Turns on device* Let's see what happens if you use a swan or two.
Machine:Bzzt.MutatIoNnNNN aBooouTT Tooo Starrt. Acttivvvateeed. FaLLiurE:SwAAnDucKKK and DraGGon are not conpatible. me:Yep.*uses a tactical nuke**runs*