All you have to do is make an insane lie about the person above you.Example:Me: *makes thread*User 1: pees his pants all the timeUser 2: failed his last testUser 3: married a donkeyand so on...
doesnt know armorgames
He is not a quest hunter! XD
Stole all the dinosaurs and put them on the moon.
His nickname is "Blue696"
Always wakes up with his face doodled on.
People call him "Lightwater54" in real life!
Stole the Holy Grail but accidentally dropped it in a lake.
Is secretly a north korean spy.
Has never smoked poisonus cigarettes before!
Drinks poison instead of water!
Is currently being held in a psychiatric ward.
Is afraid of both the dark and fire - though is actually 45 years old.
Believes philosophy is just an excuse people use to avoid cubicle life.
His skull is jusk like the one from his armatar!
Is famous because He wrote a book!
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