Obama might not be that safe as a president...Click here.
Anyways, I don't think health care should be free. However, I think most people should be able to afford it. There are many children who need help medically. What do you say to them? Blame your parents...? Maybe they should make healthcare cost according to how much someone makes per year. I am not saying people who don't work get free health care. I think the rich should pay more and the lower class should pay less. That would even it out more.
Im going to agree with TotalReveiw, hospitals are already doing very bad financially with people not being able to afford it, yet they HAVE to give the people the service, also if healthcare was free what would happen to everything else? prices would sky rocket, and the doctors wouldnt work as hard because it does not matter how hard he works, he just gets payed by the government and goes home.
How on Earth can free speech be bad? Free speech also allows free thought, if the government can regulate speech and thought then you have a government that assumes it is always correct. When you have a government that assumes it is infallible, then you come to a slippery slope where the government "knows what is best for you" and makes all of your decisions for you.
What is best for the whole is best for all. A 1-party state is a fundamentally good concept - it eliminates all the bureaucracy in democracy that slows down advancement.
Im going to agree with TotalReveiw, hospitals are already doing very bad financially with people not being able to afford it, yet they HAVE to give the people the service, also if healthcare was free what would happen to everything else? prices would sky rocket, and the doctors wouldnt work as hard because it does not matter how hard he works, he just gets payed by the government and goes home.
You have a point about hospitals making less money. Less people are going for their check-ups now. Not just hospitals, but dentists are also hurting. I think taxes are the main thing that would skyrocket. I think it is pretty much impossible for us to be in a war and have free health care. That is why we should make it affordable. Also, doctors and other employees are very underpaid. The only people that make big money at hospitals are the "top dogs". Trust me, my mom works for U of M hospital so I see a lot of bull crap.
What is best for the whole is best for all. A 1-party state is a fundamentally good concept - it eliminates all the bureaucracy in democracy that slows down advancement.
What is best for the majority isn't in the best interests of the minority. If we didn't respect the minority we would still have discrimination in the South, we would probably still have slavery. A one-party state has no opposition and can easily become a tyrant over the people; Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and Communist Russia all very well known for their history of human abuses had only one party.
guns have been banned in the uk for years. eber since dunblane. knife crime has gone up because people carry them on them all the time. Toady at Notting Hill carnival there wos a mini riot and 300 people were arrested and 200 had knives. Its just the way things are, People carry them for protection cos everyone does it and it has a knock on effect. Its not for lack of guns i assure u. You can quite easily get a gun in Britain.
And, without the ability to defend your self, you can't stop them.
In an era of weaponry as advanced as it is today you'd probably have just as much luck trying to take on the government with sticks and rocks as you would with guns.
That being said, Texas does seem to have fewer break-ins... hmm...
And yet a significantly higher rate of violent crimes then the national average...hmm...
Obama is the pimp of all presidents, if he doesnt win in the USOFA, he should come on up to the great white north, we could use some black in these parts.
And yet a significantly higher rate of violent crimes then the national average...hmm...
Mine was personal observation (I live here). yours is blatant attacking. Can you back that up? Because last I checked, there's not much violent crime where I live. In fact, El Paso is the second safest city in the nation.
Mine was personal observation (I live here). yours is blatant attacking. Can you back that up? Because last I checked, there's not much violent crime where I live. In fact, El Paso is the second safest city in the nation.
You're is personal observation which is worthless in any type of representational study, my claim is in fact based no fact (which you would knew if you knew me at all). Texas is actually in the top quartile for most violent crimes in the nation as of 2004, and if the other site I went to is to be believed (also US goverment) that is trending upwards().
@Super - this study also shows that states with high gun control can be ranked higher
Maryland 701 3
Also, I'll rely on my personal observation over statistics. I've lived in Texas for the better part of my life, and I feel safer here than anywhere else. Reason being? I can kill anyone who comes into my house if they threaten me or my family.