ForumsWEPRMcCain or Obama

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18 posts

I personaly like McCain because i'm conservative

  • 609 Replies
325 posts

Hold on a sec. Why do you say that Condi is a lesbian? this just shows how ignorant you are...

She's not openly a lesbian but it's not unlikely that she is one .
It's not that hard to stay up to date on these things now is it? A quick Google search could have gotten you that before you started attacking people for it.
2,132 posts

3 points:

1) I did do a google search and found no definite proof.
2) I don't believe leftist bloggers; they always have an agenda to push.
3) I act on facts and proof, not rumors.

325 posts

1) I did do a google search and found no definite proof.
2) I don't believe leftist bloggers; they always have an agenda to push.
3) I act on facts and proof, not rumors.

1) It's not that hard to draw conclusion from two women, neither of who have ever admitted a sexual preference, who have lived together for many years, and share many things, one of whom is deeply involved in politics. Definitive proof on a persons sexuality in this day and age can really almost never be guaranteed especially for somebody in politics given the risk of being perceived as gay or lesbian and the problems that it can bring. In my opinion if she wasn't lesbian then by now she would have come out and done something about all the rumors.

2) But you probably believe many things from other people with agenda's because their agendas match your own. That's okay if a bit hypocritical, but you just can't say well there's a lot of well documented proof that suggests that she's a lesbian, but she's never said it herself so she's definitely not, that stance is naive at best.

3) Facts rarely exist in a form we can use. Ask yourself this, what would the benefits be if she were openly lesbian, and what are the benefits to her not being openly lesbian. Then ask yourself what makes more sense, and think about what she is doing.
2,132 posts

Well, if all that I have to go on is rumors, I won't believe it.

With all the crazy things being spread about everyone of note, you have to look at everything through rose-colored glasses...

803 posts

Not necessarily. It is necessary to research and see which candidate is the best choice. I would vote for the Democrat if they had the right viewpoint on issues such as taxes, illegal immigration, healthcare, etc.

I understand that. It is fine to vote for the person who is the same party as you. I am just saying you shouldn't say you will automatically vote republican or democrat.
405 posts

McCain was a very conservative candidate and flip-flopped his campaign before it heated up to create a strong neo-conservative base.

He was incredibly liberal before the election, and still is liberal prone, but he shifts his views to keep with the new base that Reagan created.

Obama has had a generally strong stance, his only acclaimed flip flop was in public financing which he switched from three months ago.

McCain changed his energy, healthcare, war, taxes, economy plan to have 85% of the same views as Bush in 2004, the difference being healthcare and energy. The energy idea has only changed because the idea for off-shore drilling has been accumulated over the last year.

Off-shore drilling may I point out won't produce any difference until 16 years from now, when we can be converting into already developed energy or drilling in the 160,000 .Sq Acre of land that the current GOP gave them!

Also both healthcare plans are shit, Obama's is great but unfundable. It includes healthcare for all children under 16, it requires companies to either pay a 5% insurance tax or buy healthcare for their workers. McCain's is shit, it just discourages Healthcare period by raising private healthcare prices and taxes.

Thats not biased. Thats plain obvious!

405 posts

3 points:
1) I did do a google search and found no definite proof.
2) I don't believe leftist bloggers; they always have an agenda to push.
3) I act on facts and proof, not rumors.

Then you say that you deny that Barack Obama is; Racist, his wife is racist, his preacher says racist things and Obama agrees with them, he's an acclaimed Muslim extremist?

Good for you! I also think that rumor and politics and religion should all be seperated.

BTW for the billionth time, the muslim religion does not tell people to kill you!

26% of the total population on this planet is Muslim.

It's a misinterpretation, which I must point out every single religion and athiesm, has done to benefit some for of "CLEANSING".

The Quran does not condone religious cleansing!
Islam spread in mecca despite musilm had no upper hand
the prophet forgave the quraish after the conquest of mecca despite having an upperhand
he signed a treaty of peace with jews and christians of medina when he arrived there
Islam spread in spain, indonesia, africa etc without any prior war

Islam continues to strive in the west esp in universities and prisons and among women where there is no such thing as war

anyone who accepts Islam by force his or her Islam is invalid just as any other deed done in Islam by coercion- laa ikrah fid deen- there is no compulsion in religion.

120 posts

Obama because he wants to take troops out of Iraq.

2,301 posts

Well Agent_86, your right. I heard that she was, and just thought it was true. I have no reason to believe ether way. I do have a problem with your saying I accused her of being a lesbian, implying that it would be wrong. Makes me wonder if your the ignorant one.

Actually, it doesn't. I am confident in both our intelligences, but you put me on the defensive by saying I was ignorant in the first place.

On topic, I think gun control is the single most important issue in this election or any other.

902 posts

Free public healthcare is wrong. Those with more money should have access to better health care. I say this as a broke-ass college student.

902 posts

On topic, I think gun control is the single most important issue in this election or any other.

Gun control. There's only one thing to say about that - if you take away my second amendment right, how long before the others start to go, too? Freedom of speech is, I'll grant, a stupid concept, but while I have it I'll use and abuse it - if only to demonstrate its stupidity.

That being said, Texas does seem to have fewer break-ins... hmm...
2,662 posts

For me (even tho i am british) i am still very concerned with who wins this election. A big issue in my opinion is which president would be best in foreign policy with regards to russia. As the atmosphere is getting a little bit frosty again i would hate another cold war to happen and i think in the hands of an able president this would be avoided. I would say john mcain because he is more experienced, but i just think that he would be better at handling the russians than obama. He still wouldnt be that great. What a shame hillary wasnt voted in. She was my first choice as she was both very clever and very capable. At least thats what i think.

584 posts

In an interview with UN officials, Obama stated that he would take into consideration the minds of other countries before taking major actions in the US if elected. He would rather listen to Europe and Asia than advance the American agenda! This is an Obamanation!

584 posts

Also, like Megamickel stated earlier, free public healthcare is wrong too.
1) People should have to pay for it with the money the work hard to earn rather than sit around and do nothing while the government buys you a 5-star suite, a car, healthcare, and food.
2) People should be able to choose whether it's worth it to buy healthcare. Some people believe they won't get critically injured in the next month so they won't buy it for a month.
3) And most importantly, IT WILL COME OUT OF YOUR TAXES ANYWAYS!!!

750 posts

On topic, I think gun control is the single most important issue in this election or any other.

That shouldn't be nearly as much of an issue after the recent Heller v. United States decision.

Freedom of speech is, I'll grant, a stupid concept, but while I have it I'll use and abuse it - if only to demonstrate its stupidity.

How on Earth can free speech be bad? Free speech also allows free thought, if the government can regulate speech and thought then you have a government that assumes it is always correct. When you have a government that assumes it is infallible, then you come to a slippery slope where the government "knows what is best for you" and makes all of your decisions for you.

Useful site for candidate information.
Showing 151-165 of 609