Why is gun control the most important issue in this campaign? Would you seriously rather have a pistol than decent medical care?
I've lived in Texas for the better part of my life, and I feel safer here than anywhere else.
Weird, when I lived in Texas for 15 years of my life, it was one of the most unsafe places I had ever been. I've only lived in three states, but I've been to every state but New York, Alaska, and Hawaii, and believe me when I say that El Paso may be safe, but the parts of Texas that aren't in the middle of nowhere aren't near as secure. This applies to other states as well.
And, also, Maryland has extremely loose gun control laws last time I checked. No permits or background checks are required to purchase a rifle or shotgun, and it does not regulate the sales of either. With handguns, the law is a little more strict, just because it's a concealed weapon, but it's not the strictest I've seen. [url=http://crime.about.com/od/gunlawsbystate/a/gunlaws_md.htm]
@Super - this study also shows that states with high gun control can be ranked higher
Then why is South Carolina with it's fairly lax gun control laws number 1?
In fact, of the ten worst states all of them didn't require permits, registration, or licensing on any type of firearm (expect California which required registration for Assault Weapons only).
I live in the UK but i suppose it might affect the way the USA deals with the uk so im going with obama Mc Cain is a repulican like Monty Burns! But then again i know that republicans can run a country and that Monty is not real and not a typical republican.
Obama is going to win because of that huge meeting with his wife.Also,because of Hilary Clinton!BTW have you guys heard!4 people tried to assassinate barrack Obama?!Obama will make a great president though!
It's funny to hear Rightwingers talk about LIbrerals destroying the constitution when that is EXACTLY what the Patriot Act has done and the Rightwingers cheared that little piece of eavesdropping privacy interfering constitutional breaking legislation right along.
My freedom of speech and privacy is far more important than my ability to own a gun. Althought, and this is where confusion sets it, most liberals want to limit automatic assault weapons NOT!! handguns, or shotguns, or hunting rifles. There is a difference. NO one outside of South Centeral LA requires an AK4 fucking 7.
It's funny to hear Rightwingers talk about LIbrerals destroying the constitution when that is EXACTLY what the Patriot Act has done and the Rightwingers cheared that little piece of eavesdropping privacy interfering constitutional breaking legislation right along.
First off, I am not for the Patriot act. Second, I'm not Rightwing. I'm kind of in between, liberal here, conservative there.
My freedom of speech and privacy is far more important than my ability to own a gun. Althought, and this is where confusion sets it, most liberals want to limit automatic assault weapons NOT!! handguns, or shotguns, or hunting rifles. There is a difference. NO one outside of South Centeral LA requires an AK4 ****ing 7.
These rights need each other. Without the right to bear arms, all other rights are forfeit. Power corrupts.
Obama is going to win because of that huge meeting with his wife.Also,because of Hilary Clinton!
Hillary Clinton may have done more damage then good. Her supporters are split on it. She should have just stayed out of it and I guarantee they would have ended up voting Obama since he is democrat.
If McCain takes Condoleezza Rice as his vice president, I guarantee McCain would win. Obama was an idiot for choosing Biden. He screwed himself since Biden would rather be McCain's VP.
If McCain takes Condoleezza Rice as his vice president, I guarantee McCain would win. Obama was an idiot for choosing Biden. He screwed himself since Biden would rather be McCain's VP.
Yeah, I just heard on Rush Limbaugh that no northeast liberal Democrat has ever won the presidency or vice-presidency.
I hope you like it, I don't use paint applications much. I figured if people vote for Barack/Hilary because they are not white men, they would really want to vote for an inhuman creature.
It's funny to hear Rightwingers talk about LIbrerals destroying the constitution when that is EXACTLY what the Patriot Act has done and the Rightwingers cheared that little piece of eavesdropping privacy interfering constitutional breaking legislation right along.
The USA Patriot Act; extension of the government's right to listen to my free speech. It is unconstitutional though, but you forget to note that many liberals congressmen voted for it too, although I don't they expected it to be abused so greatly.
The USA Patriot Act; extension of the government's right to listen to my free speech. It is unconstitutional though, but you forget to note that many liberals congressmen voted for it too, although I don't they expected it to be abused so greatly.
Well, unless you are doing something criminal, you have nothing to worry about, right? This act was written to help the feds catch criminals in the act of a crime.
Yes, but the problem is that power is easily abused. For example, many people are claiming that ECHELON, another government digital spy network has been used to steal industrial secrets. By allowing such power to exist you allow it to be abused, a truly oppressive government could use this power to listen in on the opposing political parties, to squash them.