We are dependent upon oil currently but that does not mean we NEED to be. More drilling for oil is a short sited ignorant solution. The best solution is found in alternative, truly, renewable resources: air, solar, etc.
Oil is a crutch and only the lazy and weak believe we should continue to use it.
Yeah and kill the whole world and everyone in it. Plus he would be the one to start it.
Pacifism gives agressors boldness. Just google Neville Chamberlain. He tried to appease Hitler in the late 30's so that all of Europe wouldn't go to war. What came of it? 5 long years of war and millions dead.
This is different McCain would start a war over oil. Just look at whats happening in Afghanistan and Georgia (bush started all this Georgia stuff building missiles next to Russia it was bound to happen its like aiming a gun at your face).
We are dependent upon oil currently but that does not mean we NEED to be. More drilling for oil is a short sited ignorant solution. The best solution is found in alternative, truly, renewable resources: air, solar, etc. Oil is a crutch and only the lazy and weak believe we should continue to use it.
That takes care of the electricity problem, but without oil, there would be no plastic. Paint wouldn't work well. Planes couldn't fly. You wouldn't be able to use your gas grill. Many electronics would be impossible to build. That would be a world without oil.
First off, @Agent_86 No one said we need to completely remove oil from our menu. Of course oil will be needed, it is impossible to get rid of it completely. The point is that in areas where oil could be replaced with energies and methods that are much much Much more efficient than oil, we should. Gasoline powered machines are some of the most inefficient machines ever created, wasting much of the energy within the fuel. Electric motors, have much more torque and efficiency, as do other types of motors.
Second of all, @Dizzyk : I think the most educated and the most uneducated vote democrat because the most educated have more of a heart than others and realize that for a society to prosper and flourish all levels of the economic system have to be happy and thriving. Even the low wage construction, and manufacturing areas. And the less educated vote democrat because they realize that they will benefit greatly from such policies.
I think Republicans are the more self-centered side of the united states (looking for personal wealth and gain) while the Democrats are more selfless and looking for the prosperity of the nation as a whole, and growth of a peaceful world.
This is different McCain would start a war over oil. Just look at whats happening in Afghanistan and Georgia (bush started all this Georgia stuff building missiles next to Russia it was bound to happen its like aiming a gun at your face).
Actually, the US had nothing to do wit the conflict in Georgia. There was a region of Georgia that called itself independent, so Georgia invaded that area. It just happens that many Russians lived there, so Russia retaliated. Bush and the US had nothing to do with it.
What you aren't seeing is that, though some soultions may not be currently available, there are soltutions to be found to each and every point you make arguing against alternative fuels.
My point is that sooner or later oil will simply stop being a viable energy option. Why wait until that time comes to find a soltion when we can act preemptivly and find a long term, environmentally and economically sound solution. It is wiser to look long term.
Also, those missiles that are planned to be placed in Poland are not offensive missiles. They are interceptor missiles designed for the sole purpose of destroying nuclear warheads the are midair en route to their targets. Its just a defensive system, we cannot attack with it, what would be the point, the missiles wouldn't do much damage.
Really? So dispite the fact that I qualified for MENSA (though qualifying is one thing - I wouldn't join those snobs), you assume that I'm of inferior intelligence because I'm a conservative extremist? Most "intelligent" democrats act as though their beliefs are the only ones that matter and push off any conservative values as "old-fashioned" or "ignorant", and then have the NERVE call the right wing intolerant.
That being said, McCain and Obama are both bad. Neither one of them will make a good president. They are already a part of the system and therefore are already corrupt. But I'd rather see McCain than Obama. Democrats tend to have this idea of giving handouts and the like, which would add to an already abused system.
You want to fix welfare? Don't increase the amount of money they can give out, but instead of just handing out a check every month, require attendance at a weekly or bi-weekly group counseling session, helping them to get jobs and the like in order to support their family. This would do two things - 1. Make it more difficult to abuse the system, since the people would be monitored, and 2. help the people who are having trouble to get better jobs and stop relying on the government. People are going to fall on hard times. It will happen. But if all we do is give them a check every month, is that really like saying we care?
Flipski, I want to adress your last paragraph, and i realize that it may have been written out of stress or in be perfectely legit in the conversation your having, however. At the heart of Conservatism(in the states at least) is the desire to keep one's money, as it is your own money. But also, it calls for the money to be sent to charitable causes and aid...but to be used in whatever manner you so desire, because it is your rightfully earned money....that being said many rich republicans don't do anything with their money, however the same can be said of rich democrats...I'm not self centered, i just want to keep my own damn money.
Also, those missiles that are planned to be placed in Poland are not offensive missiles. They are interceptor missiles designed for the sole purpose of destroying nuclear warheads the are midair en route to their targets. Its just a defensive system, we cannot attack with it, what would be the point, the missiles wouldn't do much damage.
Those are just lies so America has more of a chance of beating Russia if a cold war starts out.