i would say macain because obama is not even from the USA.
Tell that to the Hawaiians! He was born there. 1961 Honolulu.
Being a natural born citizen is a <i> requirement </i> for being president. He clearly meets all requirements; he was a Senator, too! None of this should hinder his ability to become president.
There's always the question of "the war". Barack Obama wants to take our troops out of Iraq within a few years. George Bush, and McCain as well, aim for a broader "time horizon". They do not give any specifics. Meanwhile, our money is going down the drain there. Al-Qaeda was NOT in Iraq at the time we entered that country. They instead came as a direct result of our invasion.
George Bush has lightened up in Afghanistan, where the real threat WAS, and instead has pushed onward ever stronger in Iraq, flooding in more troops and money every day.
McCain would continue this trend (to a lesser extent, but nonetheless)...
Before any of you little idiots spout things about either McCain or Obama you should do some actual reading of their speaches and interviews. Don't listen to the media, except for NPR and BBC most news sources are biased FOX News, CNN, etc.
Do listen and repeat stupid sound bites that don't show any actual intelligence, but rather, listen to the speaches of the men, listen to their interviews. AND ALWAYS!!! remeber to think about the source of where you are getting your information, are they biased, do they have a certain agenda, etc.
I want you all to be a good, thinking, intelligent citizen. Please, our country needs more of these types of individuals.
It is so much more complicated then that. And that is the problem with most people. They oversimply things by saying and believeing "Obama wants peace and McCain party wants to win the war" There is so much more to it than that
If we "made peace" with Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini in WW2, where would we be now? All of Europe would probably still be under a totalitarian government. Neville Chamberlain proved that the "eace for our time" strategy is a failng one.
Wow, I suggests all of you do some research before you vote, because most of your information is false. I at least hope that you guys are too young to vote and thats why you don't know much about the candidates.
I am going to Vote for Obama, I think the most important impact he will have, is changing the way the world sees America, and improving relations with foreign countries. And I really like his ideas about alternative energies. I think another important (probably most important) problem we have is our dependence on foreign oil. We are extremely dependent on oil from countries that do not favor America. Would you not say that this is a great threat? I generally agree with most things Obama has to offer, but what I like most about him is his character, and how he feels sincere and genuine. Mcain seems like another scoundrel to me. Someone who was raised 60 years ago when the world was so different, yet he takes the same approaches to our new age problems. The world is different and we need someone whose younger and more with the times.
The "alternative energy" policy is flawed. Here's why:
We will always be dependent on oil because we don't just get gasoline from oil. We get jet fuel, plastics, asphalt, paint additives, and hundreds of other different products from crude oil. How will we replace that?
Flipski, I agree with your assessment that people need to do more research. The USA is a nation of sound bites. I believe people don't read enough. Opinions are formed from hearing what pundits (though, I don't know if many of them can truly be considered experts) say. Propoganda rules.
It seems to me that the most educated and intelligent people on this site are pro McCain, people I have respect for like Flipski and Woody. This only makes sense since, generally speaking, the most educated vote democratic, an interesting note, the most uneducated also vote democratic. Now, what does that mean?