I know I speak for many a people who have said (or thought): "We really need an edit button" And we do, I have become kinda forgetful of late and have been making many a double post and I myself am getting annoyed (with myself that is). What has been requested several times (though not recently) is the promised edit button. I do believe it was promised for AG3 before it was going to be a gradual thing but I'd like updates/installation of it sooner rather than later so I can correct my stupid mistakes and not have to have other's see them.
I'm in favor of it being the only focus for the team right now. There are a multitude of reasons why, but I won't delve into them because they're fairly obvious.
If they do, it should contain a button to view "hidden" older copies, in case someone pulls an 'I never said that; look at my totally unaltered post from earlier'.