i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
Oh well, either way we'll find out on the 22nd. Tell you what, I'll be you any amount of money the world doesn't end on the 21st, great deal as I'd either win the money or not have to pay up.
Hi guys, ok i've researched this subject alot recently. Must of spent 2 weeks going through every single scientific and theorectical explanation to the worlds end in 2012. I must STRESS the FACT that this isn't any normal doomsday date. The Facts are as follows and feel free to search up these topics! We are about to(or currently) enter something called a galatic plane. It seems to be a source of imense electromagnetic and gravitational energy (or so believed). Nasa have also recently experienced unexplained forces on satelites orbiting in space around jupiter ( if i remember correctly) that sent them in directions they were not supposed to go lol. There is also another theory of Planet X. This is a theory that has arrisen since scientists discovered a planet four times the mass of earth just outside our solar system. So its big lol. The only problem is nobody really took much interest in this and as far as i can gather, this object is supposed to be behind the sun right now, but guess what, we shut down our satelites that observed behind the sun some time ago...DOH..So we cant currently see lol. Now the thing is, if this planet does exist,( as alot of scientists dont believe its really there although there is some evidence) it will have a strong gravitational effect on our solar system which would cause all sorts from Meteor showers to unimaginable things (which i'll explain soon) and some believe this planet X is on a collision course with earth! If thats the case im sure it wont happen in the to near future. Now another thing is this.. The sun is in its 24th cycle which has only currently just started, or so the space weather agency say. Currently there are NO stormy activities happening on the sun. Please use this link to check for yourselves :
This isnt a good thing as scientists say it will bring on a huge storm which in turn will shower the earth with high solar radiation and electromagnetic energies. This can cause all sorts from frying the satelites to changing weather conditions on earth for the worst. As far as im aware they dont know when this is due to happen but its something that is natural to the sun. This is also actually predicted by the mayans which is interesting. They also said about the galatic plane ( which is a disk of gravitational forces ejected by the black hole that sits in the centre of our galaxy. Now the interesting thing is we are about the go into galactic alignment. WHAT? I hear you say... Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes.(search all this and read up on it if you dont understand lol, its very interesting)
But the alignment in 2012 makes more interesting as the two days on which the sun will cross the galactic plane that year, happen to align with two solstices. Such a thing happens only once in 13,000 years or 26,000 years as some people believe. Nobody knows for sure what could happen but the biggest threat scientists say is a Pole shift of the earth. This would be utterly devistating. They have recently announced that the earth could be currently going through this process. Basically to cut a long story short a pole shift is when a planets north and south pole could either 'flip' or shift to a different location. It will literally cause the earth to suddenly stop ( some think over a period of time) and then start to rotate in the opposite direction! It has happened in the past and will happen again. It will cause great Tsunami's with approx 6,000ft heights, total shifts in the weather patterns with winds of upto 400mph, earthquakes and major movement of tectonic plates, and im talking so big that half the U.S. could be underwater as it was at one time and for instance the united kingdom could either sink or get alot bigger as the earths crust reshuffles. Scientists know this will happen and if you research, you will find out. They just dont know when. If it happens suddenly then we pretty much aint got a chance, but if it happens over a period of weeks, months, years then we shall see an increase in extreme weather and oceanic conditions. This is why some scientists believe it is happening already, what with recent events. There seems to be alot against us for 2012 BUT there are many views on what will happen and nobody can be 100% sure. For those that are ignorant enough to dismiss scientific facts, do your research into every area i have covered here and you will see differntly. There is a lot they dont tell you on the news and theres a reason for that lol. Just browse Nasa's sites and other sites about these topics but be careful of the doomsayers sites! If there are any questions, feel free to ask and i'll be glad to try answer with the best of my knowledge. Thanks!
I honestly don't believe the world will end but some of the things people make up are pretty scary: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=dec+21%2C+2012&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-GBfficial&client=firefox-a
jollins in part of your post are you talking about Geomagnetic reversal?
From what I know of that the next one is not expected for another 1000-2000 years. Though the magnetic North Pole is moving at 40 kph from Canada to Siberia and the magnetic field is weakening. Obviously the magnetic field plays a big aprt in keeping out solar radiation and the like but its happened many times before and animals survived (even homo Erectus survived a few).
'Tis not the world that is ending, merely the forth age of the Earth. Though the forth age was said to be the final age... We can only hope that, if it does end, it will be a foreseeable event, so that we have time to prepare, and not just the Earth going against all laws of nature and pop out of existance.