i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
Just because people have been wrong before does not mean they'll be wrong every time. Think about it. 2012 has been predicted as the end by a multitude of civilizations and cultures, not just the Mayans, and there is more evidence for it than any other of those failed predictions.
Just because people have been wrong before does not mean they'll be wrong every time. Think about it. 2012 has been predicted as the end by a multitude of civilizations and cultures, not just the Mayans, and there is more evidence for it than any other of those failed predictions.
People like you need to be banned from the internet. Your arguement has no logical stand point. Or any standpoint that is credible.
If the world were to end on Dec. 21,2012 then the 7 year tribulation would have already started. But sense not all the factors that would lead to that, i.e. the reconstruction of the Temple of God in Israel, have happened, unless God decides to end us early, the world won't end.
No logical standpoint? Here's an example of how I'm right. Thomas Edison was wrong about how to make a light bulb 2,000 times before he figured it out. So by your reasoning, he should have given up after the fifth time because it was never going to work? Then we'd have no light bulbs.
Just because people have been wrong before does not mean they'll be wrong every time. Think about it. 2012 has been predicted as the end by a multitude of civilizations and cultures, not just the Mayans, and there is more evidence for it than any other of those failed predictions.
The hell?
Your a Christian correct? You shouldn't care what any ancient civilization predicted other than the Israelites. 2012 is a ridiculous idea and has NO scientific standpoint and No emotional or logical standpoint what so ever.
I think people should stop trying to figure out if the world will end or not.It seems as if they want to make some of us crazy.
As for the mayan calender,well heck I could make a calender saying on this year we will all die,honestly who would believe me?
It seems as if one person said that it will end a bunch of people believe them,honestly I think its just a big scam for the movies.Ever notice after a death date that a month later they make 2000,2012 etc.
People said that the world would end 3 time: 1) 1999, 7th month 2) Y2K 3)6-6-06
Now since these "End of the world" theorys have all been rong, people are think: "Oh bull****, the world is not going to end." But we have to think about this, the Mayans were the SMARTEST civilization known to man. They were able to read the future by looking at the stars. If you research about the "Mayan Calender" it states 2012 is not the end of the earth but the end of our era. And it also states that we are currently in our 5th era. Dec. 21, 2012 is not the end of the world but the end pof our current era of humanity, according to the mayans
According to our calendar the world ends every year. Our calendar only lasts for 12 months XD
I think this is closest to the truth. I've seen a lot of documentaries on the subject of the Mayan calender lately. And the fact is that NONE of them have any proof that the Mayans were predicting the end of time. All that they had to say was that the calender was ending. In fact, they stated that Mayans charted the circular nature of the heavens. I believe that, if the calender doesn't just plain start over, then the people that carved it couldn't afford a bigger rock. Also, if the Mayans had the ability to predict the future, then why are they all dead without the end of the world happening?