i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
I'm not saying it want happen because i dont know for sure, i just dont think it will happen the way think it will, if id does happen. I believe in the Rapture.
The world has the same Chance to end today as it does 2012. Scientist say that the only way that the world could end is if that comet that TrayDogenzaka Mentioned hits earth and their is a very low chance of that happening. I just think that we will kill ourselves in the end.
By this time now you can tell things starting to happen. Volcanic ash over Europe, oil spills, all of these things. Humanity might just bring itself down on itself. If it does happen to be the end of the world, i believe it will be one of those things where it will come back eventually one small cell or material at a time. Then one day the world will prosper again for another eternity.
Oil spills don't really have anything to do with the world ending its just a thing that happens a lot. About the volcanic ash, what was going to happen eventually and we just weren't ready for it
Humanity will most likely kill itself with pollution because that is causing global warming.
Humanity will most likely kill itself with pollution because that is causing global warming.
Global warming won't kill us... And even if it would, certainly not by 2012. I gonna say that we die in 2012 because some knucklehead accidentally fires a nuclear missile and it starts a war. So yea...
Im not saying that I think we will die by global warming by 2012 im just saying that id anything was to kill the world it would be global warming (and yes global warming can kill us) or as you said some retard will shoot a missile or something like that
You think this is new, and has never happened b4???
Good point, a lot of people think that Oil spills are causing the end of the world but it has happened 20 times before.
Its impossible to tell when the world will end maybe tomorrow, it could end next thursday, or maybe even friday, but it could also end 50 years from now or maybe even on dec 21, 2012 (5 days after my birthday) You can never be sure though when the world will end or when you will die for that matter. Hey I could die tomorrow or next wednesday or I might live to be 100 years old or live to be 23 its just impossible to know...... So I guess you just have to live each day like its your last don't you?
i think that the signs are here even though people say its not the big bang is coming...in california it has been more than 100 years since a REALLY big earthquake how much do u wanna bet its gonna be in 2012?
haha you know what, im actually starting to think the world is going to end in 2012.. Considering this huge oil leak in the the gulf. They say very little is leaking, yet the images shown by a camera dropped down to see the damage, shows it literally gushing out from the pipe. By now they say its traveled into streams and currents, and headed too all the oceans around the world. No big deal or anything....