i personal dont believe it but many groups have predicted it ex: mayans,hopi indians,the bible St Malachy predicted the world will end with the 112th pope; pope bendict is our 111th pope. Why would all these people predict the same date?
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://churchofcriticalthinking.org/images/nib.jpg&imgrefurl=http://churchofcriticalthinking.org/planetx.html&h=303&w=300&sz=14&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=Jks0mEG7ImVwDM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=115&rev=/images%3Fq%3DPlanet%2BX%2Boposite%2Bof%2Bearths%2Borbit%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN I was pulling off an image for the Planet-X woody was talking about, and I read a little from the page, and according to this 2012 = stay away from beaches! Holy crap dude HOLY CRAP!
divinedarkness's Page brought a simple conclusion theory to it. BUT, IF speaking like a christian, the bible states that the devil hasn't been born on this earth. (or has it? i didn't do much research)If my last statement is true, the bible says that he/she will be a big star/hit. Maybe in the mayan apocolypse, The devil will be born on earth. . . .seems liable?
(i made these theories completely up)
A government induced zombie apocolypse (kinda like the umbrella game incident ^^) and the world wipes out.
possibly, as the page DD brought up,tidal waves will devastate the earth.
from the tidal waves would come some sort of prehistoric beast, of which would destroy the human race in the matter of weeks.
well if people accually read about the Mayan predictions and researched them without jumping to conclusions, then this myth wouldn't have started, the Mayan calander does havesome weird stuff, but only if you're looking for something and use your imagination. Dec 21 2012 just marks the end of a Mayan cycle and the beginning of the fifth cycle I think it is, it doesn't mean that the worlds going to end just because they stopped writing things out, it just means they got bored or something and took a break. At the end of the fourth cycle their calander just turns over to all zeros.
A lot of people that believe in the 2012 thing think that it's not the end of the world, but the opposite, they believe that it is when a period of enlighttenment will occur and wars will stop and there will be peace.
I personally think it's just a new period of time like the beginning of a month or year w/o ne thing special
isn't I Ching the symbols consisting of 3 Yin or Yan lines stacked on top of each other that some ancient Chinese put together in a myth of a Chinese hero
Hey Asherlee what about The Lost Book Of Nostradamous, that also has the predictions to the future, and the final part was that it way lead to our doom.