Well considering the universe is ever expanding, I find the possibility that we're the "only ones" very, very unlikely.
Lol that's a picture of Earth you realise.
It's an artist impression of Gliese 667, or GJ 667cc. Wikipedia may not be the most reliable source of information, but those little details are mostly always true.
Lol that's a picture of Earth you realise. The Unites States. So :P on that.
Don't look only at pictures, you kid. Actually read the article please :P and that's just the first English one I found, I saw it first on another one.
If there were no aliens, we wouldnt exist, as we are life forms. For life on a planet to exist, there has to just the right amount of warmth for liwuid H2O, and quite a few other aspects. Different environments may change the appearrance and atributes of a life form.
That maketh no sense at all. The condition of us existing does not hinge on aliens existing. It might depend on the right conditions to sustain life, but that has no link at all to the existence of alien life. To put it clearer, so what if we are life forms? Doesn't have any correlation to aliens whatsoever, barring speculation that we started off as alien bacteria blasted onto Earth.
Aliens are absolutely real,it makes no sense for the humans race to be the only race in existence.
We're not the only race, we're not the only species, heck, we're not even the only reign of life! And all this on only one planet Seeing as how there is at least one planet with life on it (ours!), it is probable that at least another one existed/exists/will exist somewhere; but it doesn't make it a certainty, and as long as there's no direct evidence for aliens, we shouldn't treat them as already discovered.
okay i will admit i believe that we are not alone in the universe but they didnt come to earth at any time in history in a big metal spaceship trillions of miles away just to help us move some rocks(stonehenge pyramids easter island ect.) and then not show up ever again also 2012 you have to be retarded to belive that myans died off because we took their land and they all died without time to finish it if the callendar said this is the day were going to die i might think otherwise but no and myans didnt factor in leap years so the world would of "ended" MONTHS ago
okay i will admit i believe that we are not alone in the universe but they didnt come to earth at any time in history in a big metal spaceship trillions of miles away just to help us move some rocks(stonehenge pyramids easter island ect.) and then not show up ever again also 2012 you have to be retarded to belive that myans died off because we took their land and they all died without time to finish it if the callendar said this is the day were going to die i might think otherwise but no and myans didnt factor in leap years so the world would of "ended" MONTHS ago
And here, we see how a combination of the garbled nature of the multitude of conspiracy theories and horrible grammar combine into a huge literary mess.
And here, we see how a combination of the garbled nature of the multitude of conspiracy theories and horrible grammar combine into a huge literary mess.
I'm sorry to say this, but you argue like a fool. The topic is aliens, not "let's bash people on their grammar because we are the grammar police"
I for one do believe in aliens, the fact that there are billions of galaxies in the universe, and that the universe is still expanding, it would be foolish not to assume that there are other life forms. Whether they are intelligent or not, that's another story. There could be a superior life form that makes us look like single celled Eukaryota, or they could be single celled life forms. Again this is all based of off opinion and belief.
nichodemus, I would like to here your opinion on this if you haven't said already. (I didn't go back any pages to look because I'm too lazy)
I believe that aliens are real simply because of the size of our universe. There are around 100,000,000,000 stars in a galaxy and there are arond 5 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. I do not think that were are alone because of the sheer amount of stars that could inhabit life.
I believe that aliens are real simply because of the size of our universe. There are around 100,000,000,000 stars in a galaxy and there are arond 5 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. I do not think that were are alone because of the sheer amount of stars that could inhabit life.
It is believed that the universe is infinite with no begining or end. There are a lot more stars than what you just said there.
There is technichally no infinite, because everything has a beginning and end. But, if the universe had a beginning and end, then what would be beyond the universe? Void? Can void even logically exist?