Oh, I have so many... but the first that comes to mind is the bacon-wrapped hot dog!
But I put everything on them, ranging from the standard hot dog toppings (ketchup, mustard, relish, onions, tomatoes, sauerkraut) to teriyaki sauce, marinara sauce, and most recently, mango salsa!
You can see I take the art of bacon-wrapped hot dog making quite seriously!
I don't have a favorite 'food', per se, but I can give one of my favorite meals.
Quality steak, medium rare, with rice and corn on the side, topped with onion, garlic, and my favorite BBQ sauce, homemade. Some appetizer would be salad in a separate bowl with a good amount of french dressing, Coca Cola in a glass bottle for fanciness, and a separate plate of nachos with the PERFECT chip to dip ratio, if some magical being can somehow find it.