There are always going to be people messing up. We can't blame the whole world. There are great people out there, it's just that you don't get into the news for being a good neighbor.
I carry a discharged rifle shell for luck what do you think would happen if i lived in florida let me tell
A young man was arrested for carrying ammunition that could possibly be dangerous to the lives of hundreds of people,It is beleived that the rifle shell had been shot at a rabbit 50 years prior to the incident and had no slug,powder charge,or primer but when PCPD police chief Nuts lickerson learned of this he said. "F this taze the punk anyway." The boy is under trial by the UN and is being tried for crimes against humanity.Not much is known of the state of the trial but the prime minister of Canada was quoted saying."I'm leaving I don't have time for jokes....wait you are joking right?!"