im having a hard time on this subject and I am not finding any of it to be true can someone give me some kind of good physical evidence that could prove this theory.
People believe in evolution because they want to it is their desire at all costs to explain the origin of everything without a Creator evolutionism is an atheistic religion some may prefer to call it humanism and new age but they all amount to the same thing atheism is the purpose to eliminate a personal God from any active role in the origin of the universe and all its components including man.
You have a strange perception of things... and a wrong one. "Evolutionism", if we have to use that stupid term, is not a religion trying to eliminate god. It is a science without any particular set of belief or moral, that is looking at life as it is and describing it objectively. Evolution is a fact, whether it is a mere natural process or part of the creation of a god.
Also there is this from an article I had to read for school :The evolutionist will claim that the presence of many individual species proves evolution. This shallow statement is devoid of reason, logic and scientific proof. Evolutionists line up pictures of similar looking species and claim they evolved one to another. Humans are a great example. There are hundreds of species of extinct monkeys and apes. Petrified skulls and bones exist from these creatures. Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man. They simply fill in the big gaps with make-believe creatures to fit the picture. This procedure can be done with humans only because there are many extinct monkey and ape species. They never do this with giraffes and elephants. These pictures are placed in all evolutionists' text books to teach kids this nonsense. The picture is simply a grouping of individual species that does not prove evolution.
Also there is this from an article I had to read for school :The evolutionist will claim that the presence of many individual species proves evolution.
Not quite. Their relatedness is what gives us evidence for evolution; there are several ways to measure relatedness, in palaeontology it's mostly morphologic characteristics, but also bone histology for example; but a good modern measure is genetic relatedness.
There are hundreds of species of extinct monkeys and apes. Petrified skulls and bones exist from these creatures. Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man. They simply fill in the big gaps with make-believe creatures to fit the picture.
As said, morphologic characteristics are a good way to show the evolutionary steps, and so far work well for many cases. The human evolution is a bit tricky because all those fragments we have of extinct homo species are relatively similar, so defining individual species there seems a bit bold. But it does give us a nice picture of the gradual changes.
They never do this with giraffes and elephants.
If you have time and are willing to browse a bit, I recommend looking at the Tree of Life Web Project to get an idea of the diversity, and maybe even check the refecences put there for further reading on specific subjects.
Evolutionists line up pictures of similar looking species and claim they evolved one to another.
You know, I don't know much about evolution (which is why I haven't posted in this thread till now), but I know for a fact that scientists don't just line up pictures and compare them without researching. There have been hundreds of experiments on evolution that show evidence of humans and animals adapting until they are the way today. See the before mentioned links Mage put up, the first one about the lizard basically proves evolution is real. Do you and Declan go to a hardcore bible-thumping christian school or something?
Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man.
Again, hundreds of experiments have been done.
make-believe creatures
What? Make believe creatures? So apes aren't real?
This shallow statement is devoid of reason, logic and scientific proof.
Again, the links were posted by Mage are scientific proof. I personally think evolution is chock full of common sense.
This procedure can be done with humans only because there are many extinct monkey and ape species.
Wait, what? But the evolution theory isn't just about humans, it's about everything from animals to plants.
I'm really sorry for mixing the quotes from her paragraph around guys, I really only expected to reply to the top one but then I saw the rest of her paragraph, and I couldn't help myself.
If evolution is true then we all got here by random chance thereâs too much order complexity and beauty in this world for it all to be the result of chance.
If evolution is true then we all got here by random chance thereâs too much order complexity and beauty in this world for it all to be the result of chance.
The way I see it, a world created on a snap of a finger of a deity that could have done MUCH better is not worth praise, while a world that evolved over a long time to what it is now, without will or goal and yet achieved this, is simply awesome.
Besides, there are many things that can be explained in the light of evolution, but don't make sense in the light of instantaneous intelligent creation. Like, humans being only suboptimally adapted to walking. It leads to many of us experiencing back aches at a certain point due to our bent spine. Or hemorrhoids. They can be explained in an evolutionary perspective. Animals walking on four legs don't have venous valves in the blood vessels of the anus, because those are located higher than the heart and thus the blood always flows back. This is not the case for us, and so if we don't exercise and move to increase blood flow, eventually we get hemorrhoids.
There are many more examples, like atavistic features.
If evolution is true then we all got here by random chance thereâs too much order complexity and beauty in this world for it all to be the result of chance
Exactly, there's no way that a "BIG BANG" can make all of this.
Exactly, there's no way that a "BIG BANG" can make all of this.
It's easier than you'd think (see the Abiogenesis link on my profile). And besides, I'll say it once and for all, Evolution is the development of life. It has nothing to do with the beginning fo the universe, and nothing to do with how organic life came from anorganic matter. Get that in your thick skull of yours.
It's easier than you'd think (see the Abiogenesis link on my profile). And besides, I'll say it once and for all, Evolution is the development of life. It has nothing to do with the beginning fo the universe, and nothing to do with how organic life came from anorganic matter. Get that in your thick skull of yours. It's either God made the world and man and all of the animals and they never changed, or there was a big explosion which formed everything perfectly and made life somehow which evolved into intelligent lifeforms which can to incredible things.
So your saying that a world full of lust gluttony sloth pride greed envy and wrath is better than what God originally created? God did do much better we destroyed the world we live in. It is not Gods place to maintain the world we live in it is ours and because we are greedy we destroyed it. So please tell me what God could have done better because he gave us all we could ask for and we destroyed it.
Those three theories are independent of one another. Abiogenesis is based on a world of anorganic matter and molecules. Evolution is based on already existing lifeforms.
And you really don't like the idea of a god creating the world through evolution, dontcha? Even though that would be the msot logical religious interpretation.
And you really don't like the idea of a god creating the world through evolution, dontcha? Even though that would be the msot logical religious interpretation.
Screw logical, the bible told it a different way, and tradition does. I'd follow tradition and scripture in stead of people these days trying to figure out what happened before they were born.
Evolution is based on already existing lifeforms
So is my belief. We're existing lifeforms, and it's based upon us. Either way, there is something that always was there. i believe that an intelligent being was there and created everything on purpose, rather than some gases or whatever were there and accidentally created the universe. It's one way or another. God did not use evolution to create the universe. It's not even possible that he controlled the Big Bang, because that's not what he passed down to us.
So your willing to believe a theory yet theories are proven wrong every day over God who has never wronged us.
How so? A theory is the best explanation based on actual facts. I don't see them proven wrong in any way. I also don't see how god could prove them wrong as he would prove his own creation wrong if this was the case.
Tell me Caitey, which theories are you talking about? Please elaborate unlike our dear friend here Declan over there, who is sitting in his own happy world of god.