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im having a hard time on this subject and I am not finding any of it to be true can someone give me some kind of good physical evidence that could prove this theory.

  • 59 Replies
40 posts
these theories

478 posts

The world was made as a test for us; i we pass, we go to heaven, if we fail, we go to hell. Now you people have no sense of faith whatsoever, therefore, you are to unintelligent to believe in this. I believe that creatures can come out deformed, breed, and create new breeds. (The mule) and if that's what you're trying to prove, i accept. but if you're trying to say that man, or any animals around today, weren't around way back when, then I can only argue, for it's unreal. Just because a scientist said it, doesn't mean it's true. There are certain religious officials who have stated things, but some of them I didn't believe, because he's only a man. i believe in the things that were passed down from Christ, Revealed by God, or revealed by a real Pope.

40 posts

ugh sorry but these theories have all been proven wrong

478 posts

Please elaborate unlike our dear friend here Declan over there, who is sitting in his own happy world of god

please tell me what I haven't explained or elaborated on, my dear friend.

8,256 posts

You terribly bore me, you both. All you keep doing is preaching a dusty old tome, yet you haven't managed to disprove the evidence thrown into your face nor provide any sound evidence for your preachings. Your beliefs are what they are: beliefs. If you believe the world is a test, fine. Evolution is still a fact no matter how much you wine around. It just has too much evidence. Look here for a chunk of it.

9,462 posts

People believe in evolution because they want to it is their desire at all costs to explain the origin of everything without a Creator evolutionism is an atheistic religion some may prefer to call it humanism and new age but they all amount to the same thing atheism is the purpose to eliminate a personal God from any active role in the origin of the universe and all its components including man.

Okay so you don't know what you're talking about at all. No problem it doesn't seem you were given the chance or tools to get a proper education on the matter.

Let's start with the basics. The definition of evolution.

Evolution is a change in allele (group of genes) frequency (how often it occurs) in a group over generations (parents are one generation babies are another and so on). Or more simply decent with modification.

Now on to the points you made.

People believe in evolution because they want to

We actually have evidence to go, so blind belief like what's required for a religion is non necessary.

desire at all costs to explain the origin of everything without a Creator

Evolution doesn't necessarily discount a creator. It does however discount certain creation stories, such as a literal interpretation of the Bible.

evolutionism is an an atheistic religion some may prefer to call it humanism and new age but they all amount to the same thing atheism

Evolution is a scientific theory an fact, not a religion. As for the term "evolutionism" this is an archaic term only used before scientific consensus on the matter formed. The term is actually misused today to imply evolution as a belief system and only shows the ignorance of the user. In sort if you want to at the very least sound like you know what you're talking about, don't use it.

Scientific Theory; A scientific explanation of related observations or events based on hypotheses and verified multiple times by different independent researchers.

Humanism is something entirely different. Humanism is a philosophical and ethical perspective that emphasizes the value of human beings both individually and collectively. While a humanist may often prefer rational and empirical thought and evidence over dogma and faith this is not necessarily an atheistic view.

atheism is the purpose to eliminate a personal God from any active role in the origin of the universe and all its components including man.

a- ; without, not
theist; belief in a god or gods
atheist; without belief in a god or gods.

Atheism is just a lack of belief (for whatever reason) in any god's existence. There is no purpose behind it. Many atheists however don't much care for having a religion ruled over them which is where you begin to have atheists become vocal. For a relevant example, having religion taught as science.

As for science there is no active attempt to remove god from anything. The goal is to simply create functional models of reality. If such models work without a god then so be it.

Also there is this from an article I had to read for school

There is your problem right there. You don't seem to be getting a very good education if this is what you're reading in school.

Evolutionists line up pictures of similar looking species and claim they evolved one to another.

Interestingly enough we have all the evidence we need right in our genetic makeup. Such as following retroviruses. A virus infect a species, that genetic change is carried on to the offspring. as the groups diverge and speciate both new species will have that retroviral change in the same place. We can use this to trace linage and determine when a species split from another.

If evolution is true then we all got here by random chance thereâs too much order complexity and beauty in this world for it all to be the result of chance.

Random chance guided by a non random natural process.

We can have quite a bit of order and complexity from such a process, for example crystal formation. As for beauty this is rather selective and subjective, ignoring all the horrific aspects of the world such as how most of the life on this planet is parasitic. To claim intelligent design we must also ignore all the dumb design, such as having one passageway for both eating and breathing.
478 posts

You terribly bore me, you both. All you keep doing is preaching a dusty old tome, yet you haven't managed to disprove the evidence thrown into your face nor provide any sound evidence for your preachings. Your beliefs are what they are: beliefs. If you believe the world is a test, fine. Evolution is still a fact no matter how much you wine around. It just has too much evidence. Look here for a chunk of it.

This is truly ridiculous. I laughed at this. You're boring me with your ignorant beliefs. The good thing about my religion is, that you require faith. God made it this way so that ignorant people like you wouldn't be saved. But of course, we will all see at the end of times. What do I have to lose? Better safe than sorry. Caitlin, don't bother with these people.

5,552 posts

This is truly ridiculous. I laughed at this. You're boring me with your ignorant beliefs. The good thing about my religion is, that you require faith. God made it this way so that ignorant people like you wouldn't be saved. But of course, we will all see at the end of times. What do I have to lose? Better safe than sorry. Caitlin, don't bother with these people.

I'm not going to go into the ridiculousness of this statement (as there's no point when he obviously doesn't even read our posts) but I did notice something.

His sentences don't connect from one to the other. They're all random thoughts jumbled into a nonsense paragraph.

This is truly ridiculous. I laughed at this. You're boring me with your ignorant beliefs.

Talking about how he thinks we're ridiculous.

The good thing about my religion is, that you require faith.

Random nonsense jump to how we require faith and that somehow makes his religion a good thing (despite his testimony that faith is good, though he might have simply lost himself in his own incoherence and meant to say his religion was good because it requires a baseless belief in purported stories).

God made it this way so that ignorant people like you wouldn't be saved.

Another jump to how it's good we're going to be punished for simply not, in his eyes, 'knowing the truth?'

But of course, we will all see at the end of times. What do I have to lose? Better safe than sorry.

Now onto Pascal's stupid wager.

On the surface, all of these statements appear to be somewhat following another...but really, it's a bunch of unrelated arguments thrown into a heap with a claim of superiority. If this is how his thoughts go, it's really no wonder we're not able to have a conversation with him. Kind of like expecting a paper we give him to not be blenderized and lost in this storm of, uh, mental disconnect.
9,808 posts

People believe in evolution because they want to it is their desire at all costs to explain the origin of everything without a Creator evolutionism is an atheistic religion

Hi. Hey. Hi. Oh hey.
I'm pang. I know evolution to be true. I'm also an Agnostic Theist. Do you know what that means? Probably not, let me explain.

It means I believe in a deity. I believe in a deity, and I know evolution to be true. And not that god of the gaps Theistic Evolution.

Also, bear in mind, many Christians have accepted evolution as fact.

Also there is this from an article I had to read for school :The evolutionist will claim that the presence of many individual species proves evolution. This shallow statement is devoid of reason, logic and scientific proof. Evolutionists line up pictures of similar looking species and claim they evolved one to another. Humans are a great example. There are hundreds of species of extinct monkeys and apes. Petrified skulls and bones exist from these creatures. Evolutionists line up the most promising choices to present a gradual progression from monkey to modern man. They simply fill in the big gaps with make-believe creatures to fit the picture. This procedure can be done with humans only because there are many extinct monkey and ape species. They never do this with giraffes and elephants. These pictures are placed in all evolutionists' text books to teach kids this nonsense. The picture is simply a grouping of individual species that does not prove evolution.


As HahiHa showed you, yes they do.
Mage also has a picture showing other animal's relations to each other

If evolution is true then we all got here by random chance thereâs too much order complexity and beauty in this world for it all to be the result of chance.

1) If our world was any other way, you'd be saying the exact same thing about its beauty and complexity.
2) If evolution ended us up in any other way, you'd be saying the same exact thing
3) Complexity is by no means grounds to discredit something.

Exactly, there's no way that a "BIG BANG" can make all of this.

Again, just because you don't understand, doesn't make it false.

It's either God made the world and man and all of the animals and they never changed, or there was a big explosion which formed everything perfectly and made life somehow which evolved into intelligent lifeforms which can to incredible things.

1) Big Bang is not evolution..stop trying to make it so.

2) From the evidence scientists have acquired, it seems the second choice is the correct one.

3) If you actually would take the time to learn about TBB and Abiogenesis, you would realize how very plausible they both actually are.

So your saying that a world full of lust gluttony sloth pride greed envy and wrath is better than what God originally created?

god did create the world you first described, and he even caused it to become, yeah.

It is not Gods place to maintain the world we live in it is ours and because we are greedy we destroyed it.

Hmm..interesting. Your fellow Christians have very different viewpoints on god. Then again...every has different viewpoints on god.

So please tell me what God could have done better because he gave us all we could ask for and we destroyed it.

I don't know...maybe not put that ****ed tree in the garden and allow the snake in, both of which lead to Eve eating the fruit, which god himself placed there for no ****ed reason.

So your willing to believe a theory yet theories are proven wrong every day over God who has never wronged us.

That statement is completely false, and backwards.

I'd follow tradition and scripture in stead of people these days trying to figure out what happened before they were born.

Argumentum ad antiquitam

God did not use evolution to create the universe.

No one is saying this. You are the only one connecting evolution and TBB.

It's not even possible that he controlled the Big Bang,

No one is saying a god was involved.

weren't around way back when, then I can only argue, for it's unreal

Except for that fact that it is real.

Just because a scientist said it, doesn't mean it's true.

Nope, and no one is saying that.
It isn't the scientist that makes it real, but science. ⦠c_theories

ugh sorry but these theories have all been proven wrong

These were not disproven by a deity or in place of a deity, however...they were disproven by fellow scientists.
This is the beauty of science...we are constantly learning new things and gaining a better hold on our grasp of the world around us. This also shows the importance of testing and studying these theories.

Also, just because a few theories have been wrong, it doesn't make all theories wrong.

You're boring me with your ignorant beliefs.

I see you overlooked the time I gave you the definition of ignorant?
HahiHa is far from ignorant, as he actually has an understanding of the subject.

The good thing about my religion is, that you require faith.

I'd hardly call this a good thing, but viewpoints on this are merely subjective.

Anyways, your religion requires faith..and nothing more. While we require evidence and a scientific backing.

What do I have to lose? Better safe than sorry.

Oh good..Pascal's Wager.

Oh you will surely be sorry whenever we all die and you are find out that Steve-ism is correct. Have fun in Anti-SteveTown
9,462 posts

Exactly, there's no way that a "BIG BANG" can make all of this.

No, The Big Bang doesn't explain all this. We have separate theories for each step.

It's either God made the world and man and all of the animals and they never changed, or there was a big explosion which formed everything perfectly and made life somehow which evolved into intelligent lifeforms which can to incredible things.

1. Big Bang wasn't an explosion, it was an expansion of spacetime.
2. the state of matter/energy changed as the universe cooled after this expansion began. So it wasn't just "boom everything is here". That would be more in line with the religious view of how everything got here.

So please tell me what God could have done better because he gave us all we could ask for and we destroyed it.

Not make us in a way that we would display such tendencies, or set up a situation that would inevitably result in us being that way.

So your willing to believe a theory yet theories are proven wrong every day over God who has never wronged us.

it's accepting an evidence based claim that is open to revision over a claim that is completely unsupported by anything beyond just believe it.

Screw logical, the bible told it a different way, and tradition does. I'd follow tradition and scripture in stead of people these days trying to figure out what happened before they were born.

And there in lays the problem with the way you think.

So is my belief. We're existing lifeforms, and it's based upon us.

No it's not. You just got done saying how it's based on scripture.

ugh sorry but these theories have all been proven wrong

And that was achieved through gaining more evidence and knowledge and revising our models of reality accordingly. This is not a weakness of science but a strength. When religion encounters something demonstrable that doesn't line up with it's views it vehemently opposes it instead of accepting it was wrong and changing accordingly, just as you are doing now.
1,269 posts

Just because a scientist said it, doesn't mean it's true.

Just because an old book says it, doesn't mean it's true. Just because a magical person in the sky says it, doesn't mean it's true. Just because some &quotrophets" said it, doesn't mean it's true.

i believe in the things that were passed down from Christ, Revealed by God, or revealed by a real Pope.

So if the pope said "Your skin is green, you just can't see it." means you would believe it? Also, how do you even know that the this dusty old tome is what this "god" is really saying? You know the Bible has had so many edits and changes.

This is truly ridiculous. I laughed at this. You're boring me with your ignorant beliefs. The good thing about my religion is, that you require faith. God made it this way so that ignorant people like you wouldn't be saved. But of course, we will all see at the end of times. What do I have to lose? Better safe than sorry. Caitlin, don't bother with these people.

You're calling him ignorant? You're the one who believes in a magical man in the sky, is racist, homophobic and hates other religions for no reason. Also, why are you telling her not to bother with us when you were the one who came in here and started trolling and saying utterly nonsensical things. You are the type of people who piss me off, the type who believes in something, but doesn't try to disprove the evidence against them. You are literally the most ignorant person I have met. Seriously I have no problem with religion if it makes you do good things, like donating to charity, but using religion as a excuse to be homophobic and racist? You disgust me.
40 posts

He's not saying nonsensical things and he doesn't hate other people for no reason he has reasons which your too stupid to understand.

9,808 posts

He's not saying nonsensical things

In the limelight of science, he is saying completely nonsensical things.
In the limelight of faith (and nothing more), then he is fine.

The issue here, is that he is in an evolution thread trying to discredit evolution. Thus, he is saying what he is in the limelight of science..making his words nonsensical.

Oh, and if you are referring to Kasic's comment (if you are, try quoting next time), then maybe you should have read Kasic's comment, as he points out how nonsensical that paragraph was.

and he doesn't hate other people for no reason he has reasons

Black people
Jewish people
People of science

your too stupid to understand.

40 posts

So is correcting peoples spelling your last resort now because you don't seem to have any other arguments

9,808 posts

So is correcting peoples spelling your last resort now because you don't seem to have any other arguments

I'm guessing you just completely ignored my entire previous message then?
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