Did anyone mention Robert Patterson's vituperative rhetoric and attempt to shift the blame to gay clerks in the judiciary for impelling the judges to strike DoMA down?
I think it's good. There were some people rioting about it today in a town near here. To be honest, the same town hosted a KKK speech back in '96, so I can't say I'm surprised.
I was kind of born there, and I live very close, so that's a bit difficult.
If it's any consolation, the current administration denounces any current ties with the KKK and the anti-homosexual riots aren't backed by anyone in the town's government. But you have to understand that a similar demographic of people still live there.
I suppose it might be able to be done with some sort of combination of gene therapy and chemical castration.
you'll have to change certain brain area's to activate and deactivate under certain circumstances in life. if your gonna play whit the brain the outcome mostly isn't very good. so lets not do that. oke? =P
you'll have to change certain brain area's to activate and deactivate under certain circumstances in life. if your gonna play whit the brain the outcome mostly isn't very good. so lets not do that. oke? =P
Never said it was a good idea to do, but yeah chemical castration and gene therapy could probably do the trick.
As long as I'm not forced to be homosexual or be put into a homosexual marriage (which will probably never happen), this is fine with me.
As long as you haven't forced anyone to be heterosexual or be put into a heterosexual marriage (which you probably haven't), then you are fine with me.
May I make the comment that The supreme court acted more out of state rights then gay rights, so saying
I feel something. Something warm. It feels like tolerance and progression of the human legacy.
I feel is a little wrong. And I very much agree with the supreme court's decision because DoMA was another piece of legislation the Federal government used to take power away from the states and to oppress Homosexuals.