I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.
This is a good topic... I think it all depends on how you were raised in what you TRUELY believe in. I dont go to church. i dont think that jesus made the planet... i do combine the both of them into what i believe. i do strongely believe in a heaven and a hell. even though science cant explain it, when you die what is the real purpose of life? to decay in a coffin or be like walt disney and have some special freezing? that doesnt sound like what life should end to be. i do believe in many things about how life began, evolution, and i do believe that before, when religions were invented, they were based on the fact that the people didnt know any better and they said that gods in the sky were the ones who did it. you know, ancient 'scientists' actually mixed religion and science to form the first of scientists. i am completely open to proof though, there isnt much proof about god creating the planet but there IS proof that the big bang did. proof is the base of my belief, I'm independent and i believe in the facts :P
hmmm....i got bored readin it, so could u just explain it
Lazy little so & so...grumble..grumble...
Okay I will try to give you the abridged version, though I don't think I can do as good of a job in my words then the links.
After a star form it generates a lot of gravitational forces. This attracts all the matter causing it to swirl around the star. As it does this it begins to clump together eventually becoming big enough to generate a strong enough gravitational force of it's own to stabilize in an orbit around the star. The interesting this is we are observing this taking place in nebula.
Now for your second question on how life began on this planet. Currently the most probable theory is called abiogenesis. Basically simple chemicals under the right condition formed simple RNA polymers. RNA is a basic self replicating molecule unlike the chemicals it was formed from. RNA can lead to DNA a more complex molecule. Now once you have a self replicating molecule you can let the processes of evolution take over and given enough time you end up with you me and all other living things. Scientist have managed to recreate these basic RNA molecules by combining non self replicating chemicals. They did this using chemical and condition thought to have existed on Earth around the time life began here.
Flipin, the chemicals just naturally formed. Amino acids form naturally in the environment - they've been found in comet dust before, for example. The amino acids just being there isn't a stretch.
Flipin, the chemicals just naturally formed. Amino acids form naturally in the environment - they've been found in comet dust before, for example. The amino acids just being there isn't a stretch.
I guess this is the most plausible idea out there but I'm having trouble accepting that the chemicals were just always there. But this doesn't mean I'm gonna go be a creationist now, it's just that this is hard for me to believe, and I need more proof.
there was this debate two or three weeks ago and it went for days. but, oh well.
some scientists believe it was caused by a collision of two atoms.
i don't know how many theories there are, two or three.
they don't quite know yet, though, but christianity doesn't truly know where God came from, or if they got the dates wrong on when the beginning of the earth. so, we're even.