ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
4,871 posts

Water and carbon dioxide are not exactly "inert". Carbon dioxide is water soluble and can react with water to form carbonic acid.

DNA doesn't just form life it has to be in a incredibly specific order.
945 posts

you don't even know what DNA stands for. Simple rules can make complex structures. DNA is simply a pattern for life to exist. Depending on the pattern depends on what is written.

5,838 posts

DNA is very simple really, afterall it only has four bases (that is like having an alphabet with only four letter). I don't like the theory that life is just a vessel created by DNA to help it exist and allow it to replicate, it turns the "miracle" of life into an odd side effect.

1,044 posts

Well, this is VERY interesting, but I am already learning this in biology... you know? at school?

I don't need to review it here. This is [the]ism vs. Atheism

And to get us back on track, answer these [the]ism:
1) What or whom is God?
2) Where does God exist?
3) Do you have evidence of such a being?
4) Who did God "tell" to make the first life?
That's just for starters,and to just get back on track, and topic.

2,180 posts

1-4) Eternity, eternity, I believe so, and that wasn't literal.

I usually go into more detail, but I see that to do so would be, to use a Cantonese saying, trying to get a duck wet.

2,180 posts

Water and carbon dioxide are not exactly "inert". Carbon dioxide is water soluble and can react with water to form carbonic acid.

Carbonic acid does not resemble an amino acid or a vestige of an amino acid in any way. That's what it's limited to. Furthermore, without a suitable catatlyst, it takes a very, very long time to make a sizable amount of carbonic acid by just letting water and carbon dioxide sit in a container.
11,891 posts

I'm just saying they aren't inert. Concentrations of carbonic acid would most certainly be low. Given the right initial conditions, catalysts aren't necessary. You can blow bubbles (from one breath) through a straw into a cup of water and it will turn acidic (more acidic than if you had a bottle of water and blew your breath into it to replace the existing air inside, cap it and let it sit). The more you blow, the more acidic it will be (up to an unstable equilibrium or whenever you get tired since CO2 breaks down very easily in water either way, given the proper pathways, which are virtually ensured.) The CO2 content of an exhale is greater than that our current atmosphere, but by no means adds much CO2. Who's to say there wasn't enough gas released through volcanic activity or other means into large bodies of water? Who's to say there was? Who's to say it's even possible?

I wouldn't know what else goes on even if there was a bunch of H2CO3, HCO3-, or dissolved CO2 in water at an acidity... ...organism. Never was too interested in biology, evolutionary or otherwise, or organic chemistry for that matter (except in the sense of biocompatibility), so I wouldn't know if it was possible to form organic functional groups from H2CO3 (to form amino acids and from that life), but from other acids it's certainly possible. I don't care much for those who believe in abiogenisis, panspermia, etc. and those who don't believe in any of that. ((but I do entertain ideas of astrobiology in a nonscientific sense just for fun.))

4,871 posts

you don't even know what DNA stands for. Simple rules can make complex structures. DNA is simply a pattern for life to exist. Depending on the pattern depends on what is written.

o.O, wow your just ignorant of the oposition creationism is actualy a science. Anyway DNA is simple, yes but humans, just humans are made of 100,000 different proteins, which are made up of one of the twenty amino acids, which are made of four nucleiods, simple? Maybe until you realize how specific it has to be to make a human.
1,044 posts

Well, the carbonic acids, have nothing to do with creating the first creature. But hydrogen, which was present at that time would of made many things acidic. Hydrogen is the very basis of base and acid.

945 posts

o.O, wow your just ignorant of the oposition creationism is actualy a science. Anyway DNA is simple, yes but humans, just humans are made of 100,000 different proteins, which are made up of one of the twenty amino acids, which are made of four nucleiods, simple? Maybe until you realize how specific it has to be to make a human.

actually that is one of my arguments against religion. It's basically saying God made Adam from clay, and Eve from his bone. It's the simple argument of what came first, the chicken or the egg. You can't create life from scratch AND start life already mature.
239 posts

i dont know how many times i said it, how many topics i informed,how many users know it, but i am an atheist and the only thing i belive in is the fact that the evolution made eevrything, in my oppinion everybody can have his own oppinion but just the fact that some people say " if you dont belieave in god you will go to hell" Then i could just say " if god would be so big hearted and nice, why he would not accept that i just had my oppinion, so he wants to teach me a lesson by sending me to hell?" this is all i say about this, this is one mistake in the bible if god would be real he would accept all oppinions.

Thank you kingofgames

I am an atheist too

4,871 posts

actually that is one of my arguments against religion. It's basically saying God made Adam from clay, and Eve from his bone. It's the simple argument of what came first, the chicken or the egg. You can't create life from scratch AND start life already mature.

Not really, God's not stupid he would know exactly how to build humans, the rib part is a metaphor for women and men in marriage being one it really happened, but he didn't just take the rib he built the body around it.

if you dont belieave in god you will go to hell" Then i could just say " if god would be so big hearted and nice, why he would not accept that i just had my oppinion, so he wants to teach me a lesson by sending me to hell?" this is all i say about this, this is one mistake in the bible if god would be real he would accept all oppinions.

Alright, this is a realy easy one to debuff, first God made us um pretty nice of him there, second he doesn't send us to hell to teach us a lesson he sends us there because A. he can't be a round sin and B. you will WANT to go to hell becasue being in Gods presence with sin on you will be more painful than hell. Also he can't accept everyones opinions, he can't be around sin and we will want to go to hell if your around him with sin.
945 posts

Not really, God's not stupid he would know exactly how to build humans, the rib part is a metaphor for women and men in marriage being one it really happened, but he didn't just take the rib he built the body around it.

I wasn't arguing that, I was arguing that he couldn't make Adam into an adult from scratch. Of course you are just going to say, oh it's God he can do anything he wants. Well then God sent me, as his creation, to tell you that he believes in evolution too.
4,871 posts

I wasn't arguing that, I was arguing that he couldn't make Adam into an adult from scratch. Of course you are just going to say, oh it's God he can do anything he wants. Well then God sent me, as his creation, to tell you that he believes in evolution too.

Now were at a deadlock ...sigh i was enjoying this to, well as I've said before I respect evolution it could be right but I don't think it is, also christianity and evoltuion do NOT work so ya.
2,513 posts

I live in a Christian family, and I know that Christianity is when people believe that everything in the world was made by god, and Atheism is when people believe that everything was made by usually science. I believe in Christianity, but I do believe that Science made everything as well.

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