Yes, they will go to hell. God gave them a shortcut :P I have to admit I wouldn't know why God would do that. Sometimes, it is just too hard for me to understand His ways.
I don't think that accepting God should really matter with getting into heaven, because a good person deserves to be treated well. I think that bad Christians should go to hell, and good atheists should go to heaven. Perhaps judged by God's perspective of morality? Who knows.
My overall point is that the Bible paints God as perfect and just, and that he wrote the Bible, yet the Bible is filled with stories of genocide of innocents at the hand of God, by God. He states in the Bible rules that, according to fourtytwo, are only for the Israelites; i.e. genocide of all different religions they encounter, yet in Leviticus it says that
everyone must follow every rule, meaning that we should too. If I desperately wanted to, I could poke hundreds of holes in the logic of the Christian God. Like this:
Bible: "God am perfect and just."
Me: "Did God give us free will?"
Bible: "Yes."
Me: "Free will to choose to worship God or not?"
Bible: "Yes."
Me: "Is God infinitely forgiving and loving?"
Bible: "Yes."
Me: "Then why does God send us to burn in an eternal lake of excruciating flame for exercising the free will that He gave us to not worship Him?
Bible: "Because you made a mistake, were imperfect, and deserve it."
Me: "Whatever happened to the infinite forgiveness and love? Isn't that a severe punishment for being human, like God designed us? Why punish us for being how God created us?"
Bible: "You have questioned God, and sinned. Repent!"
Me: "answer the question, please."
Bible: (Insert viable answer here)
Me: T_T
It's just that if God is as God says He is, then humans would not go to hell. He would
forgive. He wouldn't punish severely.