ForumsWEPR[nec]Christianity vs Atheism

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70 posts

I am a christian, i and i strongly belive in my lord jesus christ, and i also belive that if you belive in him and except him as your savior, u will go to heaven. and i also believe that he created the world, not the big bang, or that we came from stupid apes.

  • 3,094 Replies
698 posts

But you said that just asking for forgivinees is usefull.
I hope this doesn't sound rude, but are you English? Useful is far from the right word to be using there, and I can't figure out what you are really trying to say. Again, I hope that wasn't insulting.
This is so unpolite. Don't God said to treat others like you want to be treaded? If we believe in evolution, who is you to say we are wrong?
Sorry about the impolite language, but that is just how I see it.
If we believe in evolution, who is you to say we are wrong?
I'd like to ask that same question. Why do you evolutionists insist that Christians are wrong? I only say that you are wrong because I have found quite a lot of proof against evolution.
"Who" would an atheist ask for forgiveness?
You would ask God. It is Him that everyone has sinned against.
9,821 posts

So why don't you atheists choose to ask for forgiveness? Why just sit there pondering about how we came about and coming up with pathetically inaccurate theories? That is something I really don't understand.

First of all, I'm not atheist. I'm a phenomenist. Secondly, Genesis is even more pathetically inaccurate, because at least the Big Bang is based on factual evidence and not the writings of a bunch of crazy old men who claim to have seen God. The Big Bang theory is based on evidence discovered based on shock-waves detected that appeared to be coming out from all directions. The Big Bang has the evidence of facts. The only evidence for Genesis is the book it's in saying it's true, which is not justifiable. If you asked two people to give evidence for either theory, the Genesis guy would say: The Bible is true because the Bible says it is." T_T. The Big Bang guy would say, "after kinetic energy was detected by scientists coming out from a specific epicenter that was most likely an explosion, and with the shock-waves seeming to extend almost infinitely, the Big Bang theory was formed." Which seems more &quotathetically inaccurate" to you?
You would ask God. It is Him that everyone has sinned against.

But atheists don't believe in God. It would be like me walking up to a unicorn and asking for a unicorn horn for Unicorn Day(I don't believe in unicorns.)
10,816 posts

I'm going to address something that comes from sources outside of this thread but center on this thread.

On a number of occasions, fourtytwo (not picking on you, but you're going to be my handy example this time around) has stated that they do not wish to appear hostile and sometimes wonders why they might be coming across as hostile. Since the bulk of the related posts are in this thread and a number of other users might benefit from this, I'm posting it here:

First off, the topic title in itself breeds hostility. It's a versus thread, that's pretty obvious. One who has a vested interest in the topic at hand would likely enter this thread with the intention to argue against somebody.

Now, some protips. I'm going to use something fourtytwo posted earlier:

So why don't you atheists choose to ask for forgiveness? Why just sit there pondering about how we came about and coming up with pathetically inaccurate theories?

Indications that this post will be read as hostile include:

1) the use of you in "you atheists", which in standard English implies "you lot, not me".

2) &quotathetically inaccurate theories". I really shouldn't have to be explaining this one, but for the sake of completeness I'll point out that this phrase is loaded. Furthermore as it's placed, it comes straight out of the rhetorical textbooks of the fundamentalist conservatives and that's not going to do you any favours on a neutral forum.

3) The implied premise is too general: it can't be said that all atheists (or even most) are interested in replacing the story of Genesis with any other. If you put words in people's mouths you're more likely to annoy them.

The result of this is a) unconstructive defensiveness on the part of all those who may have construed your post as an attack b) anything from dismissal to flame c) a lot of tangential arguments cropping up as people try to pick apart portions of your post which leads to more arguing until I come along and say &quotarty's over" and lock the thread.

Does this make anything clearer?
10,816 posts

Now I've made that commentary, I'll address the content of the latest argument:

I happen to think that the concept of forgiveness and its practice is one of the most valuable notions coming from Christianity and, in fact, overall. So yes, I rate it pretty highly. To assume that one is not perfect and must always seek forgiveness for transgressions is ideally to encourage humility and self-honesty, which I believe is the central moral teaching of Christianity and. quite frankly, does not appear to be something commonly taught or practiced in secular societies.

9,821 posts

I happen to think that the concept of forgiveness and its practice is one of the most valuable notions coming from Christianity and, in fact, overall. So yes, I rate it pretty highly. To assume that one is not perfect and must always seek forgiveness for transgressions is ideally to encourage humility and self-honesty, which I believe is the central moral teaching of Christianity and. quite frankly, does not appear to be something commonly taught or practiced in secular societies.

I agree that the premise of forgiveness is very important, yet at the same time, it seems that having all of these opportunities for easy forgiveness has made a good deal of societies generally quite miserly and greedy with their forgiveness. It's gotten to the point where, in many cases, giving forgiveness has become almost sinful, because it leads to the person asking for more and more, magnifying greed, which I do believe is one of the seven deadly sins. I once accidentally tripped my sister. When she got up, I apologized (I'm a harmless fellow, really) and she simply insulted me and demanded more apology. At this point, it really became hypocritical on her part, and I in turn demanded apology for her insults. I didn't ask for more though. I've seen this exact incident happen many times, so I think for forgiveness to continue to be a good thing, it must be thought of differently. It must be thought of as some sort of goal to achieve, some sort of significant thing, or forgiveness will become the object of incredible greed. (In my opinion.)
10,816 posts

If that happens, turn the other cheek. The best you can hope is that if you yourself have behaved righteously, that at least some others might have the respect to do the same for you. Because ultimately failure to lead by example tends to hypocrisy.

617 posts

Hey, Necromancer, do you know what this means?
617 posts

I am a Christian, but I do believe in the big bang.

945 posts

I'm not, and I don't believe in the big bang.

1,051 posts

I'm very skeptical on the Big Bang, I have mixed feelings about it
However, I have no doubt about evolution

I'm not christian btw

750 posts


Of course I do, I've studied Latin (not that I remember much).

> Q.E.D.

> quod erat demonstrandum

> "that which was to be demonstrated" literally or "it is thus proven" is more of how it is used in proofs

Why do you ask?

11 posts

I want to study latin. Necromancer is it a very difficult subject in your oppinion?

698 posts

First of all, I'm not atheist. I'm a phenomenist. Secondly, Genesis is even more pathetically inaccurate, because at least the Big Bang is based on factual evidence and not the writings of a bunch of crazy old men who claim to have seen God. The Big Bang theory is based on evidence discovered based on shock-waves detected that appeared to be coming out from all directions. The Big Bang has the evidence of facts. The only evidence for Genesis is the book it's in saying it's true, which is not justifiable. If you asked two people to give evidence for either theory, the Genesis guy would say: The Bible is true because the Bible says it is." T_T.
I'm going to quote the Bible because I'm bad at wording it. "The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hand." Everything I see every day just screams that there was a Creator. There is so less chance that it can happen by chance that I can't believe that it just came to be. Everything is just right for us and for creatures. It seems quite obvious to me that it was all planned.

The Big Bang guy would say, "after kinetic energy was detected by scientists coming out from a specific epicenter that was most likely an explosion, and with the shock-waves seeming to extend almost infinitely, the Big Bang theory was formed." Which seems more &quotathetically inaccurate" to you?
Just because something uses bigger word and is harder to understand doesn't make it more accurate. Also, in one of these threads, I asked for a detailed post about the theory of the Big Bang. I think I even asked for EVERY detail. Nobody mentioned anything about shock waves. Now, I want you to post every last detail. It is really annoying when you add new parts to theories. So...what are these "shock-waves" like? How do you have shock-waves in a vacuum?

But atheists don't believe in God. It would be like me walking up to a unicorn and asking for a unicorn horn for Unicorn Day(I don't believe in unicorns.)
OK, let me add some implied information to my sentence. So why don't you atheists choose to believe God is real and ask for forgiveness?
108 posts

OK, let me add some implied information to my sentence. So why don't you atheists choose to believe God is real and ask for forgiveness?

I could ask you, why don't you stop believeing in God and accept our theories? You would not agree, because you already have your beliefs - either true or not -. As well all other people in this thread have their beliefs.
698 posts

You would not agree, because you already have your beliefs
I would not agree because there actually is proof against evolution while I haven't found any against my beliefs.
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