ForumsForum GamesChampion of Chiakor

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1,676 posts

The Beginning
You grew up in the small village of Chiakor, a remote village with rich traditions, buried deep in the wilds.
Every year for as long as you can remember, your village has chosen a champion to send to the cursed Demon Realm.

Legend has it that in years Chiakor has failed to produce a champion, chaos has reigned over the countryside. Children disappear, crops wilt, and disease spreads like wildfire. This year, you have been selected to be the champion.

Character Creation
What is your name, Champion?
Male or Female?
If your are male, are you lean, average, or thick?
If female, are you slender, average, or curvy?
What is your skin color; light, olive, dark, or ebony?
What color is your hair, and how long?

Stats for the game include:
Strength - Increases your damage and enables the Strong Back perks if high enough.
Toughness - Increases your health points and enables the Tank and Regeneration perks if high enough.
Speed - Increases you chances to evade attacks, certain encounters and to run from a fight. Also enables the Evasion and Runner perks if high enough.
Intelligence - Increase the chance to withstand certain encounters. Spells are also easier to learn and cast.
Corruption - Shows how corrupt you've become since entering the Demon Realm. If high enough, you won't be known as the nice guy anymore. Nice thoughts and actions will be harder to perform if corruption becomes too high. Anger rises a lot faster when more corrupt.
Fatigue - Determines whether or not skills and spells can be used. Waiting, resting, and sleeping reduce fatigue.
Hit points - Your life. If it reaches 0, your enemy will find a way to corrupt your mind or body in some way, adding to your corruption.

Every person is born with a gift. What's yours?
Strength - Are you stronger than normal? +5 to strength
Toughness - Are you unusually tough? +5 to toughness
Speed - Are you very quick? +5 to speed
Smarts - Are you a quick learner? +5 to intelligence
Endurance - Are you energetic? Recover from fatigue 50% faster

Before you became a champion, you had other plans for your life. What were you doing before?
Alchemy - You spent some time as an alchemist's assistant, and alchemical items always seem to be more reactive in your hands. You are much more successful at making concoctions than the normal person, and can make others much more potent.
Fighting - You spent much of your time fighting other children, and you had plans to find work as a guard when you grew up. You do 10% more damage with physical attacks.
Healing - You often spent your free time with the village healer, learning how to tend to wounds. Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Religion - You spent a lot of time at the village temple, and learned how to meditate. Meditating will reduce corruption.
Schooling - You spent much of your time in school, and even begged the richest man in town, Mr. Savin, to let you read some of his books. You are much better at focusing, and spellcasting uses 20% less fatigue.
Slacking - You spent a lot of time slacking, avoiding work, and otherwise making a nuisance of yourself. Your efforts at slacking have made you quite adept at resting, and fatigue decreases 20% faster.
Smithing - You managed to get an apprenticeship with the local blacksmith. Because of your time spent at the blacksmith's side, you've learned how to fit armor for maximum protection. Increases armor effectiveness by roughly 10%.

Feel free to ask questions, and have fun if you decide to try! Also, this game is story driven, and every person will have a similar story line, so if you don't want anything spoiled, don't look at others posts. This could also be good for people not playing and reading what happens to see what differences the players actions are and other things.

I'm just kind of into seeing how other people play differently. Anyways, gl.

  • 325 Replies
435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #4
Time: 12:00 (+0:40) (Also +0:30 that I forgot to add last time)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock, Beautiful Sword
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, two empty small flasks, Medium sack (50/500)
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 15
Corruption: 2%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 37% (-15)
Level: 1
Experience: 30
Gems: 63
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
~Lumi (Acquaintance)

I decide to search for the other side of the forest, using the sword to cut down branches which get in my way.

883 posts

Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #2
Time: 16:45 (+0:30)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9", 175cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: -
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage:
~Weapon Rack: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Places Explored:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 40% (-15)
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0

I decide to test out this teleporting thing. I grab my stick from the stand and picture the Lake in my head.

1,676 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 8:00 (+0:05)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(57/100)
Frame: Narrow (35/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 11 strange olives, sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 11
Toughness: 10
Speed: 16
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 6% (-1)
Level: 1
Experience: 4
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
~Rathazul (Acquaintance)

"Why is it best that you don't teach me? Alchemy could help me survive in this world."

He immediately stops what he's doing, and snaps at you. "Alchemy is much more dangerous than you realize, Champion!" he says, spitting a few times after emphasizing every word. "Stop being so naive." He walks back to his pot, calming down slightly. "I've taught a champion before... and it was one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my experience." He looks over his shoulder looking at you with one eye. "Its best you leave alchemy alone." he says with a calm tone again. "If you haven't learned in Chiakor, its much more dangerous to learn in Mareth."
Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #2
Time: 10:50 (+4:35)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Average (54/100) (+1)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: -
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored: -
Special Places: -
Strength: 10
Toughness: 10
Speed: 15
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 40% [/b](+40)[/b]
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
People: -

Using ingenuity, I find two rocks, and use one rock to chip the other. When I get a sharp edge, I find a stick, about 2-3 feet in length and round it as best as I can. I then use the sharpened rock to cut a large slit at the top, and wedge the rock into the slit. It's a makeshift spear.

Though you've completed your project, it took you the better half of the day.

I teleport to the trees with fruit, and after glancing around for any sign of the demon, I see if the spear is long enough to knock one or two fruit from the tree.

After being able to clearly see the trees and fruit in the daylight, you realize the fruit is much too high to be knocked down by the spear. The trees bearing the fruit are at best thirty feet tall, while the smaller trees range from fifteen to ten feet tall.
Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #4
Time: 14:05 (+2:05)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (48/100) (-2)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock, Beautiful Sword
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, two empty small flasks, Medium sack (50/500)
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 15
Corruption: 2%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 52% (+15)
Level: 1
Experience: 30
Gems: 63
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
~Lumi (Acquaintance)

I decide to search for the other side of the forest, using the sword to cut down branches which get in my way.

After about two hours of shifting through the progressively thickening forest, you never find the other side. In fact, it seems to only get darker and darker, and more engulfed in roots and limbs.
Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #2
Time: 16:50 (+0:05)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9", 175cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage:
~Weapon Rack: -
Places Explored:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 40% (-2)
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0

I decide to test out this teleporting thing. I grab my stick from the stand and picture the Lake in my head.

The tent along with the camps surroundings shift with increasing speed until a seemingly endless lake appears ahead, sitting incredibly smooth. You almost mistook it for glass at first.
1,282 posts

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #2
Time: 10:50 (+4:35)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Average (54/100) (+1)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: -
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored: -
Special Places: -
Strength: 10
Toughness: 10
Speed: 15
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 40% [/b](+40)[/b]
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
People: -

From where the fruit trees are, I explore the area around them, using the spear as a walking stick.

1,676 posts

Rychus, I'll update your post after everyone else, and the reason why is down below.

I'm thinking about adding thirst/hunger to the mix... because I've realized that it's kind of dumb for Mareth to have different affects on your hunger and thirst.

At first, and this was to be figured out through the story by players, that in Mareth, hunger and thirst almost don't even exist. It took weeks to become thirsty, and even longer to become hungry... which is way too easy for the players. The food and water in Mareth actually should play pretty big roles in what happens to the character.

The player has to choose which foods and liquids are pure or corrupted, and have to be careful what they put in their mouths to quench a thirst or quell a rumbling stomach. Also, different things affect how alchemy works and how potent a potion could be.

So, I will end up adding hunger and thirst to everyone's sheets somewhere, and it will be in bold so that you can find it easier among the already super long character sheet (my apologies). I always figured that a longer character sheet adds more information, which in return makes the game more in-depth, and also helps anyone playing and I figure out what to do next.

This is why I will wait a short while to do everyone's sheet at once to avoid forgetting about someone's later. I won't keep people who are pretty active waiting too long though. Everyone here seems to be pretty active though, and I hope this is interesting to you! I try to make the updates long, almost paragraphs or sometimes even longer than a paragraph, so if they are short, like everyone's was in the last post, that means that I didn't really have much to go off of, or I'm being a lazy bum. Don't let me be a lazy bum.

1,282 posts

Oh nice sounds great! This RPG will be a lot more challenging now that we have to deal with thirst and hunger.

883 posts

Just make sure it's balanced, I'm not really excited about food and water if it will take up more than 30% of my posts.

1,676 posts

Oh nice sounds great! This RPG will be a lot more challenging now that we have to deal with thirst and hunger.

There is also more to it than just that. Certain corrupt foods/liquids can cause changes to your body along with potions. It can change masculinity, your body weight/frame, your muscle tone, and your body parts. So, if you see a fruit that has whiskers protruding from it, chances are you'll get a small coat of fur or something rodent/feline related.
1,676 posts

SubZero, I do remember reading a post that someone had made in another persons RPG in which they were talking about how hunger and thirst is never balanced right, and they almost always fail in every RPG, and in some cases, I have to agree.

So, if you want, help me out here. Do you think this is a good idea?

Hunger: 67% (4 hours since last consumption)

In that, it shows percentage, and also how long it was since someone ate. Do you think that is enough information to be accurate, or should it require something else, or something less?

I was thinking that it should also have additional info like (skipped breakfast) or something similar to show that they skipped a meal and will get small penalties, like slightly reduced strength, or maybe your fatigue raises higher slightly because you haven't eaten anything for your body to use as energy.

If you want, you can help me refine this. And also, if you discover a food or drink/liquid that you know is pure, or if you choose to drink something that is corrupt that you like the effects of, then it won't take up 30% of your posts. The only time it MAY take an entire post is when I'm giving you information about the food or liquid that you've never encountered before. After you know exactly what the food or liquid does to you, you could just easily add an action after you consume something and continue on without using that one post just to eat something.

Or, you could just do what a lot of people already do and put many actions into one post, and do the 'if this, then that' strategy. Example: "If anything at all looks strange with the fruit, then I don't consume and wait till I find so and so to ask what it does. If it looks normal, then I eat it. After that, I do this and that".

435 posts

Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #4
Time: 14:05 (+2:05)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (48/100) (-2)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock, Beautiful Sword
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, two empty small flasks, Medium sack (50/500)
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 15
Corruption: 2%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 52%
Level: 1
Experience: 30
Gems: 63
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
~Lumi (Acquaintance)

*I like the added details. This is a realy good game, you're doing a good jobAnd i think that fatigue and hundr/thirst should be connected. Strength should only be reduced if it is really low. And how hungry/thirsty/fatigued are you if it is 100%? Is it just that you can't move anymore and you have to rest, or do you go unconscious?*

I go deeper into the forest for another approx. four hours, after which if I don't find anything I go back to my camp and sleep for a long time. I then check Lumi's hut again to see if she can explain anything about the sword. If she is not there, I go to the mountains to ask the centaurs about the sword.

883 posts

Thank you very much for allowing us to add input! That system there seems good. However, the foods that change/modify attributes should be pretty rare. I think that you should only have to eat 2 times a day as opposed to 3, otherwise practically every turn would be about the next meal. But that's just my input. One of the best forums games I've played to date, by the way.

1,461 posts

Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 8:00 (+0:05)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(57/100)
Frame: Narrow (35/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 11 strange olives, sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 11
Toughness: 10
Speed: 16
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 6% (-1)
Level: 1
Experience: 4
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
~Rathazul (Acquaintance)

"What... What exactly happened to the champion you trained?"

1,676 posts

This is for everyone to read. I think that as this discussion about food and thirst progresses, we can keep the game going instead of stopping to figure out how to make the hunger & thirst thing possible. In every post after the character sheet, you guys could put an idea in right above what you'll put as your action, and that way we'll keep the games pace going steady while we figure this thing out. Also, I think when we do figure out the best way to incorporate the hunger and thirst stats, it will start on the next day for each individual, instead of starting immediately so it can be fair and it will start at 100% for everyone, if the percentage is figured to be one of the ways to do it. Thanks for helping out too, guys!

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #2
Time: 11:00 (+0:10)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Average (54/100)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: -
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored: -
Special Places: -
Strength: 10
Toughness: 10
Speed: 15
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 38% (-2)
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
People: -

From where the fruit trees are, I explore the area around them, using the spear as a walking stick.

As you wander the edge of the forest, a sweet scent wafts into your nose. Tantalizing and teasing. As you sniff the air, you find yourself following it, as if an invisible hand is pulling you toward its origin. Little do you know, that is essentially what's happening. The further and further you go, the more heavy the scent grows, as well as a sound. A sound of a buzz, but not in a maddening tone, as if someone is humming. It's a lovely tune, one that would stick in the back of the mind, but not in a bad way.

That's when she comes into view. A great woman, yellow and black, a Bee-like handmaiden would be the best comparison. She sits atop a great flower while humming her tune, happily picking the petals off of another flower. Her body is thin, save her abdomen. Her head is more humanoid than bee, with black eyes, antennae, and black lips that glimmer, bending into a smile as she sees you approach. Standing, she welcomes you in, her wings giving a small buzz as her arms spread open for a welcoming embrace.

You barely stop yourself from gleefully throwing yourself into her arms. You realize the harmonic buzzing of her wings and the unearthly scent of her honey briefly robbed you of your reason. Momentarily, you feel a little more clear-headed.
Name & Sex: David Jones, M
Day #4
Time: 17:15 (+3:10)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 4'1", 124cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (64/100)
Muscles: Visible (55/100)
Frame: Average (48/100)
Body: All human
Schooling: 20% less fatigue when casting spells
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Jagged Rock, Beautiful Sword
Storage: Lumi's Ingredients, two empty small flasks, Medium sack (50/500)
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Special Places:
~Lumi's Hut
Strength: 8
Toughness: 8
Speed: 14
Intelligence: 15
Corruption: 2%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 71% (+19)
Level: 1
Experience: 30
Gems: 63
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
~Lumi (Acquaintance)

*I like the added details. This is a really good game, you're doing a good jobAnd i think that fatigue and hunger/thirst should be connected. Strength should only be reduced if it is really low. And how hungry/thirsty/fatigued are you if it is 100%? Is it just that you can't move anymore and you have to rest, or do you go unconscious?*

Thank you very much for the compliment! I don't know if hunger and thirst should either start out at 100% and go down, or start at 0% and go up. Having it start at 0% makes more sense, so maybe that's the way to go. And when H&T does reach 100%, I suppose it could slowly drain your health, kind of what it would do in real life. When fatigue gets to 100%, you become very tired and you do get some penalties like reduced stats. If you were completely drained of energy and tired in real life, you would feel a little weaker, your thoughts would move a little slower, you wouldn't be as fast if your not already struggling to stand, and so on. Hope that makes sense.

I go deeper into the forest for another approx. four hours.

You find a large piece of insectile carapace obscured in the ferns to your left. It's mostly black with a thin border of bright yellow along the outer edge. There's still a fair portion of yellow fuzz clinging to the chitinous shard. It feels strong and flexible - maybe someone can make something of it.
Thank you very much for allowing us to add input! That system there seems good. However, the foods that change/modify attributes should be pretty rare. I think that you should only have to eat 2 times a day as opposed to 3, otherwise practically every turn would be about the next meal. But that's just my input. One of the best forums games I've played to date, by the way.

That last sentence means a lot man, since there have been tons of them out there! And I like that idea. I'm thinking that hunger/thirst should be started at 0%. I need your thought on this though. I was thinking that hunger should be raised every single minute by 0.2. Which means that in one hour, the hunger would have raised by 12%, and in four hours the hunger would be at 48%. It seems kind of high though, even for thirst. So maybe it should be raised by 0.02 every minute for hunger and 0.04 for thirst? Maybe this is getting too technical, but I want to finally create a good working system for hunger and thirst. So for hunger, an hour would raise it by 1.2%, and at four hours it would be 4.8%. So after a full day of not eating, it would be at 28.8%. Does that seem legit? For thirst, one hour = 2.4%, four hours =9.6%, a full day = 57.6%.

By the way, I already updated your game. I don't know if you noticed, but I'll post it under here again.

Name & Sex: Goku, M
Day #2
Time: 16:50 (+0:05)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, spiked, black
Height: 5'9", 175cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible (58/100)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Fighting: 10% more damage using physical attacks
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: Giant Stick (7 ft. L, 3 in. T)
Storage: 13 pebbles
Camp Storage:
~Weapon Rack: -
Places Explored:
~Town Ruins
Strength: 10
Toughness: 15
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 40% (-2)
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0

I decide to test out this teleporting thing. I grab my stick from the stand and picture the Lake in my head.

The tent along with the camps surroundings shift with increasing speed until a seemingly endless lake appears ahead, sitting incredibly smooth. You almost mistook it for glass at first.
Name & Sex: Michael Lee, M
Day #3
Time: 8:00 (+0:05)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Long, black
Height: 5'4", 163cm
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Visible(57/100)
Frame: Narrow (35/100)
Body: All human
Smithing: Armor effectiveness increased by 10%
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapons: 4 ft. bamboo stick
Storage: 1 ft. bamboo stick, 11 strange olives, sharpened rock
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored:
Strength: 11
Toughness: 10
Speed: 16
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 5% (-1)
Level: 1
Experience: 4
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
~Rathazul (Acquaintance)

"What... What exactly happened to the champion you trained?"

"He was a fool. He figured out how to use the ingredients to create different combinations, and corrupted himself by testing his despicable creations. We can safely say that he's abandoned mankind."
1,282 posts

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #2
Time: 11:00 (+0:10)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Average (54/100)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: -
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored: -
Special Places: -
Strength: 10
Toughness: 10
Speed: 15
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 38% (-2)
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
People: -

*I like the percentage idea of the hunger and thirst. I also think that if you have more fatigue that the need for thirst should rise.*

I ask the strange person who they are, and what they are doing out here. If they seem like they are trying to do any harm to me, I quickly try to make an escape. If no hostility is shown, I try to talk to the person more and get more information out of them.

1,676 posts

I think we may have found the most accurate way we could possibly calculate hunger and thirst for any RPG.

Here's my thoughts. In real life, after two weeks without eating food, your body begins the muscle-eating process. So, in the game, I think after two weeks, your health will slowly begin to degenerate, along with your muscle tone, and your strength stat.

Here is where the really technical stuff comes into play. So I was messing around with a calculator, trying to come up with the best way to factor how fast hunger accumulates per minute. I came up with this: I multiply 0.005 by however many minutes the player hasn't eaten. Keep in mind, there are 10080 minutes in an entire week, and 0.005 multiplied by 10080 is 50.4, which means after the second week, you'd be dying from starvation, which is as close to accuracy as anyone could get I think. Here are the examples of not eating after certain time periods:

5 minutes: +0.025
30 minutes: +0.15
1 hour: +0.3
4 hours: +1.2
8 hours: +2.4
16 hours: +4.8
1 day: +7.2
and so on. After two weeks, it would be at 100% or over, and the player could begin to die. Any thoughts are appreciated!

I think maybe after a certain percentage, some penalties can start to be added because of malnutrition.. Also, I think thirst should work similarly, but at a slightly faster pace, since you can only survive without water for maybe about 3 days until your body begins to use water from other places like the large intestine and so on.

Name & Sex: Archene De'Night, M
Day #2
Time: 11:15 (+0:15)
Complexion: Light
Hair: Brown, long & curly
Height: 5'7"
Masculinity: Slightly Masculine (60/100)
Muscles: Average (54/100)
Frame: Average (50/100)
Body: All human
Healing: Healing items and effects are 20% more effective.
Outfit: Comfortable Clothes
Weapon: 3 ft Spear (stick + sharpened rock)
Storage: -
Camp Storage: -
Places Explored: -
Special Places: -
Strength: 10
Toughness: 10
Speed: 15
Intelligence: 10
Corruption: 0%
HP: 100%
Fatigue: 36% (-2)
Level: 1
Experience: 0
Gems: 0
Rupees: 0
Quest: None
People: -

*I like the percentage idea of the hunger and thirst. I also think that if you have more fatigue that the need for thirst should rise.*

You are completely right. Because with high fatigue obviously comes sweating, which leads to dehydration. I actually didn't think about that. Thanks for the input. If you've read the thing above this post though, then I'd have to weigh it in somehow with how it affects the increasing thirst percentage of someone. I guess I could throw a multiplier in there with it if the person is really fatigued. That's a good idea, thanks Ry.

I ask the strange person who they are, and what they are doing out here. If no hostility is shown, I try to talk to the person more and get more information out of them.

"What am I doing here?" she chuckles. "This is my hive, dear." she says, gesturing towards a tree, completely slathered in honey. A few holes can be seen through the thick, golden honey.

You ask a few general questions, like where did she come from, how did she become a bee-woman, etc.

"I was born inside this tree, hon." she says gleefully, still gently buzzing her wings. "I was born from another bee, but that's not the point of the question, I assume. We used to be humans, but corruption and new foods and a thing people call 'alchemy' have changed us into new people. I guess you could call us mutants. Goblins are the same way. As are all other creatures in Mareth." she says, generating another smile.
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