Here in the Armor office, we had a long discussion on what makes addicting games, well, addicting? We've made a page on the subject, and picked our own addicting games - but we felt we really should get community opinion on the matter. So we've spawned forum threads here in Flash Games to get your feedback! The most community voted games will get a place of honor on our "Addicting Games" page.
This thread focuses on strategy games.
Tell us which one you feel is most addicting, and why?
I'm going to be a hipster and say that Control craft 2 is very addicting. it is hard and I would like a softer scale of difficulty as I went from pwning to a brick wall, but It offered a challenge and I enjoy that. in a strategy game you need a good backstory. something to give the current gameplay meaning. it needs to be about the player's tactical capability and not how long you've spent grinding previous levels to get bonuses. A good strategy game requires actual strategy. not just a long time playing the other levels that are too easy. the levels need to scale in difficulty fairly slow and after about 10 levels start getting harder quicker. please don't go from tutorial to master levels instantly. I hate those.
If you haven't played Colony, I feel sorry for you. Even if you started playing now, there's no going to back to the awesome popular days (except on September 21st).
It's not even a contest against Kingdom Rush. Colony dominates hands down.