Here in the Armor office, we had a long discussion on what makes addicting games, well, addicting? We've made a page on the subject, and picked our own addicting games - but we felt we really should get community opinion on the matter. So we've spawned forum threads here in Flash Games to get your feedback! The most community voted games will get a place of honor on our "Addicting Games" page.
This thread focuses on strategy games.
Tell us which one you feel is most addicting, and why?
I, personally, like Colony. With interesting game play, a multiplayer option, many different ways to play, and a slight amount of replay value (On the story mode, anyways, more so on the multiplayer) I think it holds up well. Oh, and graphics don't really matter in a game, sure it's nice to have appealing graphics in a game, but it's not needed to make a game fun (Everyone who puts graphics as one of their main reasons of why a game is good... just get out... now.)
Rebuild Rebuild 2 Creeper World Creeper World 2 Kingdom Rush Mastermind World Conqueror
A good strategy Game is challenging but not impossible. You need Upgrades or improvable Structures/Units. A good Story and a pressureing Setting is very positive for the Mood.