I do believe this is a kids site. why do you guys want to have a political forums. we all know the economy sucks. but srzly guys most of the people in this site are children ages 12-15. come on guys you know better
It seems most of the people who post here are 15+, as far as I'm aware. Some of us in our 20s. Younger members not interested in these discussions ignore them.
This section of the forum has provided absolutely wonderful discussions over the years, and it serves as a wonderful place for analytical thinkers to hang out.
I agree with NoName, especially considering you're supposed to be 13+ to even join the website. I don't believe the admins should be responsible for your offense at this, because anyone over 13 is generally mature enough to either take part in the discussion, or to ignore it if they dislike it. I mean, there is nothing inappropriate or explicit in any of the thread names, there is nothing telling you you MUST look at this subforum, and it is in no way inconvenient to avoid the subforum. I don't understand your issue with this.
Most of us are older than you think..hell I'm the 4th youngest of regulars, but even the three younger than me are debatable on their status as a regular.
The other regulars are older. Then there are those (KnightDeclan, mmbs, etc) that come in for spurts of time then leave, but are of younger breed.
The World Events Politics Religion Etc. forum is for sharpening our critical thinking skills and opening our mind closer and closer towards the truth! Good things have come from discussion, here.
However, like every other feature in this community, participation in this forum is optional, meaning you don't have to so much as look at the link to said forum if you don't wish to do so.
I don't believe age should be taken into consideration when discussing real world issues, but good thing our site is meant to be for ages 13+, meaning this community is definitely not "a kids site"!
Give it a few decades or so. I'll still be here no doubt.
If you're old enough to watch TV, you're old enough to have an opinion. It's not avoidable to find politics in just about every media nook and cranny you can think of. And let's face it, an educated and exposed electorate is better than a parochial one.