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ForumsNews and Feedback[Official] What is a Knight?

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'Knighthood': What is a 'Knight'? And what does 'Knighthood' mean?

'Knighthood' and the title 'Knight' is bestowed upon a user that has shown exemplary deeds and outstanding behavior as a member of the Armor Games Community. This exclusive title is only granted to those users that have earned a special place among the citizens of the Kingdom.

How do I become a Knight?

Care about the community and other users and catch the eye of moderators or admins, they are the ones who choose who is Knighted. Don't ask to be Knighted, that's a good way not to be Knighted.

What can Knights do?

-They have access to a Knight-only Forum.
-They have access to Knight-only armatars
-Special forum coloring and badge.
-Knight Gilding

I'll add more to this sticky if there are further Questions.

  • 396 Replies
1,299 posts

No it does not. I am using the actual definition of "Defamation" and it requires false information, which I am NOT using. I am using facts from his profile. If those facts reflect badly on him, then he is at fault, not I.

@MattEmAngel Lets just cut the chase. This line suggests you are talking about verwaltung, of which I already noted was not the cause of concern. Is this misdirection? Or are you talking about CourtJester?

You might not have said anything bad about him, but you did point him out, and gave reasons questioning his rank. I can only conclude that it was meant to change the opinions that are generally held about him.

What is the validity of this approach that you cannot otherwise conclude by means of neutral comparisons?

3,171 posts

Stop thinking about this logically, think morally now, [...] you just...

Ultimately, the heart of this entire discussion is that these ideas seemingly contradict each other.
They shouldn't seem so, because they don't. "Noble" and "exemplary" are not exactly specific in their detail, so you wouldn't have any conflicting standards to address, even if it were more than flavour text.

While I understand the reasons why the administration would choose to not publicly reveal every decision that went into a knighting, what they also need to realize is that not saying anything at all robs the entire thing of necessary transparency.
Maybe if the OP just listed all the knights like this:

Join Date: 01/12/2023
Date of Promotion: 06/28/2003
Major Contribution(s): 1 Inventing time travel. 2 Inventing time travel again.

This, at least, would give us a general idea of the admins' rationale without disclosing too much.

The objective is to fix the broken knighting system, because right now it doesn't make sense and the users aren't getting answers, and I want blessings and knights to be reconsidered in light of the qualifications I recommended to Zophia (pg 40).
I think he meant "What is the goal of continuing this discussion now that all the relevant points appear to have been made?", which is a good point, except that other people have more to say on this too.
7,022 posts

Well, this discussion, even if it has to be made, seems to be bothering some people. Regardless of the reasons this happens, I have made my points. So, until something new comes up, I will stop if people who are pulled into this are annoyed.

What I don't want is this issue to die. Matt pointed it out perfectly. It is the special trait of the topics in this website. So if everyone leaves it, it is almost certain it won't be mentioned again.

16,585 posts

@FishPreferred Trying to stop this before this pulls more people into it. Sorry. =)

16,585 posts

If we don't, the AG team will ignore it and the problem will never get fixed. Several people have already explained this to you.

Haven't they told you that they are discussing it? I mean it's not like changing the system or un-knighting someone can be discussed in a day, maybe even a week.

Again, that's a good thing. This change affects the community. It's good that community members get involved and speak their mind before changes occur. Don't discourage people from participating, especially knights.

I'm not discouraging anyone, I'm trying to keep them away from people's words that may offend them. From the looks of it, a lot of this stuff is pretty offending, not that you can measure it with numbers, maybe with emotion. Again, sorry for appeal to emotion.

16,585 posts

Ferret said "We'll be discussing it," but that was almost two weeks ago (April 28th).

I'm still certain the change you want is a big enough change to take all the time it needs. This change needs a lot of programming, needs a lot of thought, and surely needs patience.

With all due respect, I would expect a Knight to be able to discuss and defend (if necessary) his or her position without being offended when people are not attacking them. No one has insulted Verwaltung or any of the other knights that I can see. If the data reflects badly on you, it should encourage you to take action to improve it, not get offended. I appreciate your desire for everyone to just get along, but that won't happen until the problem is addressed and dealt with.

I respect your opinions, but I'm pretty sure if Verwaltung saw the first few posts of all this, him feeling offended would be the least of it. I never said I was offended btw, and I'm not trying to argue against your points because they do make sense. I may not agree with the way some things have been said, but I think I could say I kind of agree on a lot of your arguments on knights. Yes, maybe Verwaltung was not insulted, maybe because he hasn't seen what was said about him. How would you feel if other users started criticizing you out of the blue, even if you might be somehow related to the topic just because the title you hold is what's being talked about? You would expect us to defend our title, but we would expect you to respect it, or us in the very least.

1,299 posts

I was talking about Verwaltung, since you so adamantly disagreed with singling out users. I already gave my opinion on CourtJester, which you will find a page or two back. You kept talking about defamation, which I assumed meant Verwaltung, since I've said nothing about CourtJester besides that he never said "hi" and I didn't know who he was.

CourtJester, who never made an appearance in the Knight thread (I think he's a CTC builder who spends all his time in that thread/area).I had never heard of him. Neither had several other people.

CourtJester: He isn't active in most of the community, but he is an exemplary citizen and contributor in one area. Make an exception.

It was meant to tell Zophia how it started.

Can you please stop singling him out. I refuses to believe he is the reason for how it all started. No matter how nice you say it, you are still singling him out and raising questions regarding his position.

Trying to stop this before this pulls more people into it. Sorry. =)

Again, that's a good thing. This change affects the community. It's good that community members get involved and speak their mind before changes occur. Don't discourage people from participating, especially knights.

This is clearly going in circles. As a mod you have to understand that I must stand up for all users. I am not interested in misdirection or defining words. Everything you have said, can also be said without using anyone as a martyr.

1,299 posts

The misdirection is you avoiding the fact that you are singling users out. Is the current discussion about CourtJester? No, that was long done. It is about how you see his position as a desirable and are using him as a martyr to influence people into believing that you have contributed more than him.

1,299 posts

This is exactly the reason why I am against demoting knights.

Everybody knows you want to be a mod. Its on your profile. So it makes sense that you would try and place yourself into that position. When you started pointing fingers. My response is defensive, and my suggestion was avoiding singling out users. All it does is offend people.

1,299 posts

EDIT: This is getting out of hand. I stated my opinion about using names. I am also retiring from this discussion.

716 posts

This discussion sparked because some people believe Verwaltung was knighted prematurely. This is not about CourtJester or Matt or any other user except Verwaltung, so using anyone else as an example and explaining why you used them as an example does not need to be argued over anymore. Turning this into a personal matter is not the direction this discussion needs to take.

Verwaltung was knighted after having only been a user for a month, he was not active at the time of his knighting, and he still has not shown up since then. Arguments have been made that his knighting was hasty and premature, while others say that his past contributions could be considered noble enough for knighthood. This discussion has happened, and Ferret has responded that the team will look into this matter and discuss it. If they have not yet come to a decision, bumping this thread until they do "so it doesn't die" is not going to make them come to their decision faster.

Some other points have been made about the knighting system being flawed. Arguments have been made that some users have been knighted with the reasons for their knighthood being unclear, and that the reasoning behind a user's knighthood should be made clear somewhere. Enough points have been made on either side of this discussion for the administration to make an informed decision on whether this should be put into action.

6,257 posts

That is an excellent summary. If no one else has accusations against me, I'll leave the thread alone for a while.

ur a nerd

2,825 posts

Meanwhile, Verwaltung is completely unaware of the chaos that followed his short stay with us.

3,171 posts

The misdirection is you avoiding the fact that you are singling users out. Is the current discussion about CourtJester? No, that was long done.
He's already said a few times times that he was answering Zophia's question:
Is there any particular reason for the apparent resentment over being asked to "take our word for it"? Has there been reason to distrust the decision making of the team, aside from the oversight of Verwaltung's activity?
From here. He brought up CJ's promotion as another instance where someone he had never heard of was knighted for reasons that the admin never stated. @weirdlike you don't have to respond to this, but please do read it.

Everybody knows you want to be a mod. Its on your profile. So it makes sense that you would try and place yourself into that position.
Did you actually just...
1,299 posts

@FishPreferred Okay, that was funny.

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