This thread is about the Quests for rogue-like game Labyrinth: Secrets of ShadowHaven. Help the folks below, some of these Quests are very challenging.
Acid Drop Lure an enemy into an acid pool. Hardness: Easy
Sky Commander Get the Wings. Hardness: Medium
Breaking and Entering Break into a Boss Battle without Destroying all the Orbs First. Hardness: Medium
Ammo Ambush Reach 99 Ammo. Hardness: Medium
Power Presence Collect all 7 Permanent Upgrades in One Game. Hardness: Medium
BTW, now that I revealed the secret to make it to high levels easily, can anyone tell me if they get wings power-up at high levels? I made it to level 30 and I just couldn't find them...
All about luck - like in all roguelikes. In my 13th-level run I got 4 attack and 6 perms in first level (and 6 more attacks next). In 12th boss battle I got only one summoner (my personal prize of hatred) and managed to hand-kill him in a 3 sec. Beating 2 swordsmen after that wasn't even a problem.
What about for upgrades that you already have drop less often in crates and upgrades you don't have to drop more often. Or patch for wings to show up just a bit more often. Or patch for map to not show up in more than one crate per level. :]
... or some way to make levels harder, but bosses little bit simpler. Seriosly - on 9+ levels are just places where you getting supplies for next boss battle. Almost no challenge - only acid, but it is tolerable. Bosses, in other hand...
Ok did it ^.^ All quests. Well basically it is not hard at all. On my level 13 run I didn't got wings and I think it is a lot easier without because you are much faster running and jumping. At the end I got +4 armor and +7 strength. The bosses were challenging though. You need a spot were they can't reach you and throw grenades at them. At level 11 I got 2 summoners + 1 DaftPunk-Laser-Lizard and I thought it's all over. So I was standing at the top platforms and throwing nades on them while I was dodging the spider-cyclops and falling rocks. Good luck guys!
I could prob do the no repeating of map drops once you have the map... and MAYBE make it easier to get wings past level 8... I'll think about it... :-)
I got wings on level 1 after about 35+ tries... They are really that rare? :P Also the bosses are extremely hard to kill when you have super jump boots and no rockets/grenades. Could you make some way to turn them off? Thanks.
I could prob do the no repeating of map drops once you have the map... and MAYBE make it easier to get wings past level 8... I'll think about it... :-)
*Looks at post with smile and tears in eye* lol :]
Also the bosses are extremely hard to kill when you have super jump boots and no rockets/grenades.
Super jump can be tricky, but I think it's keypress pressure sensitive. I noticed that if I tap the key I will jump lower than if I press and hold (with super jump boots and regular jump). When I have super jump and I face a boss, I press the jump key lightly, jumping lower, and usually time my attack for when I'm failing after the jump. (Probably not the most helpful tip, but maybe it will help a little.)
If you want to get to level 13 easily, just go to the main menu (press M) when you die and if you press start, it should start you off at the level you died in
I checked this, and it didn't work; it always starts at level 1. Of course, I also keep re-completing the same quests when I return to this game, so that may be something on my end.
I could prob do the no repeating of map drops once you have the map...
Is the map even that important? It's just a bunch of coloured squares, after all. The orbs aren't hard to find and the exit is always in the same corner, so I would rather do without the map altogether.
v1.15 - Made getting stuck on first 3 levels impossible (partially predefined map arrangement). Removed repeating map drops after map is found on a level. Made wings less rare once you pass level 8. Easing camera less, possible teleporting fix for chrome users...
From what I can tell (or perhaps I'm biased), the other frequent complaint is not being able to save at all. Perhaps that defeats the purpose of your rogue concept, but it sure would be nice to be able to come back to the game later. The in-one-sitting aspect is a bit limiting.