I don't know really. In 1977 there was a movie called Star Wars, it was the best movie of all time for my 11yo self, I went to watch it all week long, three times a day. Whenever Planet of The Apes (original- 1967) is on, I have to watch it. There's also The Chronicles of Riddick that I keep watching so I don't know which one is my favorite.
I really liked the casting in Harry Potter and tobey maguiure spiderman, but the Chistian Bale(and 2nd Michhael Keaton) Batman movies were good, except for the last one, that one really, no.., all the Ip man with Donny Yen were good, and so many more but my brain can only think so much thunks at once.
I'd like to be someone who is rich, smart, intelligent, who still have time to spend at Armor Games, who don't have to wake up early and sleep early every day, who have more patience, who is more lucky than i do (and that still know the girl that i love in real life)
but i don't think that such combination is possible for a single person lol
If by someone else you mean an entirely different individual, I see no point to it. If you mean be in a different position, there are many attractive options, but none that would stand out to me right now...
Nobody in particular. I'd like to be a vampire or someone immortal so I could see progress in science throughout the centuries, collect valuable items and create my personal museum.
I would be Kim K because I would bathe in my money and stare at my boobs and butt all day! I would also wanna become A famous YouTuber preferably gaming related.