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I've been meaning to make this for a while and I feel it's about time.


What is your favorite kind of soda?

  • 3,103 Replies
2,980 posts

In my honest opinion, there is no one quality that is the most important, but the more good qualities someone has, the better they'll be as a friend.
If you can find someone with all of these qualities, you're in pretty good shape.

1) Respects themself, you, and others
2) Is willing to compromise
3) Doesn't cave into to &quoteer pressure"
4) Good sense of humor
5) Self confidence and self esteem
6) Stands up for self and others, verbally and physically if need be
7) Intelligent
8) Has a reasonable amount of compassion, but is not a sap
9) Has ambitions
10) Likes to do stuff other than play video games and watch TV
11) Knows their limits but isn't afraid to push them
12) Is skilled in something

But... you're going to have to get to know someone quite well before you can determine if they have qualities like these, so although you're going to have to be a friend of theirs first, do get to close just in case.

1,708 posts

Many of the qualities that the above posters mentioned are qualities that people should look for when searching for a friend, but one of the qualities that I value the most in a person is their treatment of the people around them. How do they act around their family? Their friends? Strangers? If they treat others with respect and love, then they are the kind of people that I'd want to hang out with.

But I won't be able to tell if they have good qualities just by looking at them. I'd have to spend time with them before deciding if I want to be friends with them.

2,980 posts

Question of the Day

What in your opinion is the greatest cultural phenomenon of the past 15 years?

In my opinion, the whole cell phone "culture" where people spend the vast majority of their free time texting, watching YouTube, Facebooking, etc... This also applies to computesr and video gaming. What I'm trying to say is that this has become the #1 activity for most people since they view electronics as a main part of their life rather than a useful tool. Opinions?

2,980 posts

^ and don't forget those poor souls who text each other to communicate even when they're sitting right next to each other.

The irony is that it seems that the internet, cell phones, laptops, etc have actually made people dumber when it was supposed to make them smarter and more informed. (The newest cat videos and vines do not count as meaningful information!!!). Also, making new levels of CtC2 doesn't count as building something (sorry @FishPreferred), if something can be destroyed by you accidentally clearing your cookies, its not really that tangible now is it. I build real things: basic furniture, housing for my pets, birdhouses, sheds, a greenhouse, shelving, etc.
Interestingly enough, most of my internet time is spent on this site as I've given up on all other forums and free gaming sites.

This isn't to say that smart people haven't made good use of the internet though.

3,171 posts

Also, making new levels of CtC2 doesn't count as building something (sorry @FishPreferred), if something can be destroyed by you accidentally clearing your cookies, its not really that tangible now is it.
1 What exactly are you apologizing for?
2 What does tangibility have to do with computer-aided design?
2,980 posts

computer-aided design

A computer-aided design would be something like a blueprint for a library building made using a CAD program, not a level editor in a flash game where one simply clicks and drags premade floors and doors into the shape of a castle (which immediately falls apart upon contact). It's kind of sad to think of a level editor as a "computer design" program.
3,171 posts

[...] not a level editor in a flash game where one simply clicks and drags premade floors and doors into the shape of a castle (which immediately falls apart upon contact).
You know; if you-- I mean, if 'one' needs help figuring out how to work the castle builder, one can always ask. Arm_Candy also has a tutorial which covers all the basics, and this one by SSTG and co. explains much of the coding that goes into it.

Also, one did not answer either of my questions.
2,980 posts

You know; if you-- I mean, if 'one' needs help figuring out how to work the castle builder, one can always ask. Arm_Candy also has a tutorial which covers all the basics, and this one by SSTG and co. explains much of the coding that goes into it.

I know how to use the castle builder in CtC2. I was just pointing out how easily castles in that game fall apart when hit (esp. in the campaign).

Also, one did not answer either of my questions

What exactly are you apologizing for?

You seem to have put your life's work into making CtC Castles with the whole constructs preferred thing. So sorry to ruin your dreams of becoming an architect.

What does tangibility have to do with computer-aided design?

Quite a lot actually, which was why I pointed out that the CtC2 level editor is not a real computer desgin program and cannot create a tangible desgin of something. It's quite silly actually.
3,171 posts

You seem to have put your life's work into making CtC Castles with the whole constructs preferred thing.
It really isn't the magnum opus you seem to think it is. These are just things I made for my own amusement, so no hard feelings about ... whatever it is you're trying to make up for.

Quite a lot actually, [...]
Then I will leave you to your indescribable lot.
2,980 posts

It really isn't the magnum opus you seem to think it is.

I was just being sarcastic you know.

Then I will leave you to your indescribable lot.

The whole, entire, and complete point of a computer desgin program is to make a blueprint for something (tangible) that the designer wants to create. A bookcase, a well configured living room, a new civic center, or even a new section of a city are all things that such a program is intended to design. Video game (flash in this case) programs that allow the user to create his/her own levels cannot be put into the same category (even though you may be creating a little building thing in the game). Although the concept is similar, the are very different. Likewise, a program like MS Paint, an art program, cannot be considered a design program even though a user may attempt to make a 2D/3D rendering of a blueprint with it. So essentially, video game level editors and recreational art programs are not computer desgin programs although they have similarities. Design, art, and whatever the concise term for a user made game level is, are all different in their own right.
2,980 posts

The question was "What in your opinion is the greatest cultural phenomenon of the past 15 years?" It would have been wiser to just answer the question, not immediately say someone else is wasting their time by doing something that, according to you, "doesn't count." Or bringing tangibility into it.

I had already answered my own question... then a day later I gave some examples of how tech is used by many as a toy rather than a tool. You saying that I immediately went and said that someone was wasting time makes you a liar.

This has nothing to do with anything.

I was saying that I prefer to build real things like this rather than game levels. This was because we were discussing how many people spend much of their time on a electronic device. It has everything to do with the original topic. You are wrong again

...did you seriously just compare a flash game to a career in architecture? That's like saying someone who plays Call of Duty a lot has dreams of becoming a U.S. Army Ranger. There's a difference between video games and reality. Just in case you didn't know

Have you ever heard of something called sarcasm? Or are you legitimately a mentally challenged person?

It's a GAME. The games you play do not reflect the career or lifestyle you choose or have. How stupid would it be to only play games that pertain to reality

Which is why Mr Fishy shouldn't be comparing a game to a real computer design program.

I really don't understand how you went from "cell phone culture" to "the internet makes you dumber" to "Fish has put his life into a flash game that will not give him a career."

I pondered, then I speculated, then I deviated said something sarcastic, and now you think all of those^ stupid things.

I don't know if anyone ever explained to you that different people do different things for recreation, but different people do different things for recreation

Now look who's being sarcastic.
2,980 posts

That's the problem: you went off on a tangent about the merits and follies of technology, rather than just answering the question

Let me say it again for you since you apparently cannot read my initial post. I ALREADY ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION IN MY INITIAL POST. GO BACK AND READ IT CAREFULLY! Read it over and over until you see it. Also, I can deviate off topic if I want and speculate about the various aspects of tech whether you like it or not.

Your second post said that "levels of CtC2 doesn't count as building something (sorry FishPreferred)." You later clarified that statement by saying Fish &quotut [his] life's work into making CtC Castles with the whole constructs preferred thing. So sorry to ruin [his] dreams..." You're most definitely saying he's wasting his time. You just made it a little clearer in the second response.

Once again, mostly sarcasm here as I said twice before.

"I prefer to build real things rather than game levels" has nothing to do with the greatest cultural phenomenon of the past 15 years (the original topic) at all

Absolutely. So what's your point? Did someone say that they were related? Or was it me essentially saying that I prefer to keep from being caught up in the cell phone craze (the greatest cultural phenomenon of the past 15 years). The answer is the second choice.

Yes. No. Answer the question I asked.

We all obviously know the answer to that question. I'm not going to divulge into finding a way to word a simple no answer fancily.

He didn't. He asked a question regarding tangibility and software, not games to software

No he asked a question asking what tangiblity has to do with computer aided desgin, NOT software in general. You're obviously trying to switch these around hoping that I'll miss it, thus ending up in a contradiction. Nice try.

Ad hominem. At some point I'm hoping you'll realize that you shouldn't have deviated in the first place, especially since your deviation directly insulted another user

If the the word stupid insults you, then lets go with ignorant, which is the least that your posts here are.

I was actually being completely serious.

I feel sorry for you. Honestly.
8,259 posts

Anyway, moving on... -.-


Question of the Day

Will you bake cookies for Christmas? If yes, what kind?

2,980 posts

...breaking away from that^ trainwreck. I'm moving on now and am going to ignore all subsequent posts regarding the subject.

Well, I do want to do some baking this Xmas, but idk if I'll get the chance. I'm going to be helping out some relatives with a cross country move during the holiday, so if I get to any cookie crafting, it'll have to wait till, say, the new year. Idk yet what kind I'll make if decide to bake them.

6,257 posts

Do weed brownies count ?

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