Recently this thing popped up while playing City of Steam: Arkadia, then found it popped up when i loaded all Armor Games pages on separate tabs, is this a Armor Games approved thing or is this some kind of nasty malware?
wow... people sure overeact. its just a sound you will hear once a page. how many pages do you visit anyway and how awful is the sound really that your leaving this site forever and cant deal with this for just one day?
personally... even though its a joke iu actually like getting coins... hmmm....
Enough pages that this thing makes me want to bash my head into the table. I'll hold AG responsible for medical bills caused by me facedesking with critical force. .-.
Couldn't this be put up in the menu area out of the way of the games? I now have to scroll the screen to click on stuff in the bottom right of game screen.