Recently this thing popped up while playing City of Steam: Arkadia, then found it popped up when i loaded all Armor Games pages on separate tabs, is this a Armor Games approved thing or is this some kind of nasty malware?
Eh... or perhaps the one that made this was a master of pranks and ironies! The devs released this supper-dupper cool competition which will award you with a few million Euro exactly on April 1st so that everyone thinks it's a joke and then suicide themselves when it turns out the competition and prize are real but they didn't participate! Well... you never know
I think it's quite interesting though. Well, it probably has to do with me trying to get through zombotron games back to back. I am glad there is something to keep me from quitting the game mid-way.
Even muted and minimized it's very irritating as it pops up and flashes constantly and blocks part of the screen. Something like this should be optional to turn on and off completely and opt-in not opt-out, IE you have to go activate it first. Otherwise it just screams crapware.
So if this thread is labeled as "answered" does that mean I have to start another thread somewhere in order to try and get this thing fixed?
I still can't play any games on the site and even trying to visit the forums is incredibly obnoxious because the thing keeps chiming and popping up in the way every single time I make a post or change tabs within a forum thread.
You can tell you've done your pointless April fools website addon well when it's stopping you using the website and driving people to other sites. Good job.
pretty darn funny. Oh, that means it's really a PDF. I tried hacking a virtual machine to accelerate my clock so i could get points faster. it didn't work. kudos for that. i didn't want to spend any more time on it.
... but yes, I did notice quite a bit of delay today in loading pages from AG. obviously the solution is to wait until tomorrow, but don't try to sell government mandated health insurance or anything... wait, are you guys their contractor?