I have actually just finished a much more complete guide for Multishop Tycoon. Here is the link to my Multishop Tycoon Guide.
This is in the guide but it might help here. It is a list of all the goods and what the maximum selling price is for each area. The (GC-#) indicates when the goods are unlocked. The higher the number the later the good is unlocked. You do not get all the goods until Month 4 and you are limited to (GC-1) goods in Sprint Mode as you only get access to the initial, first month starting goods.
I have listed the goods with the highest profit for each category (GC-#) first in order by unlock time. Then there is a blank line, followed by the rest of the goods in order by maximum profit possible (if the good were sold at the maximum selling price). Then another space, followed by all the goods that do not sell or do not sell for a profit.
The good that sells for the highest amount of profit (if sold at the maximum selling price) has it's statistics in bold along with it's name.
From left to right you will see:
1.) The good's name
2.) The maximum profit for selling one individual type of that good at the maximum selling price. There is a plus sign (+) in front of goods that will earn you money and a negative sign (-) in front of the goods that can not be sold or will not sell for a profit.
3.) The maximum selling price of the good.
4.) The cost to stock one of the good
5.) The good category number (GC-#) which indicates when the good is unlocked.
(GC-1) = Month 1, Day 1 (Initial Starting Goods)
(GC-2) = Month 2, Day 1
(GC-3) = Month 2, Day 5
(GC-4) = Month 2, Day 12
(GC-5) = Month 4, Day 1
Risotto: (+49g) (69g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Sandwich: (+70g) (81g Max.) (11g Cost) (GC-2)
Beef: (+175g) (195g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-3)
Kiwano Juice: (+40g) (55g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-4)
Chicken: (+136g) (146g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Golden Fish: (+87g) (97g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Hot Dog: (+64g) (72g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-2)
Pudding: (+62g) (72g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-2)
Spaghetti: (+60g) (72g Max.) (12g Cost) (GC-2)
Onigiri: (+41g) (61g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Banana: (+35g) (40g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Egg: (+34g) (39g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-3)
Dragon Fruit: (+33g) (40g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Fried Rice: (+33g) (53g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Strawberry: (+32g) (40g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Lontong: (+31g) (46g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Coffee: (+29g) (34g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Milk: (+28g) (34g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Tea: (+27g) (34g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Watermelon: (+24g) (30g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Chocolate: (+24g) (29g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Avocado Juice: (+24g) (34g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-4)
Mustard: (+22g) (29g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Spinach: (+21g) (29g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Apple Juice: (+21g) (29g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Orange Juice: (+21g) (29g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Carrot: (+19g) (24g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Broccoli: (+17g) (24g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Caviar: (-50g) (Good Will Not Sell) (50g Cost) (GC-5)
Steak: (-75g) (Good Will Not Sell) (75g Cost) (GC-5)
Ratatouille: (-80g) (Good Will Not Sell) (80g Cost) (GC-5)
Lobster: (-90g) (Good Will Not Sell) (90g Cost) (GC-5)
Risotto: (+67g) (87g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Sandwich: (+76g) (87g Max.) (11g Cost) (GC-2)
Kiwano Juice: (+48g) (63g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-4)
Hot Dog: (+70g) (78g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-2)
Pudding: (+68g) (78g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-2)
Spaghetti: (+66g) (78g Max.) (12g Cost) (GC-2)
Onigiri: (+58g) (78g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Fried Rice: (+48g) (68g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Lontong: (+43g) (58g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-1)
Banana: (+34g) (39g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Dragon Fruit: (+32g) (39g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Strawberry: (+31g) (39g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Avocado Juice: (+29g) (39g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Coffee: (+26g) (31g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Apple Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Orange Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Milk: (+25g) (31g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Tea: (+24g) (31g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Watermelon: (+23g) (29g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Chocolate: (+22g) (27g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Carrot: (-5g) (Good Will Not Sell) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Egg: (-5g) (Good Will Not Sell) (5g Cost) (GC-3)
Broccoli: (-7g) (Good Will Not Sell) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Mustard: (-7g) (Good Will Not Sell) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Spinach: (-8g) (Good Will Not Sell) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Golden Fish: (-10g) (Good Will Not Sell) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Chicken: (-10g) (Good Will Not Sell) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Beef: (-20g) (Good Will Not Sell) (20g Cost) (GC-3)
Caviar: (-50g) (Good Will Not Sell) (50g Cost) (GC-5)
Steak: (-75g) (Good Will Not Sell) (75g Cost) (GC-5)
Ratatouille: (-80g) (Good Will Not Sell) (80g Cost) (GC-5)
Lobster: (-90g) (Good Will Not Sell) (90g Cost) (GC-5)
Risotto: (+67g) (87g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Sandwich: (+76g) (87g Max.) (11g Cost) (GC-2)
Beef: (+175g) (195g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-3)
Kiwano Juice: (+48g) (63g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-4)
Chicken: (+136g) (146g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Golden Fish: (+87) (97g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Hot Dog: (+70g) (78g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-2)
Pudding: (+68g) (78g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-2)
Spaghetti: (+66g) (78g Max.) (12g Cost) (GC-2)
Onigiri: (+58g) (78g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Fried Rice: (+48g) (68g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Lontong: (+43g) (58g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-1)
Banana: (+34g) (39g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Egg: (+34g) (39g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-3)
Dragon Fruit: (+32g) (39g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Strawberry: (+31g) (39g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Avocado Juice: (+29g) (39g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Coffee: (+29g) (34g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Milk: (+28g) (34g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Tea: (+27g) (34g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Apple Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Orange Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Chocolate: (+24g) (29g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Watermelon: (+23g) (29g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Mustard: (+23g) (30g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Spinach: (+22g) (30g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Carrot: (+20g) (25g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Broccoli: (+18g) (25g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Caviar: (-15g) (35g Max.) (50g Cost) (GC-5)
Ratatouille: (-40g) (40g Max.) (80g Cost) (GC-5)
Lobster: (-45g) (45g Max.) (90g Cost) (GC-5)
Steak: (-50g) (25g Max.) (75g Cost) (GC-5)
Risotto: (+67g) (87g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Sandwich: (+76g) (87g Max.) (11g Cost) (GC-2)
Kiwano Juice: (+48g) (63g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-4)
Lobster: (+292g) (382g Max.) (90g Cost) (GC-5)
Caviar: (+265g) (315g Max.) (50g Cost) (GC-5)
Hot Dog: (+70g) (78g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-2)
Pudding: (+68g) (78g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-2)
Spaghetti: (+66g) (78g Max.) (12g Cost) (GC-2)
Onigiri: (+58g) (78g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Fried Rice: (+48g) (68g Max.) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Lontong: (+43g) (58g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-1)
Banana: (+35g) (40g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Dragon Fruit: (+33g) (40g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Strawberry: (+32g) (40g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Coffee: (+30g) (35g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Milk: (+29g) (35g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Avocado Juice: (+29g) (39g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Tea: (+28g) (35g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Apple Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Orange Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Chocolate: (+25g) (30g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Watermelon: (+24g) (30g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Carrot: (-5g) (Good Will Not Sell) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Egg: (-5g) (Good Will Not Sell) (5g Cost) (GC-3)
Broccoli: (-7g) (Good Will Not Sell) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Mustard: (-7g) (Good Will Not Sell) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Spinach: (-8g) (Good Will Not Sell) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Golden Fish: (-10g) (Good Will Not Sell) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Chicken: (-10g) (Good Will Not Sell) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Beef: (-20g) (Good Will Not Sell) (20g Cost) (GC-3)
Steak: (-75g) (Good Will Not Sell) (75g Cost) (GC-5)
Ratatouille: (-80g) (Good Will Not Sell) (80g Cost) (GC-5)
Ice Coffee: (+29g) (34g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Sandwich: (+76g) (87g Max.) (11g Cost) (GC-2)
Kiwano Juice: (+48g) (63g Max.) (15g Cost) (GC-4)
Lobster: (+360g) (450g Max.) (90g Cost) (GC-5)
Caviar: (+300g) (350g Max.) (50g Cost) (GC-5)
Ratatouille: (+320g) (400g Max.) (80g Cost) (GC-5)
Steak: (+175g) (250g Max.) (75g Cost) (GC-5)
Hot Dog: (+70g) (78g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-2)
Pudding: (+68g) (78g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-2)
Spaghetti: (+66g) (78g Max.) (12g Cost) (GC-2)
Avocado Juice: (+29g) (39g Max.) (10g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Milk: (+28g) (34g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Ice Tea: (+27g) (34g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Apple Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Orange Juice: (+26g) (34g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-4)
Ice Chocolate: (+24g) (29g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Banana: (-1g) (4g Max.) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Dragon Fruit: (-3g) (4g Max.) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Watermelon: (-3g) (3g Max.) (6g Cost) (GC-1)
Strawberry: (-4g) (4g Max.) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Egg: (-5g) (Good Will Not Sell) (5g Cost) (GC-3)
Carrot: (-5g) (Good Will Not Sell) (5g Cost) (GC-1)
Broccoli: (-7g) (Good Will Not Sell) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Mustard: (-7g) (Good Will Not Sell) (7g Cost) (GC-1)
Spinach: (-8g) (Good Will Not Sell) (8g Cost) (GC-1)
Golden Fish: (-10g) (Good Will Not Sell) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Chicken: (-10g) (Good Will Not Sell) (10g Cost) (GC-3)
Lontong: (-15g) (Good Will Not Sell) (15g Cost) (GC-1)
Fried Rice: (-20g) (Good Will Not Sell) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Onigiri: (-20g) (Good Will Not Sell) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Risotto: (-20g) (Good Will Not Sell) (20g Cost) (GC-1)
Beef: (-20g) (Good Will Not Sell) (20g Cost) (GC-3)