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ForumsForum GamesCount to 100 Discussion Thread

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11,891 posts

This is a discussion thread regarding rules and gameplay of 'Count to 100', so that the count isn't frequently interrupted and restarted when a mod posts.

Posts not on topic will be removed.

  • 242 Replies
12,319 posts

this isn't really about Count To 100

It is, because Gantic proposed that Knights would reset the count. The above post basically means that Knights currently won't reset the count, but they will once they gain some mod powers.
17,384 posts

I'll have to disagree with having Knights also reset the count. After all, even though the amount is small, the Knights are just basically normal users with a little bit of recognition by the Admins.

11,891 posts

Advanced Count to 100 Game Play Rules

Count to 100 is a community effort to flawlessly count from 1 to 100 by ones. It is an exercise in communication and teamwork to reach a common goal. Counters from the same team need to work together in order to accomplish this task, as it is not easy. Approximately 1 count succeeds every 500 pages. That is a 2% success rate.

There are two competing teams of counters:
Team USER consists of Knights and Users.
Team MOD consists of Administrators and Moderators.
Team USER mainly does the counting while Team MOD attempts to stop the count before it reaches 100. Team MOD may also attempt to reach 100 and Team USER can stop them.

The count resets if:
- a counter from the other team posts.
- a rule is broken.
- the count has reached 100.

No mistakes. The count must be reset when a mistake is made. It is much easier to continue on with mistake-riddles counts, but it is much more challenging to count flawlessly as this requires good teamwork and communication.
No double-counting. Double-counting is when two different counters from the same team count the same number. Counting 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 is a mistake.
Caveat: DO NOT get stuck in an infinite 1 loop. If two or more different users post 1, continue the count with 2, 3, 4, etc. Otherwise, you end up with an infinite 1 loop.
No back-counting. Back-counting is counting a number that was skipped. Counting 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 is a mistake and will not count. While counting in such a way may result in 100 unique numbers, Count ot 100 is not a number posting game.
No skip-counting. Skip-counting is skipping a number. Counting 1, 3, 4, 5 is a mistake. Skipping to 100 will not count either. The count must increase by ones from 1 to 100.
No editing. No counter may edit their post. If an edit tag shows on a count, the attempt is forfeit. (Previously: Editing is not allowed after 30 seconds from posting. If a post says last edited under it, it is a mistake, even if the number was not edited. The ability to edit has made counting easier, as it erases mistakes, but this feature should not be relied upon, especially for those with slower internet connections.)
No double-posting. Double-posting occurs when one user makes two consecutive posts. There is no reason to double-post.
No back-to-back posting. Back-to-back posting is two counters on the same team posting four or more times consecutively.
Okay: P1 P2 P1 P3
Not Okay: P1 P2 P1 P2
This means a minimum of three counters from the same team is needed to complete a flawless count. The no back-to-back rule encourages more users to participate in a count. It is easy enough for two users to to 100 by chatting away in alternate posts, but this is not the purpose of Count to 100.

No "spamming". Spamming is posting nothing but the number or posting gibberish with the number. Simply posting numbers means you are not participating in the community. Count to 100 is a community effort.
No "cheating". Cheating is cheating. This guide will not outline the ways in which it's possible to cheat, but you shouldn't do it. (Team Mod has more ways to cheat than Team User, but Team Mod wouldn't cheat.)
No "spoiling". Spoiling is intentionally disrupting the count for counters of the same team. This includes intentionally breaking the rules above. Posts with ridiculously out of place numbers and posts without numbers should be ignored, but this does not make it okay to post without numbers. Posts from Team USER must have a number in them.
No "spilping". This is just here to prove you actually read all of these rules. Also, it's a great way to introduce yourself to the other counters and avoids the "No 'spamming'" rule for new users.

9,363 posts

Where is this to take place may I ask.

11,891 posts

Somewhere. Walkthrough forum? Here? Somewhere linked to from the OP. This is definitely too long to read through for an OP. I want to keep the Count to 100 rules simple and easy to read at a glance, so it's possible to read within a minute and gives no excuse not to read them.

432 posts

@Gantic Maybe you should post a link to these more detailed rules on page 1 of the Count to 100 thread (additional to the existing rules). Otherwise new users will never find these more detailed rules.

11,891 posts

I will after I am done with the complete write-up. They just mostly clarify existing rules.

12,319 posts

@MattEmAngel: The mods and admins have always been able to reset the count by users, so the "competition" thing doesn't change that. I would like to see the mods and admins post in Count to 100 less often so the users are more likely to count to 100.

9,808 posts

I feel the mods could easily win this.

Lock the thread and only open it when so they can post real quick

6,737 posts

So is a new Count to 100 thread coming about? Or are the "advanced" rules just the rules for the normal thread? lol idek

12,319 posts

Lock the thread and only open it when so they can post real quick

That would most likely be classified as cheating.

So is a new Count to 100 thread coming about? Or are the "advanced" rules just the rules for the normal thread? lol idek

I'm pretty sure it's just a clarification.
11,891 posts

Sections 1 - 4 without the commentary as in the previous post. Commentary will be added later. There will probably be a section 5 to cover other things.

Let me know if I've missed anything or if anything is confusing or doesn't make sense.

"Count to 100" is a community effort to flawlessly count from 1 to 100 by ones. It is an exercise in communication and teamwork to reach a common goal. Counters from the same team need to work together in order to accomplish this task, as it is not easy. Approximately 1 count succeeds every 500 pages. That is a 2% success rate.* Remember that this is just a game and counters should have fun, but not at the expense of others (except for the mods because we're evil).

* This is not entirely accurate. The success rate is much lower. However, there is approximately a 2% chance of landing on a page containing part of a successful count.

Count to 100
1.0 "Count to 100" is a counting game played by two teams, Team User and Team Mod, under the discretion of the Commissioner of the Count.
1.0.1 Team User consists of Knights and Users (and developers)
1.0.2 Team Mod consists of Administrators and Moderators
1.0.3 Commissioner is the user or moderator tasked with interpreting the rules according to the "spirit of the game" as "Count to 100" has been understood for years, regardless of logical inconsistencies in its rules, under the ideals of Fun and Community.

1.1 The objective of the game is to reach a count of 100 in accordance to the rules below, under the discretion of the Commissioner of the Count.

1.2 A count is determined to be successful if a team reaches the objective. The active participants from that team from that count will be rewarded with 1 "Count to 100" quest and 1 merit if that participant does not already have the quest.

Core Game Rules
2.0 The core game rules must be followed for a count to be deemed successful. Should any rule conflict, the "spirit of the game" will be invoked by the Commissioner.

2.1 A count must start from 1 and increase by ones up to 100, save for exceptions noted below.

2.2 No counter may count two consecutive numbers.

2.3 No two counters may alternate for more than three consecutive numbers.

2.4 No counter may post only the number or gibberish with the number.

2.5 No counter may post without a number or make a post without bolding that number if that number is not at the start of the post.

Supplementary Game Rules
3.0 Supplementary game rules may not affect the count, but they do affect the game, the spirit of the game, and the community.

3.1 No spoiling. Spoiling is the act of disrupting the count for counters of the same team. Spoiling should be ignored and reported. Such behavior is disruptive to the community. Spoiling includes, but is not limited to:
3.1.1 restarting the count for reasons not listed in Section 4.0.
3.1.2 intentionally posting the incorrect number.
3.1.3 intentionally breaking a core game rule.

3.2 No spilping. Spilping is posting without fully reading the simplified rules in the first post of the "Count to 100" thread. While this may be disruptive, it will not reset the count except in the manner outlined in section 3.0. Users new to the count shall post "I'm new and here to count to 100."

3.3 No raging. Raging is posting in an extremely angry manner that may include flaming, badgering, and excessive swearing.

Restarting the Count
4.0 The count shall be restarted from 1 if:
4.0.1 a counter from the opposing team posts. The opposing team shall make a stopping post to interrupt the count for the counting team. A stopping post is not required to include a number.
4.0.2 a mistake is made in the count. A mistake consists of one of the following errors: Double-counting. Counting the same number twice is a mistake, except in the case of counting 1 twice. If 1 is counted twice, normal counting will resume with 2. Skip-counting. Counting a number that is not consecutive, except in the case of a restart. Back-counting. Counting a number that was skipped.
4.0.3 an edit is made in the count. Any edit after posting, except in the case of a moderator editing a user's post of site-rule-breaking content, will reset the count, regardless of what was edited.
4.0.4 back-to-back counting, defined in Section 2.3, occurs.
4.0.5 a spam post, defined Section 2.4, is made.
4.0.6 cheating occurs. Cheating is acting in a manner that does not align with the "spirit of the game". This includes using deceit and underhanded tactics (e.g. locking the thread so users can't post) in order to reach a count of 100.
4.0.7 the count has reached 100. Once the count has reached 100, the next count will restart from 1.

4.1 The count shall NOT be restarted from 1 if:
4.1.1 a post without a number is made, except in the case of a stopping post.
4.1.2 spoiling occurs.

9,363 posts

I like the sound of Commissioner's.

Everything else sounds pretty top notch and accurate.

12,319 posts

A few things:

1) Who will be the commissioner?

2) If an intentional mistake is within 1 of the previous number, then rules 4.0.2 and 4.1.2 would both seem to apply, but they contradict each other. On page 5, Gantic said no to blacklists, which I interpret as saying no to automatically ignoring users. Since we have to ignore posts based on the post and not the user, the conflict would have to be resolved in any of the following ways:

2a) Rule 3.1.2 only applies if the mistake is more than 1 number away from the previous/correct number. However, to prevent false positives, the threshold should be different depending on a user's counting history. I recommend a threshold of 10 for users who have established their ability to count and have no history of trolling/spoiling. If a user is suspected of trolling, then that user should be reported to a mod, and the threshold for spoiling should be reduced to 2 to aid in ignoring a suspected troll. The threshold of 10 also doesn't apply to new users, so don't reset the count after a new user posts unless the new user posts "I'm new and here to count to 100." and seems aware of the rules (such a mistake may include failure to edit within 30 seconds after being ninja'd).

2b) Rule 3.1.2 only applies if the mistake is at least 2 numbers away from the previous/correct number. However, if a user is suspected of trolling (repeated spoiling, even if it's within 1 of the previous number), then that user should be reported to a mod. In addition, the Commissioner should have the power to rule that ANY mistake by a suspected troll should be ignored. However, the correct number should NEVER be ignored. In the event of a ninjafest (where many users are posting quickly), the Commissioner should have the power to temporarily increase the threshold for Rule 3.1.2, so that ninja'd users aren't incorrectly flagged as trolls (if failure or inability to defend against being ninja'd is considered trolling, that would effectively make Count to 100 a limited access thread, which is wrong).

Final thoughts about #2: I would be OK with either 2a or 2b, but if I had to vote on which one would take effect, I would prefer 2a, since it works even if the Commissioner is inactive, and it allows good users to count normally without worrying about being falsely reported.

Discuss: First of all, it is important to resolve #2 so we only catch real trolls. However, your idea of resolving #2 may be a modified version of 2a or 2b. I have already shown a preference for 2a, but I wouldn't mind a modified version as long as it doesn't break the spirit of 2a, which is to allow good users to count normally without worrying about false reports, and it works without the need for the Commissioner to be active.

738 posts

2.5 No counter may post without a number

4.1 The count shall NOT be restarted from 1 if:
4.1.1 a post without a number is made

So... You may not post without a number, but there are no consequences ?
Showing 61-75 of 242