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ForumsForum GamesCount to 100 Discussion Thread

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11,891 posts

This is a discussion thread regarding rules and gameplay of 'Count to 100', so that the count isn't frequently interrupted and restarted when a mod posts.

Posts not on topic will be removed.

  • 242 Replies
12,319 posts

So... You may not post without a number, but there are no consequences ?

On the surface, that's correct. However, users who repeatedly post without a number should be reported as suspected trolls.
738 posts

Alright, thanks !

11,891 posts

@Patrick2011 I am currently the Commissioner, conflict of interest and all.

Judging at what might be a mistake vs troll post is pretty much in line with some of the judgment calls we make as a mod. It really depends on the user's history. The thing with anti-spoiling measures is anything advanced might be overly complex. Another viable option might be to assign some deputies/referees/constable/something to the count to make things run a bit more smoothly. That would avoid the issue of having to put a whitelist or some other exclusionary measure in place.

@Miraidematro: Basically what Patrick said. There aren't any consequences for the count, but there might be oer consequences.

9,363 posts

Seeing as your a commissioner @Gantic then shouldn't you get a regular user to be a second one, just to even things out.

11,891 posts

@JACKinbigletters: That's what I'm considering seeing as the users would be more familiar with the rules and what goes on than the other mods.

9,363 posts

Plus we'd be on more often then the mods, maybe get a few people from a few different time zones just to make sure that it's watched most of the time.

11,891 posts

Section 1 - 5 with hypothetical cases, explanations, clarifications, and exceptions noted.

Section 2.1 includes a new handicap rule for competitive play.
Section 5 covers validation/invalidation of a count for the group and the individual, but does not cover all cases.

These are only "semi"-official, but will come into effect soon.

I doubt this covers everything, but anything more added alter will probably server to further reduce or eliminate any disagreements on what can and can't, should or shouldn't be done.

Let me know if I've missed anything or if anything is confusing or doesn't make sense.

"Count to 100" is a community effort to flawlessly count from 1 to 100 by ones. It is an exercise in communication and teamwork to reach a common goal. Counters from the same team need to work together in order to accomplish this task, as it is not easy. Approximately 1 count succeeds every 500 pages. That is a 2% success rate.* Remember that this is just a game and counters should have fun, but not at the expense of others (except for the mods because we're evil).

* This is not entirely accurate. The success rate is much lower. However, there is approximately a 2% chance of landing on a page containing part of a successful count.

Count to 100
1.0 "Count to 100" is a counting game played by two teams, Team User and Team Mod, under the discretion of the Commissioner of the Count.
1.0.1 Team User consists of Knights and Users (and developers and Wardens)
1.0.2 Team Mod consists of Administrators and Moderators
1.0.3 Commissioner is the user or moderator tasked with interpreting the rules according to the "spirit of the game" as "Count to 100" has been understood for years, regardless of logical inconsistencies in its rules, under the ideals of Fun and Community.

1.1 The objective of the game is to reach a count of 100 in accordance to the rules below.

1.2 A count is determined to be successful if a team reaches the objective. The active participants from that team from that count will be rewarded with 1 "Count to 100" quest and 1 merit if that participant does not already have the quest.

Core Game Rules
2.0 The core game rules must be followed for a count to be deemed successful. Should any rule conflict, the "spirit of the game" will be invoked by the Commissioner.
2.1 A count must start from 1 and increase by ones up to 100 for 100 consecutive posts, save for exceptions noted below.
Exception: Handicap rule. The challenging team, i.e. the team without the current win, may count up to 100 divided by wins by the incumbent team, i.e. the team with the current win, since the last win of the challenging team rounded up or to 100, whichever is lower.
If Team User wins once, Team Mod counts to 100. (100/1 = 100)
If Team User wins two in a row, Team Mod counts to 50. (100/2 = 50)
If Team User wins three in a row, Team Mod counts to 34. (100/3 = 33.333... ~34).
and vice versa.
Handicaps will be noted on the scoreboard if a team scores on a handicap.
2.2 No counter may count two consecutive numbers.
Case 1. Okay: P1 P2
Case 2. Okay: P1 restart P1
Case 3. Not Okay: P1 P1
2.3 No two counters may alternate for more than three consecutive numbers.
Explanation: This is derived from the original moderator interpretation of the back-to-back posting rule. In this way, no two users can complete the count without a third. This increases the challenge of reaching 100 and promotes the use of teamwork and communication. It also discourages use of the thread as conversation between two counters.
Case 1. Okay: P1 P2 P1 P3
Case 2. Okay: P1 P2 restart P1 P2
Case 3. Not Okay: P1 P2 P1 P2
Case 4. Not Okay: P1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 10...
2.4 No counter may post only the number or gibberish with the number.
Case 1. Not Okay: 1.
Case 2. Not Okay: 1. sdiovpadac asdooi
2.5 No counter may post without a counting number or make a post without bolding that counting number if that number is not at the start of the post.
Case 1. Not Okay: We have to start back at the beginning.
Case 2. Okay: Uno. We have to start back at the beginning.
Case 3. Not Okay: We have to start back at 1.
Case 4. Okay: We have to start back at 1.
Case 5. Okay: Why are there no new posts here?
Clarification: "Wacky" non-Arabic numeral (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.) counting is not prohibited, but it is not recommended, as it might confuse other counters.
Exception: Stopping posts (see 4.0.1), celebratory posts, posts from the Commissioner acting in the capacity of the Commissioner, and posts from moderators and administrators are exempt from this rule.
2.6 No counter may edit their post. If an edit tag shows in a count, the attempt is forfeit.

Supplementary Game Rules
3.0 Supplementary game rules may not affect the count, but they do affect the game, the spirit of the game, and the community.
3.1 No spoiling. Spoiling is the act of disrupting the count for counters of the same team. Spoiling includes, but is not limited to:
3.1.1 restarting the count for reasons not listed in Section 4.0.
3.1.2 intentionally posting the incorrect number.
3.1.3 intentionally breaking a core game rule.
Comment: Spoiling should be ignored and reported. Such behavior is disruptive to the community and will not be tolerated.
3.2 No cheating. Cheating is acting in a manner that does not align with the "spirit of the game". This includes breaking site rules, using deceit, or using underhanded tactics in order to reach a count of 100.
3.2.1 Team Mod is not allowed to modify the thread or the posts therein by locking, deleting, moving, the thread or posts or using Moderator or Administrator actions not in the capacity of enforcing the site's rules to reach a count of 100.
Clarification: The thread title may be edited, but not to the effect that users cannot find the thread at all by the title.
3.3 No spilping. Spilping is posting without fully reading the simplified rules in the first post of the "Count to 100" thread. While this may be disruptive, it will not reset the count except in the manner outlined in section 4.0. Users new to the count shall post "I'm new and here to count to 100."
Explanation: This rule is to make sure new users have read the rules, even if they might not necessarily understand all of them. Not reading the rules will very likely result in Case 1 of Section 2.4, which will restart the count.
3.4 No raging. Raging is posting in an extremely angry manner that may include flaming, badgering, and excessive swearing.

Restarting the Count
4.0 The count shall be restarted from 1 if:
4.0.1 a counter from the opposing team posts. The opposing team shall make a stopping post to interrupt the count for the counting team. A stopping post is not required to include a number.
4.0.2 a mistake is made in the count. A mistake consists of one of the following errors: Double-counting. Counting the same number twice is a mistake, except in the case of counting 1 twice. If 1 is counted twice, normal counting will resume with 2. Skip-counting. Counting a number that is not consecutive, except in the case of a restart. Back-counting. Counting a number that was skipped.
4.0.3 an edit is made in the count. Any edit after thirty seconds from posting, except in the case of a moderator editing a user's post of site-rule-breaking content, will reset the count, regardless of what was edited.
4.0.4 back-to-back counting, defined in Section 2.3, occurs.
4.0.5 a spam post, defined Section 2.4, is made.
4.0.6 cheating occurs.
4.0.7 the count has reached 100. Once the count has reached 100, the next count will restart from 1.
4.1 The count shall NOT be restarted from 1 if:
4.1.1 a post without a number is made, except in the case of a stopping post.
4.1.2 spoiling occurs.

Validating the Count
5.0 The count shall be validated by the Commissioner upon reaching 100.
5.1 A count deemed valid will confer the "Count to 100" quest and a merit for reach active participant in that successful count if that participant does not already have the "Count to 100" quest.
5.2 The count may be invalidated for the group for:
5.2.1 breaking core game rules listed in Section 2.0 to reach the goal.
5.2.2 spamming to reach the goal. Spamming is different from a spam post. Multiple short consecutive or semi-consecutive posts may not count for the purposes of reaching the goal.
5.2.3 cheating to reach the goal.
5.2.4 ignoring a non-spoil count.
5.3 The count may be invalidated for the individual for:
5.3.1 non-count posts in counting position.
Explanation: Non-count posts in a counting position should not be made. They are in a position where they should contain a number but don't to avoid being ninja'd or breaking a core rule. In this case, the non-count post in a counting position will noted as either (a) non-participation if such a post would not violate a core game rule if it was numbered, except for the case of being ninja'd or (b) violation if such a post would cause a violation a core game rule if it was numbered. The counter will not be scored.
5.3.2 spoiling.
5.3.3 cheating.

3,173 posts

Although rare and it may be covered indirectly in the rules already, what should happen if a spam bot posts in the Count to 100 thread?

12,319 posts

If the spambot doesn't include a number, then its posts should be ignored and the spambot reported, though the report should always happen.

11,891 posts

That depends. It should be covered under noncount posts and mod actions. There should be no effect overall.

16,463 posts

1 every 500 is not a 2% rate, it's a 0.2% rate.

11,891 posts

It takes 10 pages to do a successful count. If 10 counts succeed in 100 pages, then that's 100% success rate. Going by page count alone gives the upper limit,* assuming no mistakes and noncount posts are made and the count is stopped at 99. The true success rate would be calculated from the number of succesful starts over the number of total starts, and I'm not about to go through 1700 pages to count the number of times a count has been started. I could approcimate by getting the average length of a count and divide by the pages, but non count posts mess with the numbers. The true success rate is probably below 1%.

11,891 posts

General Discussion: Count to 100 has been up for over seven months now. Is everything smooth now? Are there any modifications that might be needed? Other comments and feedback?

16,585 posts

I think the rabbit.. needs to go. Just kidding, but reaching it is difficult.

11,891 posts

Gameplay Proposal #5 Random Special Event Days

# Mod-Free Mondays
This is fairly self-explanatory. On Mod-Free Mondays, Mods and Admins will not interfere with the count for 24hrs Eastern Time on Mondays. Even if this proposal passes by Team User, it would still need to be okayed by Team Mod.

# Half-off Hump Day
For 12 hours from noon to midnight on a Wednesday, count to half of the current goal for your team.

# Forgiving Fridays
Per counting attempt,
One newcounter who doesn't read the rules will be forgiven.
One ninja will be forgiven.
Bad edits will not be forgiven.

Wacky Wednesdays?
Turbulent Tuesdays?
Saucy Sundays?
Thundering Thursdays?
Slap-the-above-user Saturdays?
Any other suggestions?

These days will be random and uncommon. The reason for that is so people actually count on days that aren't Mod-Free, not that it being Mod-Free actually helps much what with all the lurking ninjas.

Showing 76-90 of 242