I don't understand what you mean? There's no limitation about when people can use it as is so long as it's a comment.
Anyways, it's no longer AG's own comment system, they're currently using disqus which is used on many websites but that also means that AG can't change it.
These options on comments are used by people very rare. I suggest to make a new option to let people use it more than before.
People do use this. I think ever since this has been introduced. The number of comments from people have increased. It is now easier to find comments on busy games. If someone replies to you, you will be notified. As for the up and down votes. People do use this system. If you have put a comment that will help people. It will likely be upvoted. Which then you can sort comments by number of votes. So most helpful comments will appear.
In your post you have stated nothing about what needs to be improved. What is it you would like to see?
@Gladiator246 think you confound something, hes not talking about the new rating system, hes talking about the disqus-feature (vote up/vote down) on comments!