ForumsQuestsSentry Knight 2 Quests

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A bunch of new quests for Sentry Knight 2! Earn them all.
Mom Slaughter
Kill a Momma Slime.
Hardness: Easy
Kill 200 enemies.
Hardness: Easy
Close Calls
Stop a total of 10 enemies from hitting you after they've begun their attack.
Hardness: Easy
Spider: Well-Done
Set a Spider on fire.
Hardness: Easy
Max out a single Spell.
Hardness: Easy
Comeback Kid
Complete a world after taking 2x more damage than your total HP.
Hardness: Medium
Burn, Freeze and Plague a single enemy all at the same time.
Hardness: Medium
Destroy the Rock Elemental before he or his Rock Babies damage your tower.
Hardness: Medium
A Knight's Task
Score 3 Stars on every world of Eriford and Londorin.
Hardness: Hard
Wizard Blood
Equip a Spell on every slot of your hotbar.
Hardness: Hard
Survive 30 minutes in Survival Mode.
Hardness: Hard
God Tier
Max out a single Upgrade.
Hardness: Hard

  • 71 Replies
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

hi how to burn spider ?

Cast a firewall under it.
6 posts

I am impressed by how much the game could handle before crashing!

12 posts

@Kyll Haha, how did you manage to get the game to that state in the first place?

6 posts

Cheated my way to the end of the game, speed hacked, then removed the computed code line that damages the player... Then going to eat my breakfast.

The game actually crashed when I triggered all my spells at once though. I still got that spider.

3,174 posts


I just realized we might be talking about two "different" games here. There has been a new patch that adds additional benefits to the spells. It may have made it much easier to get to 30 minutes in survival and may have made fire (as well as other spells) much more powerful.

7,042 posts
Grand Duke

I survied for 1h 32 min in survial with this new chest-items... scored 5.559 million.

650 posts

@Reton8 - Sure, Winter's Freeze is a good spell. It just doesn't match how useful the Fire tree is at the time you can get them. When leveling, the Fire tree is ridiculously better.

Once you have everything maxed, Fire is still by far the best tree, but Ice is easily second best. There is really no reason to put points in the Plague tree until you've leveled enough that you have nowhere else to put them.

So basically, with 7 slots, the ideal combo is 3 fire spells, 3 ice spells, and one plague spell that you use occasionally.

You shouldn't be using spells just because there doesn't happen to be anything better. They should be balanced so that you have to pick which one suits your playstyle better.

I guess my point is that I'm rather disappointed with the lack of customization and meaningful choices in the talent trees. You just put points in everything, but there is a clear best place to put points first.

I'd much rather have seen something where you have to make a choice at each tier. Rather than just leveling up and getting everything, you get the three spells, and then to make a choice at a talent to improve only ONE of the spells. For instance, at level 1, you still have the 3 level 1 spells. But when you level, you pick ONE talent. The Ice talent would give it knockback, the Fire talent would give it more damage or a lower cooldown, the Plague talent would add a DoT. Balanced properly, that gives you meaningful choices.

12 posts

@Olinser I like the idea of giving a choice between three talents every level. Kind of how WoW does it now with their talents. In the long run, I don't think it's any different than just having the player choose which talents from any tree and tier (assuming that tier of the tree is unlocked).

All the trees are designed to be as balanced as possible. Not sure why the Unholy tree doesn't get any love. Gargoyle is a heavy hitter AND it's automatically Plaguing enemies (slowed and damage over time). Not to mention Plague Bane is a pretty crucial spell, especially at Rank 3. The Rank 3 talent modifiers I added should make spell synergy/rotation a bit more significant when using different trees. For example in the Unholy tree, you could use Gargoyle to highly damage and automatically plague a bunch on on-screen enemies, and then use a Rank 3 Army of Undead to march out and damage them at 100% more damage (Rank 3 increases all damage against Burned, Frozen or Plagued enemies), not to mention knocking them back. Maybe it's because Unholy is a bit "slower" paced than the other trees. Gargoyle takes a couple seconds to come out and Army of Undead is a slow march up the battlefield, but I made their mechanics and damage based off of the fact that they are indeed slow.

The Ice tree has a lot of crowd control but also has some pretty nifty spells in Ice Shard (highly damaging/effective) and Winter's Freeze, which is also incredibly useful in late game when your screen might get flooded with enemies. Winter's Freeze at Rank 3 is nuts, especially with a maxed out Bow upgrade.

The Fire tree is powerful too, though. We didn't specifically design the trees so that one would be the "best" tree. Like I said, we tried to keep it so each tree was valuable, each tree could be specialized, etc. and I think the new talent modifiers further increase the ability to use any tree a player wants.

3,174 posts

The way I played was rather different. I unlocked all the first level spells first. Then I put points into each of the first level talents (bottom right corner of each talent tree). I then upgraded all the first level spells and talents, and then unlocked one tier 2 spell (repeated the process until I had every spell unlocked). I used all my spells for almost every stage, but for a very long time I had only the three level one spells and one level 2 spell. It worked fine for me. It wasn't an abandon everything for fire tree approach at all.

12 posts

I guess I can see where his issue comes from, in that the Fire tree is pretty damage effective at low levels, where as Frigid Blast doesn't really deal damage at all (mainly used as crowd control spell, which is crucial in its own right) and Plague Bane doesn't hit nearly as hard. Fireball is the highest damaging Tier 1 spell and it has a large area of effect, Wall of Fire is nothing to mess with either. So leveling with Fire might seem a bit easier.

I don't know, I'll definitely look into adjusting the trees a bit more if necessary. Maybe make the Fireball have a tad slower movement speed and reduce the Wall of Fire damage by just a smidge. I'm going to be consistently updating and adjusting the game, so expect a lot of things to be re-tuned or changed. Do you have any suggestions, @Olinser?

3,174 posts

True, I guess it seemed balanced to me because I didn't play that way.

650 posts

@JwolfGames - I just prefer games that have meaningful choices. Right now the only choice you make is where you put points first - but you get everything eventually. I like having the ability to change up how you play the game. The difference between giving a spell increased damage and better control/CC, or the difference between having a higher damage spell, or a lower damage faster spell. Rather than just having all talents accessible, on each tier, you can only pick ONE of the non-spell talents at a time, or only one school of talents (Plague, Fire, Ice). That actually adds in a degree of strategy to how you set things up and how you play, rather than just 'ut points in everything eventually'.

It's less Fireball that's causing the trees to be unbalanced, and just the insane synergy between Wall of Fire and Combustion. The guaranteed burn means that when you use Wall of Fire on a pack of enemies, you get a large amount of Combustion procs, which massively boosts damage. Add that on to the guaranteed increased damage while burned, and a single Wall of Fire + Fireball is enough to clear pretty much any pack of enemies in the game short of the bosses (and doing that on top of a boss takes a pretty significant chunk of its HP off). Neither of the other level 2 spells come anywhere close to matching the damage output of Wall of Fire + Combustion, and the cooldown is incredibly short for how effective it is.

Plague is just a poor tree because it appears that you significantly over-estimate how useful the DoT and slow are. Practically what it results in is you hitting people with Plague spells, then having to finish them off some other way because you can't wait for the DoT to tick, or the DoT wasn't going to finish them off anyway. The slow isn't that useful - freeze is simply better, and fire spells just kill them so you don't even have to worry about it. Basically you've sacrificed damage for utility, but the utility still isn't that great.

@Reton8 - Also.... is there something wrong with the game? It's not loading up and is just a white screen.

12 posts

All valid points, @Olinser. The reason all talents are available is because I think a lot (likely the vast majority) would rather have everything available to them. I definitely understand where you're coming from in terms of strategic gameplay, however most people want to experience everything at once, have all powers, etc. I believe we actually tried something like this with Sentry Knight 1 (we put in a fairly low level cap, so players would never actually get all their Talents) and so many people complained on Kongregate that we had to open up all trees and talents so that everyone could max out all spells eventually.

I'll definitely look into adjusting the trees a tad more so that Fire isn't just the "go-to" tree. Maybe decreasing the Wildfire percentage a bit as well as nerfing Combustion a bit. Will also look into adjusting the Unholy tree as well, make the damage over time on Plague a bit more viable.

As for the game not loading, it appears to be okay for me. Not sure.

3,174 posts


Is the final boss Crypt Keeper supposed to be so hard to beat on Monster Power 10? I was level 80 and it was a good ten minutes in and he was only like a third of his health down. But what really made it impossible was the attack he does when he sends a beam of energy into the sky which drops directly on your tower. It seems that the attack does not end until you do X Amount of damage. But even throwing every spell I had at him would not be enough to end the attack.. Especially later in the stage, it seemed I needed to do more and more damage to end the attack. It just got to a point, where I felt helpless to stop the attack and I lost. No potion drops either, so Soul Crystal and heal over time are the only way to heal.

The boss seems perfectly balance for Monster Power 1, probably beatable up to Monster Power 5 or so, but at Monster Power 10 it feels impossible.

It's loading fine for me at the moment. I'm using Mozilla Firefox, if it's any help.

12 posts


Yea, at the moment Monster Power may need a little adjusting at higher powers. I'll take a look into the Crypt Keeper and see if I can adjust him so that his damage threshold to stop his beam attack will be a bit lower so it's possible.

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