I think mine is........ A weapon that can shoot with any thing in the world! (I bet that will cost more than a million dollars to build so if anyone pays me a million dollars it will still not be enough )
ANYWAYS........Be creative.....just type in crazy ideas.....maybe someone in the future will see this and pay you a million dollars
I am not talking about a catapult.
I mean a modern weapon that can shoot on the moment with anything you load and it is the size of an uhmmmmm let's say......M14 or any weapon of that size.
maybe.... world peace? nope. how about puppy shelters all over? no. maybe a grenade launcher? heck yeah! NOT. My idea is...well.... a million dollars in $
food scented deodorant, like fried chicken.. cheese burgers.. and such, i submitted it to a creation contest that the prize was like 10k or 100k or something, but at last, i did not win.
concealed black hole (probobally will cost about 999G (G stands for google not grand))
First off that would be rather reduntant as a black hole emits/reflects exactly 0.00000000% of any light that touches it. Secondly, that would consume anything that came near it completely, making it impossible to stop assuming small enough to be practical and not world destroying is even possible. And finally, Googol*
My billion dollar idea was Manscouts, but my brother insists that that's called the army -_-