ForumsForum GamesHow Gantic Are You? | Is Over!

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11,891 posts

Welcome to How Gantic Are You? the quiz thread game show that measures your Gantessence. This is a highly accurate patented process. Get ready to prove your Ganticness with Gantickery and Ganticisms. Are you a Ganticable Gantoid? or a Ganticious Gantian? Find out now!

Sign-ups are open until 10-20 spots are filled or 1 week passes, whichever happens first. Please do not drop out in the middle of it. While signing up, please wager the amount of Gantic Points that you are the most Gantic of all Gantestants.

Gantestants will be scored with Gantic Points up to the final round.
Gantestants with low Gantic Points at the end of the round may be eliminated.
Gantestants may complete secret challenges to win bonus Gantic Points.

10 apldeap123
40 Darkfire45
20 evilsweetblock
all JACKinbigletters
50 Lowco1
all MattEmAngel
32 Nerdsoft
9/10 nivlac724
25 pangtongshu
26 Patrick2011
10 R2D21999
08 Reton8
20 riku_ullman
3/4 StormWalker
26 TheMostManlyMan

()_() Gantic has taken over this thread.
(-ò_ó) Long live the Rabbit King!
o(")_(") Great is the White One!

  • 236 Replies
5,825 posts

Maybe my wager was a bit high, I'm changing my wager to 26.


11,891 posts

Hm. Doesn't seem like anyone is going to fill those last four slots.

Should I start or wait?

12,319 posts

Hm. Doesn't seem like anyone is going to fill those last four slots.

Should I start or wait?

Actually, only 15 users have signed up, but I would still start no later than tomorrow.
11,891 posts

So I counted wrong. The title has been corrected.

2,613 posts

Can I change my wager to 20 gantic points?

5,825 posts

@evilsweetblock yup! You can until sign ups are officially over!

11,891 posts

Sign-ups are officially closed and all wagers are locked in. If I have your wager incorrect, please let me know.

The current standings are:

00010 apldeap123
00010 R2D21999
00000 Darkfire45
00000 evilsweetblock
00000 JACKinbigletters
00000 Lowco1
00000 MattEmAngel
00000 Nerdsoft
00000 nivlac724
00000 pangtongshu
00000 Patrick2011
00000 Reton8
00000 riku_ullman
00000 StormWalker
00000 TheMostManlyMan

Gantic would have wagered 10 Gantic Points that he was the most Gantic, so apldeap123 and R2D21999 finished Round 0 with 10 bonus Gantic Points.

Round 1 is a question round related to forum games. Please answer the following questions as completely as possible.

The fewer correct answer each question receives, the more Gantic Points will be awarded for the correct answer. Each question is worth 10 Gantic Points up to a maximum of 150 Gantic Points (if you are the only Gantestant to answer the question correctly). Partially correct answers will receive partial points. Wrong answers score 0 Gantic Points. Possible scores for this round will fall within the range of 0 - 750 Gantic Points. Gantestants who with no Gantic Points or the Gantestant with the lowest Gantic Points at the end of this round may be eliminated. Eliminations will be done by a round-to-round basis, except in the case of a tie.

The questions are below. Except for the third question, all of the answers can be found on the forums, but they are not specifically related to the question and may be found outside of Forum Games.

1. You are going to create a forum game, but there is already a forum game by the name you wanted. What was the name you wanted and what do you name your forum game instead?

2. What is at the end of the Ganticombs? This is not the Infinite Subchambers, but the Thousand Chambers, which was never completed, nor will it be, but what was the planned thousandth chamber?

3. Pretend for a moment, that you are a mod, if you are not one already, and the users have reached a count has reached 90 counting 3 numbers a minute. At what number do you submit your post to break their count?

4. Where is the Holy Grail?

5. Which question or questions will be worth the most Gantic Points?

You have one week to submit your answers and you may not change them after they have been submitted.

12,319 posts

1. It depends on what one wants the forum game to be.

2. In the middle of the chamber is a tear in spacetime that leads to another chamber in a different time. On one of the walls is a locked door, but there is no key.

3. The answer is 1 to start the mod count.

4. Somewhere Somewhere

5. Questions 1 and 3 because Question 1 has many possible answers, and Question 3 is a trick question.

17,384 posts

1. Depending on the content of the forum games. If there's already another forum game like mine, I just reword the title differently.

2. A portal which would lead one to the very first chamber.

3. 0. Because you have to start somewhere right? And besides, all counts start from 0.

4. Somewhere in 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'.

5. 2, 3 and 5. 2 because you were the one who developed that forum game in the first place, 3 because you can start anywhere in order to break their count and 5 because there has to be a minor catch to it.

9,808 posts

1. You are going to create a forum game, but there is already a forum game by the name you wanted. What was the name you wanted and what do you name your forum game instead?

A "Bad with..." game. Maybe Bad with Sames?
Might change to Not good with similars :^)

2. What is at the end of the Ganticombs? This is not the Infinite Subchambers, but the Thousand Chambers, which was never completed, nor will it be, but what was the planned thousandth chamber?

A merit

3. Pretend for a moment, that you are a mod, if you are not one already, and the users have reached a count has reached 90 counting 3 numbers a minute. At what number do you submit your post to break their count?


4. Where is the Holy Grail?

In front of us where we can't see

5. Which question or questions will be worth the most Gantic Points?

This one
1,266 posts

1. A slightly quirky synonym to a synonym with some slight quirks.

2. A free quest. Which you will not get.

3. 99, of course. Straight after the second number; even if you're ninja'd, just edit the post after 31 seconds to rub it in.

4. Doesn't matter, the rabbit will get you first.

5. The ones you answer correctly.

8,231 posts

1. Change a letter and the rules.

2. A time warp to Chamber 1.

3. 1, because mod count is the top priority.

4. The Castle of Unnggghhhh.

5. The ones that are right.

1,148 posts

1. bad with _____.
you should keep it that way.
2. a portal linked to chamber 1.
3. you do not break the count. that is plain mean.
4. I am not reading that fourm, so I will skip this one.
5. the one that gets answered with the correct answer the least.

2,555 posts

1. if the name is the same the actual game might be as well if this is the case than to bad someone has already made that game if its only the name that is the same than you just have to think of a similar name.

2. a postal leading to the second first ganticomb

3. at 99 to make the users like NOOOooOOooOOOoOOoooOOooOOOOOooOo TIME TO COMMIT SUCIDE

4. Its up to the fourmnauts. One day... One day.

5. This one because its the hardest

5,825 posts

I feel like this is somewhat unfair as I can just look at other people's posts for help.

1. Bad with games.

2. For the sake of not saying what the others said, (though I think I did come up with it independent of their posts) I'll say that it's a humanoid rabbit that tells me that he is the creator of the matrix that we are all in.

3. I'll give you the answer that I came up with, not the one they the other users gave, which is about 97.

4. In the castle of "aaaaahhhhh"

5. The second because it was never created, therefore we can't just go and search for it. Giving nobody an advantage because they have vast knowledge of the forums. The only advantage anyone could have would therefore be how much like Gantic they are. The more like Gantic they are, the more likely they are to get the right answer.


Showing 46-60 of 236